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Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
hey there, im currently doing stuff with neverwinter and figured i would post some findings here that others may find useful, im currently trying to extract the mod 9 data to update the core server but that will be a whole other post when i get there

update the mod 9 masterDisk chunk files were created by the xbox durango xdk, this can be found online however to turn them into usable data we need "xdkdumper.exe" that is currently being held very close to microsofts guarded vault.. there are a few little python hacks that can be done to make it work for some of them though. i will post updates as an when i can. but the mod9 files are missing a lot of useful data that is called from the xdk.

the ones listed here as a zlib can be extracted to readable format but the others i am having a little trouble with.

audio1.chunk: data audio2_zh-CN.chunk: data audio3_fr-FR.chunk: data audio4_de-DE.chunk: data audio5_ru-RU.chunk: data audioRequired2002.chunk: data initialload2001.chunk: zlib compressed data initialload6.chunk: zlib compressed data other10.chunk: zlib compressed data other100007.chunk: dBase IV DBT of `\011.DBF, block length 1024, next free block index 3735941133, next free block 0, next used block 0 other11_zh-CN.chunk: zlib compressed data other12_fr-FR.chunk: zlib compressed data other13_de-DE.chunk: zlib compressed data other14_it-IT.chunk: zlib compressed data other15_pt-BR.chunk: zlib compressed data other16_ru-RU.chunk: zlib compressed data other17_tr-TR.chunk: zlib compressed data other_patch100014.chunk: zlib compressed data other_patch100015_zh-CN.chunk: zlib compressed data other_patch100022.chunk: zlib compressed data other_patch100029.chunk: zlib compressed data preloadedsounds0.chunk: RIFF (little-endian) data preloadedsounds2000.chunk: data requiredFiles2007.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2008_zh-CN.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2009_fr-FR.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2009_ru-RU.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2010_de-DE.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2010_fr-FR.chunk: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02, aspect ratio, density 100x100, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 160x18, components 3 requiredFiles2011_de-DE.chunk: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02, aspect ratio, density 100x100, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 160x18, components 3 requiredFiles2011_it-IT.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2012_it-IT.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2012_pt-BR.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2013_ru-RU.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2013_tr-TR.chunk: zlib compressed data requiredFiles2014_tr-TR.chunk: zlib compressed data required_patch2033.chunk: zlib compressed data required_patch2055.chunk: zlib compressed data textures100005.chunk: zlib compressed data textures7.chunk: zlib compressed data textures8_zh-CN.chunk: data textures9_ru-RU.chunk: zlib compressed data

Anyway im getting a little off topic here are the most useful gm commands i use and the general idea of what they do and when to use them (to be used by the gm inside the private server).

Neverwinter gm commands:

note: maps that start with ugc are debug maps and usually do not contain doors, quests, or enemies, these originally were for the foundry (user generated content) however the foundry is buggy.. really buggy

note: if you summon a boss into any area that is not coded to find the cutscene you will not be able to kill the boss, their hp will hit 0 but they will still be there.

note: if you want to use autocomplete press tab when it has the rest of the command and hit enter

note: if you also want to search for possible commands with a partial press ctrl+tab and use pageup and pagedown to navigate after the partial has been given.

use the ` key to open the console and the following will work as a gm.

  • killtarget (this will kill any target you are aiming at when sending)
  • setpos 0,0,0 (this will teleport the current user to x,z,y i know the z is in a weird place god knows why its like that, values can be normal or minus values typically only really useful for z)
  • showcampos (this will show the coords in the top right for the current camera position use the top line for accurate use with setpos command)
  • respawn (spawn at last/nearest spawn point)
  • givenumeric NAMEOFNUMERIC 99 (give numeric like AD gold respectokens)
  • givemecpoints 9999999 (gives 9999999 zen)
  • giveitem NAMEOFITEM (gives specified item)
  • giveitemcount NAMEOFITEM 99 (gives 99 of specified item)
  • guild_create 1 1 C_Bodyslot_Cloth_Wight_01_C Guildnamehere GuildDescriptionhere (creates a guild with you as the leader without the need for a full party, you will need to use a working emblem but you can modify the name and description)
  • movemap NAMEOFMAP (teleport to specified map)
  • mmm (debug menu)
  • godmode 1 (toggles godmode on, 0 to off)
  • setexplevel 60 (this will instantly level you / highlighted player to level 60)
  • crittersearch PARTIALNAME (will search for the critter named that and output a list of names)
  • spawncritter NAMEOFCRITTER (will spawn specified critter)
  • xboxsettings (sets client to use the xbox graphics settings instead of your cards settings)
  • time (show current server time)
  • settime 12.50 (set time to 12.50)
  • itemdebug 1 (turns on the itemdebug that shows item ids when hovering on items or inspecting items, good for spawning sets from collections)
  • setpetquality 4 (set currently summoned pet quality to purple)
  • setpetlevel 30 (sets currently summoned pet to level 30)
  • speciesset NAMEOFRACE (change current race to the specified race, in some clients a modified buggy dragonborn can be used this way but note the powers will reset to broken and the passives do not work)

Bonus fun:

you can also have the transmute of any critter's weapon or shield by going to monitor ( on the server and then objectdb and replace the itemid of a already transmuted items transmute with that item id.. if you hate how the shields look and want to roll with just an armored arm try putting on two great swords from the great weapon fighter class while using a guardian fighter.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 5, 2017
Reaction score
Hi! i ve been wanting to try out a neverwinter online server, but unfortunately, i can t find the server files. Do you have availability for those? Thanks in advance.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
I do when I get a chance I will send you the links in a pm

There are two sets the Night file and the src file these allow you to do what you need to do on windows 7 (use a VM to host if you aren't on windows 7)

I also have a few clients that have various fixes that can also be used to connect to the server I will link the main one that has the most bugfixes as well
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
How to change max level in neverwinter online

USE CAUTION WITH THE LEVEL INCREASE MOD it needs more testing but its one of the few things i will end up adding another post about in the future.

first make backups of any file you change.. seriously if you bork something its not on me, its you for ignoring this.

NOTE: there may be a bug where you cannot spawn in after you level up to level 65, for some reason i have found it only to affect randomly after visiting castle never.. i will look into this but not exactly sure.

warning the cap increase if done incorrectly can bug characters out, to fix the character you will need to remove the xp they have inside the monitor mode for that character and then set there level to a level lower than the cap in there (i.e. if you mess with the example bellow to increase to 70 without doing the maths you will end up with a server crash for the maps that that character uses so you would have to roll back files and fix that character manually)

open c:\night\data\defs\items\numerics\xp.item with a text editor and paste the following for level 65 cap and hit save then restart your server using mcp

ItemDef XP
    Scope Numerics

    DisplayNameMsg Itemdef.Xp
    Icon Icon_Numerics_Experience
    Type Numeric
    Maxnumericvalue 3920201
    Logforeconomy 1
    LogCategory GameEcon_XP
    Bonusnumerics Pet_Bonus_Xp
    Bonusnumerics Xp_Boost_25

    NumericThreshold UGCKillCreditLimiterShort
        Alert 0
        OnlyUGC 1
        OnlyKillCredit 1
        KillCreditLimiter 1

        DurationPerLevel 300
        ThresholdPerLevel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,41,83,82,99,127,137,156,173,198,211,231,250,274,290,311,331,350,368,385,406,422,442,461,480,497,519,536,556,576,596,614,633,650,672,688,709,729,748,767,785,804,821,842,863,879,899,919,938,956,975,996,1014,1031,1052,1072,1091,1108,1127,1146,1150

