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My Worst / Wierdest Nightmare / Dream

Junior Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2007
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Scariest Nightmare

I woke up in the night and got out of bed as normal. The house seemed awkwardly quiet. I rubbed my eyes and clambered out of bed quitely. The wind was blowing fiercly threw the windows. I then noticed the light was on from my sister's bedroom. I didn't expect anything. I was in a sub-concious state of mind at that moment. I stepped outside and turned the corner. My sister's covers were flipped over. She was crouched in the corner of the rooms, shielding her self with her arms. I could not see her face.
"Sister?" I called.
She did not move. I took a few steps forward. The night felt wierd. I could feel a horrid feeling seeping into my soul. I entered the room. There was no essence in the house. I reached out my scrawny wrist to tap her on the shoulder when...

he swung around - her eyes pupiless and her figure pale! Her eyes were stained blood-red and her teeth were chattering as if she was a zombie. I flung back as she leapt on top of me in the hallway. I woke up. It was time for school...

Wierdest Dream

I was sleeping and snoozing as normal. I woke up after feeling a tickle up my leg. It was a trantular. I looked around and there was snakes, crabs, birds in my room but mainly creepy crawlys. I went into my Dad's room and said

"Dad, there's a snake in my room."

He got up, picked up the snake and flushed it down the toilet.​
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 25, 2008
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Lol your weirdest dream is weird :p
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Scariest Nightmare

I woke up in the night and got out of bed as normal. The house seemed awkwardly quiet. I rubbed my eyes and clambered out of bed quitely. The wind was blowing fiercly threw the windows. I then noticed the light was on from my sister's bedroom. I didn't expect anything. I was in a sub-concious state of mind at that moment. I stepped outside and turned the corner. My sister's covers were flipped over. She was crouched in the corner of the rooms, shielding her self with her arms. I could not see her face.
"Sister?" I called.
She did not move. I took a few steps forward. The night felt wierd. I could feel a horrid feeling seeping into my soul. I entered the room. There was no essence in the house. I reached out my scrawny wrist to tap her on the shoulder when...

he swung around - her eyes pupiless and her figure pale! Her eyes were stained blood-red and her teeth were chattering as if she was a zombie. I flung back as she leapt on top of me in the hallway. I woke up. It was time for school...

Wierdest Dream

I was sleeping and snoozing as normal. I woke up after feeling a tickle up my leg. It was a trantular. I looked around and there was snakes, crabs, birds in my room but mainly creepy crawlys. I went into my Dad's room and said

"Dad, there's a snake in my room."

He got up, picked up the snake and flushed it down the toilet.​

Thats rather detailed for a dream.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 12, 2004
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The weirdest I ever had was about this mystical giant piece of lunch meat that washed up on the beach.. they were calling it "the ham"... my friend woke me up with his loudass computer right before I finally found out what the deal was with "the ham"... pissed me off.
Loyal Member
Oct 27, 2003
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My dodgiest dream (Which made me terrified for some reason)
Well this is what i can remember of it

There was a gravestone in my living room with writing and a photo of a girl (didnt recognize her) in the corner of it
When i looked at it in my dream i felt guilt

I then woke up sweating for some reason

I fall back to sleep and im on a small rowing boat thing in the middle of the sea by myself with the gravestone

And thats all i can remember
That dream horrified me constantly for the next few months for some reason =S
Human Version 2.35
Loyal Member
Jun 25, 2006
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I know, I can't remember most of it. :p

Dude, it can get waaay weirder. I had a dream once (I won't get into the details.. I don't really remember much) when I had to make a decision whether I blast my friend's head with a sawed-off shotgun, or will the world will come to it's end.

There was another weird-butt dream when me and my band are going to a rehearsal and some really expensive hotel. we enter one of the rooms and it seems like an average old apartment, and I remember that apart from us, there were three girls (I know all three in reality) and a guy who was the sound-guy (I know
him too in reality).

So anyway, sometime in the middle of the rehearsal, we got tired so we took a break and just chilled a bit in the living room of that appartment. I remember that one of those girls simply disappeared, like before we started she was there, and then when we came back, she's just not there. If I remember correctly, I noticed that she's gone, but I didn't care for it.

So next thing, I sit with one of the two remaining girls, the one I loved btw, and then I remember that we had a small talk about something that was disturbing her, I can't remember what was that, and then, out of the blue, we decide to go out somewhere together. Right in the middle of the rehearsal.

