Need Help. Rly for who know this.!!

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Master Summoner
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
ppl can join my website but i cant
when i try login my web its say me
cant found this page
and when my friends are try its found them
same with my game
they can login and i cant
anyone know how fix it?
This is because you go to your router ip, you'll go to router ( for me then ).
You tried to go to wamp, then press localhost?
that will work.
Or typ in internet
Should work.
Cuz you cant connect to your wan ip.
make 2 worlds and 2 channels, 1 world = lan ip, 1 chan = lan ip.
make both the world servers you have Owner= 0
( at navicat )
Make wan channel Owner= 1
Make Lan channel Owner= 2
Then connect to your lan channel ingame.
its a firewall rule. you need make a a firewall rule that accepts incoming connections from any address including your own(localhost). default rule is accept incoming connection from any address except localhost.. go check here . you may have port forwarded your ports but the your firewal is not set right. try to disable any firewall..
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