    NumericThreshold UGCKillCreditLimiterLong
        Alert 0
        OnlyUGC 1
        OnlyKillCredit 1
        KillCreditLimiter 1

        DurationPerLevel 21600
        ThresholdPerLevel 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,2146,4346,4272,5195,6647,7151,8186,9079,10365,11046,12105,13073,14354,15168,16286,17333,18320,19254,20142,21285,22088,23137,24144,25111,26042,27193,28057,29135,30178,31189,32171,33125,34053,35172,36050,37115,38154,39168,40159,41129,42077,43007,44104,45179,46051,47087,48104,49102,50082,51046,52162,53093,54008,55074,56122,57154,58012,59015,60004,61133,70000,71000,72000,73000,75000,76000,78000,79000,80000,81000

the file above has 65 intervals with an increased maxnumericvalue.. note this is where the bug may be USE WITH CAUTION

Modifying items

now this one is fun, you can litterally make things do what you want. big power stats sure, insane mount speed sure, multi offence rings sure.

find your item you want to edit in night/data/defs/items/ and then look for the things to change here are a few examples

gamerinamask - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums


ItemDef T7_Blue_Bag_Bagofholding
    Scope Equipment/Bags

    DisplayNameMsg In.Zav5ck1

    Descriptionmsg Id.L4c8py
    Icon Inventory_Misc_Bag1_Glowblue
    Flags  CantSell
    Type Bag
    Quality Gold
    Numbagslots 200
    Categories  Bags

save and close that and then open the next file


    MessageKey Id.L4c8py
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Description"
    Defaultstring <&A curious bag that seems to faintly whisper to you as if to invite you inside. Warning all the previous owners vanished suddenly without a trace.\n<br\><br\>\nAdds 200 inventory slots.&>

    MessageKey In.Zav5ck1
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Name"
    Defaultstring "Cursed Bag of Holding"

save close and make schema and reload the server to test this bag out now you just simply use
"giveitem T7_Blue_Bag_Bagofholding"

Odin's Hell, modified 2 slot offence ring with lightning passive

odinshell - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

Please note: this is a proof of concept and the lightning is basically cosmetic at this time, it could be adjusted but i have no doubt this will provide a way over powered ring to play with at the min (yes this is not a good idea to run with in first play through or at lower levels but it is able to give you an edge in end game dungeons without increasing your level past 60)

open the ring def located here:


replace all the contents with the following:
ItemDef Ring_All_Purple_Lightning_T06_L60
    Scope Equipment/Ring

    DisplayNameMsg In.Hkq38o1
    Icon Inventory_Ringofwizardry_G0
    Flags  BindOnPickup
    Restrictbagid  Ring
    Level 60
    Quality Special
    Newitempowerdefrefid_Donttouchthis 1

        UID 2
        ItemPowerDef Stat_Power_Small
        Scalefactor 10.6
        Bgemslotsadjustscalefactor 1

        UID 4
        ItemPowerDef Stat_Armorpen_Small
        Scalefactor 40.6
        Bgemslotsadjustscalefactor 1

        UID 3
        ItemPowerDef Stat_Healthsteal_Small
        Scalefactor 10.6
        Bgemslotsadjustscalefactor 1

        ItemPowerDef Item_Ring_Lightning

    Itemgemslots  ItemOffense

    Itemgemslots  ItemOffense

        MinLevel 60
    Categories  Tier6,  Stats_Small,  Ring

now edit the MS file located here: C:\Night\data\defs\Items\Equipment\Ring\Ring_All_Purple_Lightning_T06_L60.Item.Ms and replace the contents with:

    MessageKey In.Hkq38o1
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Name"
    Defaultstring "Odin's Hell"

faster mounts you say?

here is a fun one but be very careful not to go full metal and break the game.. yes this one can break the game and maps if done wrong so dont adjust too high. here we will be modifying a mount to boost the speed output you can add other stuff too but thats something for another post. we do this by editing the powerfactor

first edit your mount file for this we will edit a achievement mount called "silverback" located at night/data/defs/items/mount/


ItemDef Ugc_Achievement_Mount_Bear_Silverback_01
    Scope Mount

    DisplayNameMsg In.Kyyb0a

    Descriptionmsg Id.Uxbhen1
    Icon Icons_Inventory_Mount_Bear_04
    Flags  BindOnPickup, CantSell
    Type Device
    Restrictbagid  Mounts


        Statement 100000
    Level 20
    Quality Special
    Powerfactor 9
    Newitempowerdefrefid_Donttouchthis 2

        UID 1
        ItemPowerDef Mount_Bear_Silverback_01

        MinLevel 60
    Categories  Mount

save and edit the next file


    MessageKey Id.Uxbhen1
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Description"
    Defaultstring "A ferocious bear fueled by rage and a undying lust for cocaine, This one is highly motivated."

    MessageKey In.Kyyb0a
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Name"
    Defaultstring "Cocaine Bear"

save and make schemas and reload the server you can then give yourself the new modded mount with
"giveitem Ugc_Achievement_Mount_Bear_Silverback_01"

cocainebear - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

note you can also add these to stores of your choice for other non admin users, or put them in lock boxes etc. Please note the image is of my modified one where i have an artifact power added to the mount to give a "mount combat power" effect, i will explain all this later in another update when i get a chance to work out a bug i have with it.. it wont allow you to modify values i might have to use a power def for it instead.

Custom store content

you can add items to the store of your choice by modifying a file for your store you can find them in Night/data/defs/stores/

you then will need to add the following to add a potion of healing, change the item name to the item you want to add (use itemdebug or look for the item you want in the night/data/defs/items/)
        Item Potion_Healing

that will be all you need to do then you just save the file and run make schema and reload the server.

next post, how to modify powers and some other stuff like removing event requirement on certain queues (valindras tower and malabogs castle), modded double offence slot lightning ring with stats that are way too off the scale to be considered a good idea for actual play.. but it is fun. but all that when i get the time to write it in an easy to understand kind of way

How to enable Valindra's Tower and Malabogs Castle Dungeon queues

queues - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

Okay so this will take a little bit of editing to allow the queues to happen without the corresponding events, because quite frankly having to wait for an event to do a queue is a bad way to do it imo. you could also modify the requirements for the queues here, i would recommend not changing things too much but you could change gear score required etc without too much of a worry. The attached modifications will allow you to use the queues without waiting for events, no other modifications have been made from dnc's release (Thanks gorkn for the files)

go to the queues def folder ( C:\Night\data\defs\Queues\ )

Malabogs Castle:

gamerinamask - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

open the following file "Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic.Queue"
replace the entire contents with:
Queuedef Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic
    Icon Loadingscreen_Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic

    Displaynamemesg Queuedef.Name.Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic

    Descriptionmesg Queuedef.Desc.Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic
    Public 1
    Scoreboard Pve_Dungeon
    Smartgroupingmode TankHealer
    Enableautoteam 1
    Allowvotekick 1
    Maptype QPvE
    Checkoffersbeforemaplaunch 1
    Minmembersallgroups 1
    Maxtimetowait 300
    Requiredgearrating 9200
    MapName Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic


        DisplayName Queuedef.Groupname0.Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic
        Min 1
        Mintimed 5
        Max 5
        Maxtimed 5
        Autobalancemin 5
    Category Dungeon_Epic_2
    Expectedgametime 45

        MinLevel 60
        MaxLevel 60
        Maplevel 60

    Trackedevent Total_Kills "Kills\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n\tTargetIsPlayer 0\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Healing "Healing\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage_Taken "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Falls "NearDeath\r\n{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"

Valindra's Tower:

gamerinamask - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

open the following file "Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic.Queue"
replace the entire contents with:

