My Song....

Don must really be bored or simply pist but keeping his coollllllllllllllllllllllll.............
I got one, hahaha!

Exclamatio is going to japan
Must he bring his good friend dan
To only fight the kung fu punk
Which is known as spunkeh
He fell in love with blossom
With a kiss she turned into a possum
Running scared she got her katana
Hulk came in and showed her his bananna

No offense to no one, its friday and am bored as fuck
DonTonberry said:

Old McDonald Had A Wife,
And She Was A Fat Whore.
And To This Wife He Had 10 Kids,
He Hi He Hi Whoreee
With A Quick Shag There,
A Quick Suck Here,
Quick Shag,
Quick Suck,
All They Ever Did Was Fuck
Old McDonald Had A Wife,
And Sheeee Wasssss A Faaaaat Whoooooreee!!!!!!

Thank You Very Much

That's it I give up. Never gonna write lyrics again. After seein 2days competition there's no point. The modern world's just 2 complex :( Now I'll cry

....Which is nice