Need liiir1985 to edit SPR files

It seems that,it is the time to update my program...
This time I'll rewrite the core code, and completely support English OS.

Maybe I can finish it today.... or tomorrow
ok, thanks liiir1985

i upload a tiny spr files to you...

but i dont know if contain a sound spr...
Sorry,I'm quiet busy these days.
So here we go.I've already completed the pic En- and Decoding Module. Importing a BMP to SPR or exporting a pic from SPR to BMP is already totally functional.
PS:You can only open a SPR,which only contains Pics. If you try to open a SPR with sounds, there will be a error.
Sound en- and Decoding function coming soon.

This time full in English, it requires the .Net Framework 2.0! please install it first.

Besides, the codes are totally unoptimized, so it'll take a few seconds to convert a BMP into SPR.

download link:
Hello liiiir..

Wel i tested this spr wiever. Nice work i must admit.But. It has more bugs than functional settings. I cant extract spr files, sometime even cant open spr files. Sometimes work exit. Can you send me some source code? Can I help you making this spr wiever? So it will be faster. Becasue we-server admins of private server really need some working editor for .spr.

Thanks for elt me know.

heya aka peegee
Yes, indeed, there are 6 types, how a Picture is defined. I've only implemented 4 types. The other 2 come today.
The Source Code I'lll upload later.

And, can you please upload a screenshot when there is an error?
Are you extracting a file, which has a korean name?and, your OS?
Program updated, the download link remains the same.And Source is included(not commented,maybe a little bit hard for you to read it).

I implemented the other 2 Decoding methods,but not Encoding, so it can now correctlly(maybe not,because I don't have NF Client anymore, so I can't test it) display and export pictrues, which are encoded in this type, but you can't import. Some error check added.

If there are still bugs, please let me know how it happens, which BMPtype and which JumpType(it is shown in status bar in Main Window) the program is handling with.
Good work, liiir1985.
How are you?
And with other files in client? Like *.data and miss files, do you have any idea to decode it?
If there are still bugs, please let me know how it happens, which BMPtype and which JumpType(it is shown in status bar in Main Window) the program is handling with.

How big is actually your Picture..
theres one other problem ive encountered using this:

when i export the .SPR images (tennessee, colorado battleship etc) i try to edit the .BMP but it won't open for some reason...

right now i know a alternate way of using the images from the .SPRs

(edit with paint, save it as anything, except BMP. then should work with Fireworks or any kind of photo editing software)