Queuedef Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic
    Icon Az_Dr_Thaymount_Citadel_Valindras_Room_Spheremap

    Displaynamemesg Queuedef.Name.Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic

    Descriptionmesg Queuedef.Desc.Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic
    Public 1
    Scoreboard Pve_Dungeon
    Smartgroupingmode TankHealer
    Enableautoteam 1
    Allowvotekick 1
    Maptype QPvE
    Checkoffersbeforemaplaunch 1
    Minmembersallgroups 1
    Maxtimetowait 300
    Requiredgearrating 10500
    MapName Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymt_Citadel_Epic


        DisplayName Queuedef.Groupname0.Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic
        Min 1
        Mintimed 5
        Max 5
        Maxtimed 5
        Autobalancemin 5
    Category Dungeon_Epic_2
    Expectedgametime 45

        MinLevel 60
        MaxLevel 60
        Maplevel 58

    Trackedevent Total_Kills "Kills\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n\tTargetIsPlayer 0\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Healing "Healing\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage_Taken "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Falls "NearDeath\r\n{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"

Scourge Warlock is included in dmcs release

sw - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

as it goes the Scourge Warlock is already inside the source for mod 2 neverwinter (and all that is needed is a simple but dirty hack work around)

first you need to grab a modified client, https://mega.nz/folder/DoRDSAYK#pYsISbk61DalWlkNxyC4cg you then need to add revowinter.su to your hosts file then you need to create a new warlock character and then you can land on the starting area but oh no.. there is no questline. so you are stuck there right? nope.. you can straight up use admin power to teleport out of there to protectors enclave and level up to level 8 and start the mission quests from all the others (i think the reason starting missions are bugged is because they did not have the early base weapons you find in the crates on the beach inside the code yet)

commands would be

mapmove neverwinter_protecters_enclave
setlevel 8

note you will need to spawn some weapons for yourself and the collections window doesnt work with that class, also the off hand (secondary) is kinda broken in it.. but the character still plays for extra bonus fun time if you spawn the character to protectors from the beach you start on then spawn them using "mapmove neverwinter_starting_zone" you will see a totally different start zone to what you expect, including the tavern and knox that then teleport you to the end of the original tutorial like it is for a player that already has completed the 0-60 questline. Warning if you do that you will need to make a new unstuck character because it will cause the client to crash on any character load.. i think its a bug with the tutorial done key

The primary weapons are in the defs under items equiptment implements or use the windows search feature in the defs folder for "scourge"

you can also use the same idea for non admins by using the monitor and moving the map they were last on to protectors enclave and manually modifying their level in their character page

note a lot of the items for the Warlock are placeholders and do not display properly but they play almost exactly as the early builds of neverwinter (from what i remember).

Add a combat power to mounts... kinda
okay here we will use the same "cocaine bear" mount as before but the rules are quite simple you add an artifact power to it (note you could use another power to it too i guess) and save so it looks like the following

the file i use for cocaine bear is located at C:\

ItemDef Ugc_Achievement_Mount_Bear_Silverback_01
    Scope Mount

    DisplayNameMsg In.Kyyb0a

    Descriptionmsg Id.Uxbhen1
    Icon Icons_Inventory_Mount_Bear_04
    Flags  BindOnPickup, CantSell
    Type Device
    Restrictbagid  Mounts


        Statement 100000
    Level 20
    Quality Special
    Powerfactor 8
    Newitempowerdefrefid_Donttouchthis 2

        UID 1
        ItemPowerDef Mount_Bear_Silverback_01

        UID 1
        ItemPowerDef Artifact_Valindraitem_R4
        Scalefactor 21.8

        MinLevel 60
    Categories  Mount, Artifactpower

this then allows the user with it to press the mount button while in combat to use that artifact power, there are other things you can do with it too but the cooldown will be 2 mins per combat power activation and the mount will work as normal outside of combat.

Event enabling and a warning
yes events can be enabled but do not enable them all at once here is what happens if you do
i will update this with more details on enabling when im next free. as you can see from the picture it is a little bit over crowded in there and almost impossible to use the npcs (you could move them to their own areas in protectors but where is the fun in that)

eventswarni - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

Enable Founders Pack
To enable the founders pack and allow it to be used when in the inventory you will need to go to localhost:8090 and then find the account you desire to use it on and add the following key value

With the value of "1"

that account can now open the packs, you could also add this to a purchaseable item but thats for another time.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
Remove VIP restriction in moonstone mask

viparea - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

we have all seen the moonstone mask "vip required" door, well it was annoying me that it requires a key that i cannot seem to enable, specifically "Unlock.Viparea" key so i have made a workaround to just allow all inside the moonstone mask vip area (since in the mod2 build tjhere isnt really a solid vip anyway like you can still be injured)

There is an easier way use the modified gamepermissions from the enable foundry post, this will automatically allow all users to gain entry without an issue.

go to the map folder located at C:\Night\data\maps\Neverwinter_City\Neverwinter_Mm_Interior

open the file called "Moonstone_Vip_Content.Layer"

replace the contents with the following:
Version 1

Def 1
    Name Moonstone_Vip_Content
    Version 1

    Group 604384330
        DebugName Doors
        Pos  824.337402,  -4009.518311,  181.409103
        UidInParent 6
        UseSeed 1

    Group 587602762
        DebugName Ambient_Npcs
        Pos  812.812805,  -4013.250488,  289.353210
        UidInParent 10
        UseSeed 1

    Group 537266514
        DebugName Anim_Nodes
        Pos  740.956970,  -4010.956055,  297.251587
        UidInParent 4
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000
    ScopeEntry "6,3," Moonstone_Vip_Enter_Goto
    ScopeEntry "6,4," Moonstone_Vip_Exit_Goto
    ScopeEntry "6,1," Vip_Door_Enter
    ScopeEntry "6,2," Vip_Door_Exit

Def 302678436
    Name Moonstone_Vip_Enter_Goto
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        SpawnType GOTO

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Humanoid_Arrow

Def 319593458
    Name Anim_Node_Generic#1
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Anim Enc_Game_Onlooker
        Orientation quat4 0, 0, 0, 0


            InteractionClass AmbientJob
            ExclusiveInteraction 1
            UseExclusionFlag 1


        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Anim_Node_Generic

Def 353261620
    Name Moonstone_Vip_Exit_Goto
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        SpawnType GOTO

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Humanoid_Arrow

Def 386523026
    Name Ambient_Tavernmaster_01
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Template Generic_Single_Entity

            SpawnRadiusType Medium
            RespawnTimerType Medium

            Name Actor_1
            OverrideFSM 1
            FSM Animation_And_Chat

            VariableDefs Chattext
                Type MESSAGE

                    Type MESSAGE

                    MessageVal Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Actor_1_Chattext.Ambient_Tavernmaster_01

            VariableDefs Idleanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Contact_Idle

            VariableDefs Talkanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Enc_Talk_Vender

            DisplayName Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Ambient_Tavernmaster_01_Actor_1_Displayname.Ambient_Tavernmaster_01

                Costume Courtesan_Moonstone_F_Human_01

                CritterDef Generic_Civilian

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Objective

Def 403000122
    Name Vip_Door_Exit
    Version 1

    Group -1677302436
        DebugName Mm_Fullmask_01
        Seed 14293
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000


            InteractionClass Door
            UseExclusionFlag 1
            Category Door


                InteractText Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Interactoptiontext0.Vip_Door_Exit


                    Type MAP_POINT

                        Type MAP_POINT
                        StringVal Moonstone_Vip_Exit_Goto

Def 537266514
    Name Anim_Nodes
    Version 1

    Group 1912942918
        DebugName Node_Sleep
        Pos  138.981293,  -0.4307,  76.232399
        Rot  0,  -1.656291,  -0
        UidInParent 5
        UseSeed 1

