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my car. well was my car...

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May 10, 2004
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Mah House
ok so anyways. i am a total car freak.

muscle cars, jdm, euro, exotic, i love em.

and my dream car was either a 67 jet black camaro with a 454 big block.


a 94 mr2 turbo.

well anyways i worked my ass off until about a month ago.

and bought this.


b1zn4tch - my car. well was my car... - RaGEZONE Forums


b1zn4tch - my car. well was my car... - RaGEZONE Forums

and then it turned into...


b1zn4tch - my car. well was my car... - RaGEZONE Forums

well i got this sick blue mr2 turbo t top.

and had it pushing 15psi.

had a 900 turbo back exhaust on it.

i owned my dream car as a first car.


well my parents didnt care.

they didnt let me keep it.

even though i had money for everything even gas and title, and it was gonna be registered under my grandma's name till i was 18.

but they made me get my money back.

and then my grandma bought me an 07 sentra.

i am thankful, believe me i am, a free car.

but i saved up and bought my dream car.

it was so beautiful.

and the exterior is it in my driveway, and my finger in the bottom right corner.

anyways. comments.
Well think about it, when he wants a new car that new 07 car will still be worth something when he sells it but your other car has lost it's value but still.. it's a awesome car but I wouldn't use it for my first car I wouldn't want to crash it :P.

just cos its 07 doesn't mean its gonna sell for high, 2nd hand 1993 skylines still sell for higher than some new 07 cars. and just cos its your first car doesn't mean ur gonna crash it. it could be your first or your tenth car, it'll still have the same chance of crashing, it just depends on how sensible you are and the risks you take.
I hate to say this mate but from one car enthusiast to another your parents did the right thing. There's no way I'd let my son drive away with his first car being a 2.0l turbo RWD car - it's far too risky. MR2's are notorious for the back end stepping out if you come close to boost in a corner. I'm afraid I have to disagree with Rishwin here, there is a very high chance you will crash that car. Pulling away from a junction and tapping boost will spin you 360. You'd need to be so, so careful.

All in the interest of your safety mate, it's far too risky to straight away jump into a car like that. My car still almost rips my head off and I've had it going on a year - and it's AWD. I still wouldn't by a turbo'd RWD car because I'm not experienced enough.

Although making you get rid of it was too harsh - I would've insisted you store it or something. Possibly I (being a parent) would drive it about every week or so to keep it in order for when I felt you were ready. When I have my child, and if they are as in to cars as I am then I'll take him/her out in whatever I've got at the time and teach them about how to respect and treat a powerful car. At least then I can have some peave of mind when they move on to something turbo'd. Until then, they're going to be stuck with the smallest engined car I can find them.
parents didnt let me get the m600
it is useless to me like they said
gave them proof how im gonna use it
got it

your parents care about your safety
like you said you are under 18...
even then smo, them taking it away from him was just wrong. wow so they achieved their goal of keeping him safe at the expense of him having his dream car.

so what happens when hes 18? i'll tell you what, hes gonna go and buy the dam car! doesn't matter if they like it or not, hes 18 now and can do what he wants. where did their "good parenting" get them? absolutely nowhere.

what they SHOULD have done is let him drive it, but MAKE SURE he drives it safely, go driving with him a few times and INSTRUCT him on how to drive it safely. that way once he turns 18 and does what he likes, the good habits have already been instilled onto him.
Tbh, when you live under your parents house, you live by their rules, I had a shitty 1.1 205 as my first car, was a beast got it to 110 when i had it, lets be honest, you have a powerful car like that, chances are you'll either scrape it a whole bunch, or jus crash n wreck it so u got saved.
even then smo, them taking it away from him was just wrong. wow so they achieved their goal of keeping him safe at the expense of him having his dream car.
I know dude, I agreed there. I said they should've let him store it or let them drive it rather than making him sell it on.

so what happens when hes 18? i'll tell you what, hes gonna go and buy the dam car! doesn't matter if they like it or not, hes 18 now and can do what he wants. where did their "good parenting" get them? absolutely nowhere.
I realise he'll be an adult - I don't see why you're bringing his parents' ability to raise children into this. He should have the common knowledge to drive it carefully. I'm not saying he won't, but I think it's perfectly understandable for his parents to worry and want to protect him - after all, he's still their baby.

what they SHOULD have done is let him drive it, but MAKE SURE he drives it safely, go driving with him a few times and INSTRUCT him on how to drive it safely. that way once he turns 18 and does what he likes, the good habits have already been instilled onto him.
A nice idea, but it would never work. I know for a fact if I wanted to rag the tits off my car, I would. Regardless of my parents coming with me occasionally to check I was being sensible. The moment they stepped out I'd go driving like a tit.

I've got a lot of experience with cars like this and a 2.0l turbo RWD is a terrible idea for a first car - regardless of how badly you want it. It's dangerous and you could end up killing yourself, or worse, someone else.
well yea.

i am happy i got my car.

and i just got my license today!

but i still miss the old mr2.

but who says i cant get one later on and build it up?

ill just get another one later on in life.

at least i can say i owned it.