Name Killed NAME?

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 24, 2013
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How do I?
bykordon - Name Killed NAME? - RaGEZONE Forums
Solution: WarZ_Server.sln
Folder: WZ\src\server\WO_GameServer\Sources
File: ServerGameLogic.cpp

Search for:
void ServerGameLogic::DoKillPlayer(GameObject* sourceObj, obj_ServerPlayer* targetPlr, STORE_CATEGORIES weaponCat, bool forced_by_server, bool fromPlayerInAir, bool targetPlayerInAir )
	r3dOutToLog("%s killed by %s, forced: %d\n", targetPlr->userName, sourceObj->Name.c_str(), (int)forced_by_server);
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Solution: WarZ_Server.sln
Folder: WZ\src\server\WO_GameServer\Sources
File: ServerGameLogic.cpp

Search for:
void ServerGameLogic::DoKillPlayer(GameObject* sourceObj, obj_ServerPlayer* targetPlr, STORE_CATEGORIES weaponCat, bool forced_by_server, bool fromPlayerInAir, bool targetPlayerInAir )
    r3dOutToLog("%s killed by %s, forced: %d\n", targetPlr->userName, sourceObj->Name.c_str(), (int)forced_by_server);

yes? Nick Killed Nick ? textbox..
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This isnt a text box, just a chat message.
Your picture is small but it could have to do with your langpack file.
I have not noticed an incorrect name when killing my other account player character.
It says dnctest2 killed by darknightscoming

You'll have to play around with it yourself.
Make sure you have backed up your files, prior to editing.
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This isnt a text box, just a chat message.
Your picture is small but it could have to do with your langpack file.
I have not noticed an incorrect name when killing my other account player character.
It says dnctest2 killed by darknightscoming

You'll have to play around with it yourself.
Make sure you have backed up your files, prior to editing.
"It says dnctest2 killed by darknightscoming" YES How do I? No Langpack :/.

dying man textbox not
bykordon - Name Killed NAME? - RaGEZONE Forums

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