    Group 1627836492
        DebugName Node_Look
        Pos  50.993401,  -2.208000,  -53.684502
        Rot  0,  3.044777,  -0
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1

    Group 956653890
        DebugName Node_Fireplace
        Pos  -10.346400,  -0.2742,  -3.976700
        Rot  0,  -1.544553,  -0
        UidInParent 6
        UseSeed 1

    Group 1174800460
        DebugName Node_Talk
        Pos  33.883400,  -1.147000,  -0.4568
        UidInParent 3
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 587602762
    Name Ambient_Npcs
    Version 1

    Group 1343034410
        DebugName Ambient_Lady_Moon
        Pos  13.313800,  0,  -35.289902
        Rot  0,  2.482749,  -0
        UidInParent 7
        UseSeed 1

    Group 839726368
        Name Ambient_Courtesan_01#1
        DebugName Ambient_Courtier_01
        Pos  -83.792801,  2.020000,  -32.093498
        Rot  0,  0.916155,  -0
        UidInParent 2
        UseSeed 1

    Group 889994742
        Name Ambient_Lady_Moon#1
        DebugName Ambient_Courtesan_01
        Pos  -71.908501,  2.301500,  11.204800
        Rot  0,  -3.091190,  -0
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1

    Group 386523026
        DebugName Ambient_Tavernmaster_01
        Pos  -3.166700,  -0.0002,  15.995000
        Rot  0,  3.108945,  -0
        UidInParent 5
        UseSeed 1

    Group 2081181204
        DebugName Ambient_Servant_01
        Pos  -10.147100,  0,  19.295000
        Rot  0,  -2.436378,  -0
        UidInParent 6
        UseSeed 1

    Group 839689494
        Name Ambient_Bartender_02#1
        DebugName Ambient_Servant_02
        Pos  -0.7648,  0.0203,  44.630901
        Rot  0,  0.775743,  -0
        UidInParent 3
        UseSeed 1

    Group 906308930
        DebugName Wandering_Nobles
        Pos  -27.991800,  0.7056,  3.777800
        UidInParent 14
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 604384330
    Name Doors
    Version 1

    Group 1477023382
        DebugName Vip_Door_Enter
        Pos  -1.118800,  3.272000,  -54.133801
        Rot  0,  -3.135865,  -0
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1

    Group 403000122
        DebugName Vip_Door_Exit
        Pos  5.847200,  3.637500,  44.316101
        Rot  0,  -1.578455,  -0
        UidInParent 2
        UseSeed 1

    Group 302678436
        DebugName Moonstone_Vip_Enter_Goto
        Pos  10.959700,  -3.732200,  60.552399
        Rot  0,  -0.280114,  -0
        UidInParent 3
        UseSeed 1

    Group 353261620
        DebugName Moonstone_Vip_Exit_Goto
        Pos  -15.688200,  -3.178000,  -50.734699
        Rot  0,  -1.630223,  -0
        UidInParent 4
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 738850700
    Name Ambient_Civilian_Noble_01
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Template Ruined_Neverwinter_Generic_Npc_Noble

            Name Actor_1

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Objective

Def 839689494
    Name Ambient_Servant_02
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Template Generic_Single_Entity

            SpawnRadiusType Medium
            RespawnTimerType Medium

            Name Actor_1
            OverrideFSM 1
            FSM Animation_And_Chat

            VariableDefs Chattext
                Type MESSAGE

                    Type MESSAGE

                    MessageVal Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Actor_1_Chattext.Ambient_Servant_02

            VariableDefs Idleanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Nno_Ambient_Idle_Lookaround

            DisplayName Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Ambient_Bartender_03_Actor_1_Displayname.Ambient_Servant_02

                Costume Merchant_Bartender_M_Human_Mcgruffy_01

                CritterDef Generic_Civilian

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Objective

Def 839726368
    Name Ambient_Courtier_01
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Template Generic_Single_Entity

            SpawnRadiusType Medium
            RespawnTimerType Medium

            Name Actor_1
            OverrideFSM 1
            FSM Animation

            VariableDefs AnimList
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Nno_Ambient_Idle_Lookaround

            VariableDefs Chattext
                Type MESSAGE

                    Type MESSAGE

                    MessageVal Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Actor_1_Chattext.Ambient_Courtier_01

            VariableDefs Idleanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Contact_Idle

            VariableDefs Talkanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Emote_Blowkiss

            DisplayName Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Ambient_Courtier_01_Actor_1_Displayname.Ambient_Courtier_01

                Costume Courtier_Moonstone_M_Human_01

                CritterDef Generic_Civilian

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Objective

Def 889994742
    Name Ambient_Courtesan_01
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Template Generic_Single_Entity

            SpawnRadiusType Medium
            RespawnTimerType Medium

            Name Actor_1
            OverrideFSM 1
            FSM Animation

            VariableDefs AnimList
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Enc_Leanwall_Relaxed

            VariableDefs Chattext
                Type MESSAGE

                    Type MESSAGE

                    MessageVal Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Actor_1_Chattext.Ambient_Courtesan_01

            VariableDefs Idleanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Contact_Idle

            VariableDefs Talkanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Emote_Blowkiss

            DisplayName Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Ambient_Courtesan_01_Actor_1_Displayname.Ambient_Courtesan_01

                Costume Courtesan_Moonstone_F_Human_02

                CritterDef Generic_Civilian

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Objective

Def 906308930
    Name Wandering_Nobles
    Version 1

    Group 738850700
        DebugName Ambient_Civilian_Noble_01
        Pos  70.751801,  -0.6851,  84.320702
        Rot  0,  2.426581,  -0
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1

    Group 738850700
        DebugName Ambient_Civilian_Noble_01
        Pos  -5.299800,  -0.7053,  -8.944000
        Rot  0,  1.706683,  -0
        UidInParent 2
        UseSeed 1

    Group 738850700
        DebugName Ambient_Civilian_Noble_01
        Pos  10.719800,  -0.6191,  -43.667099
        Rot  0,  0.670304,  -0
        UidInParent 3
        UseSeed 1

    Group 738850700
        DebugName Ambient_Civilian_Noble_01
        Pos  -12.038400,  -0.7053,  101.584999
        Rot  0,  1.556459,  -0
        UidInParent 4
        UseSeed 1

    Group 738850700
        DebugName Ambient_Civilian_Noble_01
        Pos  52.099499,  -0.7053,  -13.202100
        Rot  0,  0.705591,  -0
        UidInParent 5
        UseSeed 1

    Group 738850700
        DebugName Ambient_Civilian_Noble_01
        Pos  -50.013401,  1.314200,  -9.128500
        Rot  0,  -0.413027,  -0
        UidInParent 6
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 956653890
    Name Node_Fireplace
    Version 1

    Group 2114698212
        DebugName Anim_Node_Generic
        Rot  0,  1.86265e-009,  -0
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 1174800460
    Name Node_Talk
    Version 1

    Group 1745615848
        Name Anim_Node_Generic#4
        DebugName Anim_Node_Generic#4
        Pos  48.967701,  -1.147200,  -47.624199
        Rot  0,  0.772164,  -0
        UidInParent 4
        UseSeed 1

    Group 1779113704
        Name Anim_Node_Generic#5
        DebugName Anim_Node_Generic#5
        Pos  -43.281700,  0.8728,  -37.464298
        Rot  0,  -2.211696,  -0
        UidInParent 3
        UseSeed 1