Next thing, we go down the elevator to the lobby, and exit the building. For some reason, the area outside the building looked just like my school's yard. And then, I remember that I have to tell the rest of the guys that I'll be gone and that they'll have to excuse me this time. I reach my pocket to get my cell phone, but then I remember that I left it in the hotel.

So we both go back for it, but for some reason, we don't press the right button on the elevator so we go to a floor which was waaay higher, and it turns out to be some kind of a military research department or something like that, but the floor is completely deserted, and apart from a couple of suits passing by here and there. So I come up with an idea like "I think we took the wrong elevator. We need to take the elevator to the basement and from there we'll take the right elevator to take us to our floor".

We reach the so-called basement, which is full of day-like light, but has no windows. It's basically a huge room painted white, the white paint withering from the walls, ceiling and floor. The room's full of nothing but floating platforms made of the same stuff as the walls are and the elevator is no where to be seen. So we end up jumping together from platform to platform, somehow reaching that elevator, and going up.

In the end, I just remember that we ended up going through the whole building, and all floors look either trashed like the basement room, or like that science floor, which looked like some kind of a high-tech company thing. Only thing I remember is that we're always going from here to there without any specific aim, basically not in a hurry to anywhere, always sticking closely together.

Man, I wrote a lot... lol. I've noticed that in difference to most description of dreams, my descriptions sound very amorphous to me comparing to the other ones I hear.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 2, 2008
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haha man i have dreams like that all the time some so freaky the world seems like a different place:yawn:
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2007
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All dreams are based on experience and expectations. I usually do not take notice of what is actually happening around the dream and the whole clich
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2008
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Dude either your imagination is awesome weird or your fucked up lol
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 25, 2008
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Omg I had this dream today, and we were playing a real life game where you started on your side and you had to get to the other side without getting killed and there was like people everywhere and it was like a warcraft map with like rose online monsters and poop and there was a offending and defending team and i never could get past this one big guy, then i woke up when i was just about to go past him and i was late for school rofl
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 25, 2008
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Ye lmao ^^

I have not once in my entire lifetime called my brother "brother" unless as it was to try to be a homey g slice, u know, like bruva bro? Im cool like that <
Skilled Illusionist
Mar 3, 2006
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Weirdest dream:

I was fapping in this dream and i woke up and i was fapping in real life. It was like twilight zone.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 25, 2008
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Thats fucked up dude!
change my name already!
Loyal Member
Apr 10, 2007
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ok so both those dreams were pretty weird. If i woke my dad up in middle of the night to tell him there was a snake in my room, he would say "Stop being a cat and kill it yourself!"
The Shaman of Sexy!
Dec 9, 2005
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Most of my nightmares/weird dreams are based on past experiences, ones I can't help but dwell over because of its content etc. I gotta say though, when I was only a child I must have had the same Nightmare god knows how many times...And although its been 8-10 years since I had the dream last, I can still clearly remember it lol.

It goes something like this...It was late at night, everybody was sleeping. I suddenly appear on the far end of my hallway, while a Ghost like character was on the opposite end. (The best way to describe "it" was actually Darth Vader, the resemblance is uncanny and the most weird part is, I've never even seen Starwars before then lol ><)

So the first thing I do is power my way up the stairs as fast as I could and go in to my baby brothers bedroom, where I also found my Mum. I did my best to try wake her up but it was all in Vain, (I can remember during this part of the dream I was sweating bullets because I didn't know what to do, and I knew this "Ghost" was getting closer. So I make a break for it outta my Brothers room, but as soon as I opened the Door, I found that Ghost just standing there waiting. As soon as it reached to grab me I dived underneath its legs to escape lol.

I jumped all the stairs to reach the bottom, and escape outside the house. I make a break for it up my Street, but something was wrong...I wasn't actually getting anywhere, as I was running my pace slowed down and I was actually being sent backwards. Just as I lose hope I suddenly wake up, and thats more or less how the dream was played out all the time.
The Penguinator
Jul 29, 2004
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I was like 9 or 10 years old when I watched Star Trek: First Contact. That movie pwned but freaked me out at the same time. I had a nightmare about the Borg arriving on earth in present time and being chased by them (in the end getting assimilated by them o_O) now THAT was scary!