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Need Help! Purpleyouko plz help

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 24, 2009
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I have changed to Evo Rose rev 81. I followed the guide here http://forum.ragezone.com/f291/osrose-evo-server-setup-guide-618620/ and got everything running easily.

Now the problems. I have some bugs. Hope you can help me answer and fix as well.

1) Hawkers can't seem to buy their skill books in Zant. But they can in Junon

2) Junon only selling 1st Job books where everyone can buy. but missing some books.

3) Muse cna't buy support buffs in zant. only in Junon but missing a book.

4) Gate Hacking Error again.

5) Buffs seems to run out TOO fast. Even GM Buffs.

6) How do you change the Moving speed for the Buff?

7) Clobber Charm buff for cleric doesn't work. (This could be Damage Support from irose)

8) Zant sells both 1st job and 2nd job books.

9) Clan points don't seem to work.

10) Reward points don't work as well.

It seems that the NPC roles are mixed up. Can someone please help?

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Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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It sounds like your STBs don't match.
Did you extract the latest STBs from your client and put them into your server?
You always have to make sure you have matching files.

As far as i know the clobber charm should be working. It's just an AP buff. Again it could be that your STBs aren't matched as that is where the client gets all it's skill data from.

Move speed on a buff can only be changed in LIST_SKILL.STB. After editing make sure you put your file in both client AND server.

Clan points work ok in my version (which is admittedly the latest dev rev which is not on public release yet) i thought they were working ok before though. They work fine in osprose which was built from an osrose source code initially. I'm pretty sure I didn't recode that part.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 24, 2009
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Also another problem is that. How do I turn on or Off my Clan wars? They said Akrahm kingdom is down blah blah blah

How do i turn this on?

also, Some commands like /kick and stuff don't work :( and i'm full access 300 already

---------- Post added at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

Also. the updated version of the Evo rose after running triggerdetect.exe I was in my programfiles/triggersoft/RoseOnlineEvolution. I went to the 3DData and it doens't have folders like STB or anything.
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Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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access level 300 isn't enough by itself.

The dev rev uses a new system that enables GM commands on a character by character basis within a 300 access account.
You need to go into your characters table and set "isgm" to 1 for any character that is to be given all the GM commands.

Not too sure about clan wars. i haven't ever really messed with it. Try asking lmame.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 24, 2009
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How do I extract the STBS from my client when there isn't any? Do i have to use a program or something to do it?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 24, 2009
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Ok now to help me understand this system more. These creates the files. like STB Files. now. Remember back then we were talking about STB Files. I still don't know how to work it yet but is this how the process goes?

FILES > VFS to get STBS. Edit the STBS. and then use VFSNextGen to put it back in and then VFS To create a whole new STB Files. and then put those new files inside the Server and client files?

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

Hate to admit it... You are a champ of Rose...
Um Question.

Is the second job change in Evo lvl 100? cause in iRose is lvl 70... And my friend is telling me that he can't get a second job until lvl 100.
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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For the moment don't even bother with editing anything in the STBs
Just extract them from the VFS and put the extracted files into the 3ddata/stb folder in your server.

You also need to do the same thing for AIP files in 3ddata/AI and QSD files in 3ddata/QUESTDATA

When it comes to editing the files, you just make your changes with a suitable editor then use VFSNEXTGEN to put the file back into the client VFS. You don't have to create anything new at all. you do have to DELETE the version already in the VFS before you can add your edited version though.

Second job is level 100 in evo and in pre-evo. Only irose has it at level 70.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 24, 2009
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is there a way to change it back to 70 without soo much coding?
now. I'm guessing Evo rose put all the skills books in zant... and junon sells only first job skills -.-...
I need a tutorial on exactly how to use ur STB editor because I went to open it ... it's just an excel file i didn't know what to change -.- Guess i'm stupid... but after saving the STB editor i'm guessing You need to do something else with it? or can i just copy and paste the STB file into the server and client without using VFSNextGen?

If you have MSN or even YM. Maybe you don't mind sharing with me so that if i come in trouble with something and your not too busy you can help me?

MSN : Shadowx69@hotmail.com
YM : ShadowPrinceX69@yahoo.com

---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

Need to change the normal Move speed because it's really slow and then gotta fix the gate hack. and also need to change buff movement speed as well.

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

i opened the editor and stuff... and then it tells me there a Debug error .. not in the excel. but in the program after loading something
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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if all you want to do is run the server then you don't have to do anything at all with the STB.
You extract all the STBs then paste them all into your server in binary/3ddata/STB/ folder. That's all you do. No editing.

Same goes for the QSD and AIP files.
Extract them and paste them then run your server. End of story.

Now if you want to change stuff then you have to start working with an editor. Doesn't have to be mine. there are plenty of others.
If you choose mine then first make sure your macro security is set low enough that it enables macros. It will probably disable them by default so you need to actually change that. Use excel help to do so. it's pretty easy.
After you have enabled macros, open my editor.
in the STB tab you will see a button in the top left labelled "Open Control Panel". Click it to ..... open the control panel (weren't expecting that were you :laugh:)
From the control panel you can load and save both STB and STL files. you can also import names from STL to STB so that you can tell what the item names are.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
See I tried doing the control panel already... But then it woulnd't let me load anything... like the buttons didn't work or soemthing. I already have the macros allowed too...
it's version 3.14 right?
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Latest version of my editor is 3.4

Make sure you have installed comdlg32.ocx or else the common dialog button in the control panel just gives an error.
go here , download and follow the instructions to install
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