    Group 1712052456
        Name Anim_Node_Generic#3
        DebugName Anim_Node_Generic#3
        Pos  -33.883400,  1.147000,  0.4568
        UidInParent 2
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 1343034410
    Name Ambient_Lady_Moon
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Template Generic_Single_Entity

            SpawnRadiusType Medium
            RespawnTimerType Medium

            Name Actor_1
            OverrideFSM 1
            FSM Animation_And_Chat

            VariableDefs Chattext
                Type MESSAGE

                    Type MESSAGE

                    MessageVal Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Actor_1_Chattext.Ambient_Lady_Moon

            VariableDefs Idleanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Contact_Idle

            VariableDefs Talkanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Emote_Blowkiss

            DisplayName Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Ambient_Lady_Moon_Actor_1_Displayname.Ambient_Lady_Moon

                Costume Merchant_Tavernmaster_F_Human_Ladymoon_01

                CritterDef Generic_Civilian

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Objective

Def 1477023382
    Name Vip_Door_Enter
    Version 1

    Group -1677302436
        DebugName Mm_Fullmask_01
        Seed 14293
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000


            InteractionClass Door
            UseExclusionFlag 1
            Category Door


                InteractText Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Usabilityoptiontext0.Vip_Door_Enter


                    Type MAP_POINT

                        Type MAP_POINT
                        StringVal Moonstone_Vip_Enter_Goto

Def 1627836492
    Name Node_Look
    Version 1

    Group 319593458
        DebugName Anim_Node_Generic#1
        Pos  0.996,  0,  -1.364300
        Rot  0,  -0.320117,  -0
        UidInParent 2
        UseSeed 1

    Group 319593458
        Name Anim_Node_Generic#1
        DebugName Anim_Node_Generic#1
        Pos  -7.503600,  0,  -0.6403
        Rot  0,  0.678704,  -0
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 1712052456
    Name Anim_Node_Generic#3
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Anim Enc_Talk_Explain
        Orientation quat4 0, 0, 0, 0


            InteractionClass AmbientJob
            ExclusiveInteraction 1
            UseExclusionFlag 1


        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Anim_Node_Generic

Def 1745615848
    Name Anim_Node_Generic#4
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Anim Enc_Talk_Explain
        Orientation quat4 0, 0, 0, 0


            InteractionClass AmbientJob
            ExclusiveInteraction 1
            UseExclusionFlag 1


        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Anim_Node_Generic

Def 1779113704
    Name Anim_Node_Generic#5
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Anim Enc_Talk_Explain
        Orientation quat4 0, 0, 0, 0


            InteractionClass AmbientJob
            ExclusiveInteraction 1
            UseExclusionFlag 1


        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Anim_Node_Generic

Def 1912942918
    Name Node_Sleep
    Version 1

    Group 1963711208
        Name Anim_Node_Generic#6
        DebugName Anim_Node_Generic#6
        Pos  5.355700,  -1.843300,  25.698099
        Rot  0,  -0.80429,  -0
        UidInParent 1
        UseSeed 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

Def 1963711208
    Name Anim_Node_Generic#6
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Anim Enc_Writebook
        Orientation quat4 0, 0, 0, 0


            InteractionClass AmbientJob
            ExclusiveInteraction 1
            UseExclusionFlag 1


        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Anim_Node_Generic

Def 2081181204
    Name Ambient_Servant_01
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Template Generic_Single_Entity

            SpawnRadiusType Medium
            RespawnTimerType Medium

            Name Actor_1

            VariableDefs Idleanim
                Type ANIMATION

                    Type ANIMATION
                    StringVal Contact_Idle

            DisplayName Maps_Neverwinter_City_Neverwinter_Mm_Interior_Moonstone_Vip_Content.Ambient_Servant_01_Actor_1_Displayname.Ambient_Servant_01

                Costume Merchant_Bartender_M_Human_01

                CritterDef Generic_Civilian

        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Core_Icons_Objective

Def 2114698212
    Name Anim_Node_Generic
    Version 1
    ModelScale  1.000000,  1.000000,  1.000000

        Anim Enc_Stoke_Fire
        Orientation quat4 0, 0, 0, 0


            InteractionClass AmbientJob
            ExclusiveInteraction 1
            UseExclusionFlag 1


        CameraCollType No_Collision
        GameCollType Fully_Permeable
        Visible 0
        PhysicalCollision 0
        SplatsCollision 0
        EditorVisibleOnly 1
    Model Anim_Node_Generic
TerrainMaterialEntry TerrainDefault
EnableExclusion SIMPLE

now because we modified the map layer we will need to rebin the file then relaunch the server so in your batch files run "_3_MakeBinsAndExit_Server.bat" then "_4_fixupAllMapsAndExit_Server.bat" all done you can now start your server normally and be able to use the vip area
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
Enable Foundry
Okay it is possible to enable Foundry but it does not work as intended and is buggy, basically there are issues with saving and publication The main issue is related to it crashing the loginserver and not automatically launching the account server.. this is not a good idea to enable until more can be done with it.
first in /night/data/server/gamepermissions_baseinclude.txt replace the contents with the attatched file in this post this will flag it as ugc enabled for all characters without the need for anything else if you add these changes (yes this also gives the door unlock edit for moonstone mask)

then you need to modify some of the command line options inside of MCP (note there is a bug where you need to launch the logserver manually) these are edited inside mcp and then you need to add the following for each on the top line only
shared command line:
-SetProductName Night NW -SetShardCategory Live -SetShardName Live -MTCategory Live -IsContinuousBuilder 1 -?UseResourceDB -NoSharedMemory
Controller command line:
-SetMultipleMonitoringPorts 81 81
Map Manager command line:
-productionMode -UGCGenerallyEnabled 1 -UGCEnabled 1
Login Server:
-productionMode -ForceDebugPriv -UGCGenerallyEnabled 1 -UGCEnabled 1

foundry2 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums
foundry1 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

Foundry3 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums


  • GamePermissions_BaseInclude.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 70
Initiate Mage
Sep 16, 2023
Reaction score
How to change max level in neverwinter online

USE CAUTION WITH THE LEVEL INCREASE MOD it needs more testing but its one of the few things i will end up adding another post about in the future.

first make backups of any file you change.. seriously if you bork something its not on me, its you for ignoring this.

NOTE: there may be a bug where you cannot spawn in after you level up to level 65, for some reason i have found it only to affect randomly after visiting castle never.. i will look into this but not exactly sure.

warning the cap increase if done incorrectly can bug characters out, to fix the character you will need to remove the xp they have inside the monitor mode for that character and then set there level to a level lower than the cap in there (i.e. if you mess with the example bellow to increase to 70 without doing the maths you will end up with a server crash for the maps that that character uses so you would have to roll back files and fix that character manually)

open c:\night\data\defs\items\numerics\xp.item with a text editor and paste the following for level 65 cap and hit save then restart your server using mcp

ItemDef XP
    Scope Numerics

    DisplayNameMsg Itemdef.Xp
    Icon Icon_Numerics_Experience
    Type Numeric
    Maxnumericvalue 3920201
    Logforeconomy 1
    LogCategory GameEcon_XP
    Bonusnumerics Pet_Bonus_Xp
    Bonusnumerics Xp_Boost_25

    NumericThreshold UGCKillCreditLimiterShort
        Alert 0
        OnlyUGC 1
        OnlyKillCredit 1
        KillCreditLimiter 1

        DurationPerLevel 300
        ThresholdPerLevel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,41,83,82,99,127,137,156,173,198,211,231,250,274,290,311,331,350,368,385,406,422,442,461,480,497,519,536,556,576,596,614,633,650,672,688,709,729,748,767,785,804,821,842,863,879,899,919,938,956,975,996,1014,1031,1052,1072,1091,1108,1127,1146,1150

    NumericThreshold UGCKillCreditLimiterLong
        Alert 0
        OnlyUGC 1
        OnlyKillCredit 1
        KillCreditLimiter 1

        DurationPerLevel 21600
        ThresholdPerLevel 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,2146,4346,4272,5195,6647,7151,8186,9079,10365,11046,12105,13073,14354,15168,16286,17333,18320,19254,20142,21285,22088,23137,24144,25111,26042,27193,28057,29135,30178,31189,32171,33125,34053,35172,36050,37115,38154,39168,40159,41129,42077,43007,44104,45179,46051,47087,48104,49102,50082,51046,52162,53093,54008,55074,56122,57154,58012,59015,60004,61133,70000,71000,72000,73000,75000,76000,78000,79000,80000,81000

the file above has 65 intervals with an increased maxnumericvalue.. note this is where the bug may be USE WITH CAUTION

Modifying items

now this one is fun, you can litterally make things do what you want. big power stats sure, insane mount speed sure, multi offence rings sure.

find your item you want to edit in night/data/defs/items/ and then look for the things to change here are a few examples

gamerinamask - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums


ItemDef T7_Blue_Bag_Bagofholding
    Scope Equipment/Bags

    DisplayNameMsg In.Zav5ck1

    Descriptionmsg Id.L4c8py
    Icon Inventory_Misc_Bag1_Glowblue
    Flags  CantSell
    Type Bag
    Quality Gold
    Numbagslots 200
    Categories  Bags

save and close that and then open the next file


    MessageKey Id.L4c8py
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Description"
    Defaultstring <&A curious bag that seems to faintly whisper to you as if to invite you inside. Warning all the previous owners vanished suddenly without a trace.\n<br\><br\>\nAdds 200 inventory slots.&>

    MessageKey In.Zav5ck1
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Name"
    Defaultstring "Cursed Bag of Holding"

save close and make schema and reload the server to test this bag out now you just simply use
"giveitem T7_Blue_Bag_Bagofholding"

Odin's Hell, modified 2 slot offence ring with lightning passive

View attachment 237951

Please note: this is a proof of concept and the lightning is basically cosmetic at this time, it could be adjusted but i have no doubt this will provide a way over powered ring to play with at the min (yes this is not a good idea to run with in first play through or at lower levels but it is able to give you an edge in end game dungeons without increasing your level past 60)

open the ring def located here:


replace all the contents with the following:
ItemDef Ring_All_Purple_Lightning_T06_L60
    Scope Equipment/Ring

    DisplayNameMsg In.Hkq38o1
    Icon Inventory_Ringofwizardry_G0
    Flags  BindOnPickup
    Restrictbagid  Ring
    Level 60
    Quality Special
    Newitempowerdefrefid_Donttouchthis 1

        UID 2
        ItemPowerDef Stat_Power_Small
        Scalefactor 10.6
        Bgemslotsadjustscalefactor 1

        UID 4
        ItemPowerDef Stat_Armorpen_Small
        Scalefactor 40.6
        Bgemslotsadjustscalefactor 1

        UID 3
        ItemPowerDef Stat_Healthsteal_Small
        Scalefactor 10.6
        Bgemslotsadjustscalefactor 1

        ItemPowerDef Item_Ring_Lightning

    Itemgemslots  ItemOffense

    Itemgemslots  ItemOffense

        MinLevel 60
    Categories  Tier6,  Stats_Small,  Ring

now edit the MS file located here: C:\Night\data\defs\Items\Equipment\Ring\Ring_All_Purple_Lightning_T06_L60.Item.Ms and replace the contents with:

    MessageKey In.Hkq38o1
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Name"
    Defaultstring "Odin's Hell"

faster mounts you say?

here is a fun one but be very careful not to go full metal and break the game.. yes this one can break the game and maps if done wrong so dont adjust too high. here we will be modifying a mount to boost the speed output you can add other stuff too but thats something for another post. we do this by editing the powerfactor

first edit your mount file for this we will edit a achievement mount called "silverback" located at night/data/defs/items/mount/


ItemDef Ugc_Achievement_Mount_Bear_Silverback_01
    Scope Mount

    DisplayNameMsg In.Kyyb0a

    Descriptionmsg Id.Uxbhen1
    Icon Icons_Inventory_Mount_Bear_04
    Flags  BindOnPickup, CantSell
    Type Device
    Restrictbagid  Mounts


        Statement 100000
    Level 20
    Quality Special
    Powerfactor 9
    Newitempowerdefrefid_Donttouchthis 2

        UID 1
        ItemPowerDef Mount_Bear_Silverback_01

        MinLevel 60
    Categories  Mount

save and edit the next file


    MessageKey Id.Uxbhen1
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Description"
    Defaultstring "A ferocious bear fueled by rage and a undying lust for cocaine, This one is highly motivated."

    MessageKey In.Kyyb0a
    Scope ItemDef
    Description "Item Name"
    Defaultstring "Cocaine Bear"

save and make schemas and reload the server you can then give yourself the new modded mount with
"giveitem Ugc_Achievement_Mount_Bear_Silverback_01"

View attachment 237950

note you can also add these to stores of your choice for other non admin users, or put them in lock boxes etc. Please note the image is of my modified one where i have an artifact power added to the mount to give a "mount combat power" effect, i will explain all this later in another update when i get a chance to work out a bug i have with it.. it wont allow you to modify values i might have to use a power def for it instead.

Custom store content

you can add items to the store of your choice by modifying a file for your store you can find them in Night/data/defs/stores/

you then will need to add the following to add a potion of healing, change the item name to the item you want to add (use itemdebug or look for the item you want in the night/data/defs/items/)
        Item Potion_Healing

that will be all you need to do then you just save the file and run make schema and reload the server.

next post, how to modify powers and some other stuff like removing event requirement on certain queues (valindras tower and malabogs castle), modded double offence slot lightning ring with stats that are way too off the scale to be considered a good idea for actual play.. but it is fun. but all that when i get the time to write it in an easy to understand kind of way

How to enable Valindra's Tower and Malabogs Castle Dungeon queues

View attachment 238229
Okay so this will take a little bit of editing to allow the queues to happen without the corresponding events, because quite frankly having to wait for an event to do a queue is a bad way to do it imo. you could also modify the requirements for the queues here, i would recommend not changing things too much but you could change gear score required etc without too much of a worry. The attached modifications will allow you to use the queues without waiting for events, no other modifications have been made from dnc's release (Thanks gorkn for the files)

go to the queues def folder ( C:\Night\data\defs\Queues\ )

Malabogs Castle:

gamerinamask - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

open the following file "Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic.Queue"
replace the entire contents with:
Queuedef Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic
    Icon Loadingscreen_Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic

    Displaynamemesg Queuedef.Name.Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic

    Descriptionmesg Queuedef.Desc.Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic
    Public 1
    Scoreboard Pve_Dungeon
    Smartgroupingmode TankHealer
    Enableautoteam 1
    Allowvotekick 1
    Maptype QPvE
    Checkoffersbeforemaplaunch 1
    Minmembersallgroups 1
    Maxtimetowait 300
    Requiredgearrating 9200
    MapName Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic


        DisplayName Queuedef.Groupname0.Az_Sha_Malabogs_Castle_Epic
        Min 1
        Mintimed 5
        Max 5
        Maxtimed 5
        Autobalancemin 5
    Category Dungeon_Epic_2
    Expectedgametime 45

        MinLevel 60
        MaxLevel 60
        Maplevel 60

    Trackedevent Total_Kills "Kills\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n\tTargetIsPlayer 0\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Healing "Healing\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage_Taken "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Falls "NearDeath\r\n{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"

Valindra's Tower:

gamerinamask - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

open the following file "Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic.Queue"
replace the entire contents with:

Queuedef Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic
    Icon Az_Dr_Thaymount_Citadel_Valindras_Room_Spheremap

    Displaynamemesg Queuedef.Name.Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic

    Descriptionmesg Queuedef.Desc.Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic
    Public 1
    Scoreboard Pve_Dungeon
    Smartgroupingmode TankHealer
    Enableautoteam 1
    Allowvotekick 1
    Maptype QPvE
    Checkoffersbeforemaplaunch 1
    Minmembersallgroups 1
    Maxtimetowait 300
    Requiredgearrating 10500
    MapName Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymt_Citadel_Epic


        DisplayName Queuedef.Groupname0.Az_Dr_Dgn_Thaymount_Citadel_Epic
        Min 1
        Mintimed 5
        Max 5
        Maxtimed 5
        Autobalancemin 5
    Category Dungeon_Epic_2
    Expectedgametime 45

        MinLevel 60
        MaxLevel 60
        Maplevel 58

    Trackedevent Total_Kills "Kills\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n\tTargetIsPlayer 0\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Healing "Healing\r\n{\r\n\tMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchSource 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Damage_Taken "Damage\r\n\{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"
    Trackedevent Player_Falls "NearDeath\r\n{\r\nMatchTarget 1\r\n}\r\n"

Scourge Warlock is included in dmcs release

View attachment 238228
as it goes the Scourge Warlock is already inside the source for mod 2 neverwinter (and all that is needed is a simple but dirty hack work around)

first you need to grab a modified client, https://mega.nz/folder/DoRDSAYK#pYsISbk61DalWlkNxyC4cg you then need to add revowinter.su to your hosts file then you need to create a new warlock character and then you can land on the starting area but oh no.. there is no questline. so you are stuck there right? nope.. you can straight up use admin power to teleport out of there to protectors enclave and level up to level 8 and start the mission quests from all the others (i think the reason starting missions are bugged is because they did not have the early base weapons you find in the crates on the beach inside the code yet)

commands would be

mapmove neverwinter_protecters_enclave
setlevel 8

note you will need to spawn some weapons for yourself and the collections window doesnt work with that class, also the off hand (secondary) is kinda broken in it.. but the character still plays for extra bonus fun time if you spawn the character to protectors from the beach you start on then spawn them using "mapmove neverwinter_starting_zone" you will see a totally different start zone to what you expect, including the tavern and knox that then teleport you to the end of the original tutorial like it is for a player that already has completed the 0-60 questline. Warning if you do that you will need to make a new unstuck character because it will cause the client to crash on any character load.. i think its a bug with the tutorial done key

The primary weapons are in the defs under items equiptment implements or use the windows search feature in the defs folder for "scourge"

you can also use the same idea for non admins by using the monitor and moving the map they were last on to protectors enclave and manually modifying their level in their character page

note a lot of the items for the Warlock are placeholders and do not display properly but they play almost exactly as the early builds of neverwinter (from what i remember).

Add a combat power to mounts... kinda
okay here we will use the same "cocaine bear" mount as before but the rules are quite simple you add an artifact power to it (note you could use another power to it too i guess) and save so it looks like the following

the file i use for cocaine bear is located at C:\

ItemDef Ugc_Achievement_Mount_Bear_Silverback_01
    Scope Mount

    DisplayNameMsg In.Kyyb0a

    Descriptionmsg Id.Uxbhen1
    Icon Icons_Inventory_Mount_Bear_04
    Flags  BindOnPickup, CantSell
    Type Device
    Restrictbagid  Mounts


        Statement 100000
    Level 20
    Quality Special
    Powerfactor 8
    Newitempowerdefrefid_Donttouchthis 2

        UID 1
        ItemPowerDef Mount_Bear_Silverback_01

        UID 1
        ItemPowerDef Artifact_Valindraitem_R4
        Scalefactor 21.8

        MinLevel 60
    Categories  Mount, Artifactpower

this then allows the user with it to press the mount button while in combat to use that artifact power, there are other things you can do with it too but the cooldown will be 2 mins per combat power activation and the mount will work as normal outside of combat.

Event enabling and a warning
yes events can be enabled but do not enable them all at once here is what happens if you do
i will update this with more details on enabling when im next free. as you can see from the picture it is a little bit over crowded in there and almost impossible to use the npcs (you could move them to their own areas in protectors but where is the fun in that)

View attachment 238230

Enable Founders Pack
To enable the founders pack and allow it to be used when in the inventory you will need to go to localhost:8090 and then find the account you desire to use it on and add the following key value

With the value of "1"

that account can now open the packs, you could also add this to a purchaseable item but thats for another time.
I appreciate all this info! Loving the dual stat rings and faster mounts! I also added 2 slots for weapon and armor enchants!
I am poking around the Events folder trying to enable Dungeon Delves, but having trouble. Can you help explain the process?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
I appreciate all this info! Loving the dual stat rings and faster mounts! I also added 2 slots for weapon and armor enchants!
I am poking around the Events folder trying to enable Dungeon Delves, but having trouble. Can you help explain the process?
No worries glad is can be of use, I know the original docs are a little hefty and missing some points.

Dungeon Delvers can be enabled like any other event (I think I made a zip containing all the modded events I will add another reply to this with a mega link to the guide I am making with the zips too)

Basically you open the event file for dungeon Delvers this is a start date and end date.. set that to an date inside the next few years and save then rebuild schemas using the .bat

This will then give you the event on next full server reset.. after you cose all MCP and server programs
Then re open and launch the server.

There are a few things to note dungeon Delvers does have a bug on one dungeon.. I think it's valindras where the event will work but the chest will not open / opens with nothing inside of it.

(Note it is easier to disable dungeon Delvers event with a modified dungeon file where you can automatically open chests)

Note open this with firefox or adobe acrobat or something other than chrome (there are files attatched to this pdf including the events, original documentation etc)

note some of the pages need updating with newer things ive added but this is a draft example i did a few months back that was already on my mega beforehand that i sent to another user that had questions :) i hope this helps you on your journey to making something unique and awesome.

word of caution.. make a backup of everything you change.. you just cant put them in the same part on c drive they have to go to another folder outside of the night folder so do what i did and make a folder next to night on cdrive called "neverwinterbackups" that for me is just a simple copy and paste of any original file i edit. (renaming causes errors if left in the night folder subdirectories like freezing and black screens.. e.g. file.txt and creating a copy naming it file.txt.bak the server detects it.. throws a fit).

i know at one point i need to add to the guide is the modification of protectors enclave event npcs and vendors, i threw them all up into the reflecting pool of protectors so they could all be enabled and it wouldnt cause any issue when trying to use them.
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Initiate Mage
Sep 16, 2023
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Guide on how to add LVL 9 Access to an account
Rar file attached is a word doc version of this guide.

First, log into that account, and select a character. Remember the character name that you select.
1695092818871 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

On the server, In MCP, click the “Monitor” Button
1695092845128 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

Select Object Database-“Monitor”
1695092874044 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

Select “Entity Player”
1695092898477 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

This part is a bit tricky. This screen shows recent logons. From what I can tell, 1 is always on top. The second row of the chart seems to be the most recent logons. If you can’t find the character, open all of them in new tabs and cycle through to find your character. Also note that these are character IDs, which are different from Account IDs. For me, I chose character number 10. Opening the tab reveals the character’s name is Grin, who I am logged into in the game client.
1695092975952 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

1695092996642 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

In the Access Level and Accountaccesslevel sections, Double click the text that says “Access_Ucg”

In the popup that appears, type “Access_Debug”

Note, you must do this in both sections!

Close the browser window and go back to your client. You should see “Access Level 9 in the top right corner. This indicates that you have admin access.

1695093027422 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums

This will not make you a GM, but it will allow you to run any console command. Does anyone know how to grant permanent lvl 9 access or make someone a GM?

Later this week I'll post a guide on how to make the Lightning Enchant chain infinitely! and a few other tweaks!
@gamerinamask, feel free to integrate this into your guide. PM me if you want to open a google doc to edit together!


  • NWOPS How to add Lvl9 Access for another account.rar
    4.4 MB · Views: 46
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks for the guide on giving debug commands access
I will add it to the guide when I'm done at work, I might take you up on that Google docs part, one downside is I'm not sure how to use Google docs fully.. (ikr 30 year old not knowing tech but knows about other tech) I think it's because they keep changing things between my uses of it.

In the guide I posted there is a guide for permanent GM if you already launched the server by modifying the first two accounts

If you need to increase the number you modify a specific line in the source code and it will make all accounts up to that number have it

There possibly is a way using the in game console but a current GM needs to be online with a non GM

In the console as a GM type GM and hit tab+shift (I think)

It should have a command there that has GM in the title it is used when aiming at another player. However I'm 99% sure this is more of a pain than using the first two accounts
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2022
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A Little question... how can i setup my server to do not unload maps that are not used by clients, AKA like in city of heroes transient mode? (Or even to start with all larger maps loaded into memory at startup,(like main city zones) i have ram for that XD but idk how to do it, in COH there is a maps.db that can enable this mode to be full loaded up... but here i did not found anything..) I want to keep maps in the ram even if they are not used.... I remember that was possible somehow in nwo too but i dont remember how... Can you help gamerinamask ? Or anyone...
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
A Little question... how can i setup my server to do not unload maps that are not used by clients, AKA like in city of heroes transient mode? (Or even to start with all larger maps loaded into memory at startup,(like main city zones) i have ram for that XD but idk how to do it, in COH there is a maps.db that can enable this mode to be full loaded up... but here i did not found anything..) I want to keep maps in the ram even if they are not used.... I remember that was possible somehow in nwo too but i dont remember how... Can you help gamerinamask ? Or anyone...
I'm not entirely sure on this for all maps but I believe you can force the loading of maps with the server program on the right there is a drop down with a selection of maps and a launch button you should be able to launch using those buttons and it should* keep them alive when zero players are there.. I think (honestly I haven't tested it this way but I know it can keep things around for a while with zero in the map.. I just haven't tested for specifically how long it will hold the map for)
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2022
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Thx for the reply, gamerinamask! I found that setting in the server monitor dropdown commands, but that is only temporary.... i would need a command line since if i restart the server the settings sets back to 5 minutes - or around that - preloading from MCP is not working well... also i would only like to keep those that the clients were in before.

GS timeout - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums
But it resets after restart, i can set it for around 3 days or 24 hours would be nice, but it wont stay like that... -.-' XD it works if i do not restart the server for days, but it would be nice to add to the gs common command line in MCP...

Also, A Bug that had not been adressed/fixed normally:
The Lair of the mad dragon in DNC release cannot be player until the end, afther the second boss, if you progress thru the final boss, there is a part with missing stone blocks and the game puts you back to the entrance.... you can escape the dungeon, and you finish the quest, but you cannot get to the dragon... i was found a "fix" but that was only a bunch of exe files, the main error is in the map files... idk how to fix it,...

I am also trying to fix my enchantement window to fix the missing remove enchantment part - from the other client it is working but the newer client posted here, breaks the professions (among a lot of things like bag sorting and health bars, profile pictures, and party window ect), so... i cannot do that... if woul,d need to modify the uigen files for inventory enchantments.... it is small, and missing the enhancement managment.(AKA you cannot remove enhancements from the items, only refine) it looks like this:

1709562493987 - Neverwinter GM commands and other useful information - RaGEZONE Forums
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
Thx for the reply, gamerinamask! I found that setting in the server monitor dropdown commands, but that is only temporary.... i would need a command line since if i restart the server the settings sets back to 5 minutes - or around that - preloading from MCP is not working well... also i would only like to keep those that the clients were in before.

View attachment 257477
But it resets after restart, i can set it for around 3 days or 24 hours would be nice, but it wont stay like that... -.-' XD it works if i do not restart the server for days, but it would be nice to add to the gs common command line in MCP...

Also, A Bug that had not been adressed/fixed normally:
The Lair of the mad dragon in DNC release cannot be player until the end, afther the second boss, if you progress thru the final boss, there is a part with missing stone blocks and the game puts you back to the entrance.... you can escape the dungeon, and you finish the quest, but you cannot get to the dragon... i was found a "fix" but that was only a bunch of exe files, the main error is in the map files... idk how to fix it,...

I am also trying to fix my enchantement window to fix the missing remove enchantment part - from the other client it is working but the newer client posted here, breaks the professions (among a lot of things like bag sorting and health bars, profile pictures, and party window ect), so... i cannot do that... if woul,d need to modify the uigen files for inventory enchantments.... it is small, and missing the enhancement managment.(AKA you cannot remove enhancements from the items, only refine) it looks like this:

View attachment 257478
Okay the enchantment bug has been fixed in the other clients that were released for it, you may need to alter how you run it mind you, the one from zone may need a different URL to be passed to your hosts file.. I'm 99% sure this is also true for the other modded clients.

As for mad dragon that would require you to manually fix the location for he object and rebuild the map
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2022
Reaction score
Okay the enchantment bug has been fixed in the other clients that were released for it, you may need to alter how you run it mind you, the one from zone may need a different URL to be passed to your hosts file.. I'm 99% sure this is also true for the other modded clients.

As for mad dragon that would require you to manually fix the location for he object and rebuild the map
I KNOW that the enchantment has been fixed in other clients, but what you are posted before, it works as the login and EVERYTHING ELSE, and we can use it, but breaks the professions... i am altering the links for the client and everything works, just not the professions.... is there any other client by any chance? Or the fix itself?(it would be literally approximately 4-5 lines of addon code, i just dont know WHAT to write... but just for that few line of code i dont want to trash my entire custom client not to mention that i am rebinning it frequently... since i am translating it to my own language.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
I use the rage client and I have not seen a profession bug, however I have not used professions much just slightly so I can't be certain
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2022
Reaction score
XD I have at least 4 other users to back up this statement, we tested it... with the normal DNC based client, everything is good, but with this other client it breaks... the artificing are mixing up with other professions and some other 0 level professions cannot be trained, since they are appearing empty, ect... on the DNC-based client it works well. Also i dont want to use other clients since i am working on mine as i said before, i need to rebin it frequently that is why i am asking for that few line of code, someone before were posted around here but the thread since long gone... but if you dont have it it is fine.... the mad dragon will be fixed with the editor method, but not this enchantment sh*t XD

I also tried unhogging the newer client and replace mine uigen.bin with that from the other one; but no luck, it is breaks the artifcing/other professions too. (BEFORE you tell me, yea; i did tried normally without tampering anything only with the other client downloaded, i did all these AFTER i had ran out of ideas)

i Also managed to enlarge the enchantment windows in uigens, all its missing is that remove enchantment dropdown menu

I use the rage client and I have not seen a profession bug, however I have not used professions much just slightly so I can't be certain
I did downloaded the client posted here, with the new menu and addon class, ect.. i have the problem with that :D Is that the rage client?!
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