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Neverwinter Online RE-Release (Based on DNC'S source)

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Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Lots of log files(You can purge them), and lots of stuff like server cache in it... that doubles the size. ect ect, you can check it. (It is a used and fixed version) if you delete databases/logs all dumps ect you will get about the same size...

If you are resetting it it will be a setback(Account,products and Zen store is will be purged too, i was unable to export the products, so if you reset you have to type all items again from the microtrans files.), so i uploaded like this to everyone can choose to reset and/or keep it as it is. Your choice.

As for foundry: That is NEVER worked! That is not in the code, never was. Dnc was working on it but they stuck in the developing, so no WORKING foundry yet.

This: http://forum.ragezone.com/f898/nwo-sto-source-data-tutorial-1047042/
is not a fixed core. Not secure(Talking home) and just for the record, the resources itself are 50 GB+ sized... :p
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2016
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

If not want the attention of cryptic, I much suggest add errortracker.crypticstudios.com to host file.

When your server crash, dump file w/ IP sent to errortracker.crypticstudios.com - tracking of leak is perform this way.

Better solution: block ALL outgoing traffic to
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Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

If not want the attention of cryptic, I much suggest add errortracker.crypticstudios.com to host file.

When your server crash, dump file w/ IP sent to errortracker.crypticstudios.com - tracking of leak is perform this way.

Better solution: block ALL outgoing traffic to
@DNC has fixed this, so you do not have to do this anymore, those lines and callbacks are removed from this source, you can check it.(but you can block it if you want, and if you paranoid enough XD)

Error tracker is Striped from those domains too. It cannot call home. What you wrote is needed only in the other not fixed source on the other thread
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2014
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Tell me please what version of the server and client?
I have found clients of version NW 45.20150902b.14, NW 50.20150902b.14 ...
It is the first question. Second question: where number of the version registers in the client and the server?
And question finally, what files are responsible for the translation in game?
Thanks in advance for answers!
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Jaushkin Peter said:
Tell me please what version of the server and client?

For Features/Details to client recheck the first thread post, with repack features! There are a LOT VERY LOT more information regarding the client.

Jaushkin Peter said:
I have found clients of version NW 45.20150902b.14, NW 50.20150902b.14 ...
Second question: where number of the version registers in the client and the server?

I dont know either becouse you wont be able to use any of the the factory clients(The mentioned ones are absolutely no chance, those are too new...).

My guessing however regarding the client version is equal or around for Patch NW.10.20131120a.14 It went live December 5th, 2013(my guessing is from nwo wiki with the Dread ring module) and the client is equal or around the Shadowmantle module extension. With no warlock ofc.
Check wiki, but the original NW.10.20131120a.14 WONT work, only what you are compiling!

(The source itself says version 1 or 0 it wont work in this terms you want) *Only* the client in this source is compatible with the server itself it... so sorry, no support for original ones the original clients has rely on other resources, and you dont have the source to the originals... it is an unique client/server build, with custom modifications and has been rewired/rewritten so much things, that makes possible to you to run the game itself on lan/wan, so it wont work with any of the original clients, becouse there is no original for this server. This is a unique version just for us. You can check all things in the sources yourself.

There is so much what we dont know about the source btw, that is why the big doc file with all manual informations.

Jaushkin Peter said:
And question finally, what files are responsible for the translation in game?
Thanks in advance for answers!

That is pretty obvious, Night/data/translations for ingame translaton
and Night/data/ui for the interface, dialogues, menus, ect. for the client.

NOTE: if you make any modification to the client translation, you have to modify/recompile the client, so rebind, rebin, and repack to make it happen...

For further informations like/file/locations, ect. check that 4400 page document what is in the package too. OK?

Also, i made a new repack features list, with pro's and con's read them! It helps to know what is working and what not.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2016
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)


Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)


Sorry, but what is this "i put this link and a number" behavior? Please express yourself in a normal way, what are you want to say with this picture?! This relase only NW 10.xxxxxxx I dont get it what do you want...

OR if true what is i suspect about your picture:

Just you to know: if you want to sell an NWO.60 client/server you are in a wrong place. This community about sharing, not the ripoff the others. So Share it for free, or hit the road if you wont. (Sorry if this not the case. Just telling.)
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Skilled Illusionist
Nov 5, 2004
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

im getting the feeling someone on soke163 is trying to sell this lol....
its either that or there is another set of files floating around
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Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

@i have the original files but i cant mirror em cause my upload speed is low,did u put any patch or any change on this,sir?i had a server runin(i think u saw my video) and now ppl is angry cause i dont open it public :p
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

im getting the feeling someone on soke163 is trying to sell this lol....
its either that or there is another set of files floating around

Those pictures differs from this one... i did not seen any links...

Well, either way, if he has a newer version; and wont share it for free, i have zero intrest, XD :p If there will be here w/o charge i will make a repack too... If he sells this version, well... i cannot do anything, all i can do is change the links...

Update: I checked it, he is not selling it. AFAIK he is just only referring to this links...

xlw00tlx said:
i have the original files but i cant mirror em cause my upload speed is low,did u put any patch or any change on this,sir?i had a server runin(i think u saw my video) and now ppl is angry cause i dont open it public :p

Yes i saw your video. Well, i personally dont recommend to open it publicly, if you are not a glutton for punishment by cryptic... XD I had a server too, that is this exactly what i shared here, i am no longer hosting this server to my friends. I would recommend a torrent, but i dont have the guts to host this in public torrent sites, so... i wont. XD

What was modified: All i did it was the Chat fix, and a few little fixes (what you can find in the addons.rar like dungeon fix/ and gui fix) and events/queue and pvp files were modified as i mentioned in the main thread features in spoilers. The rest is Dnc's source. Nothing changed apart from theese. It is basicly th same the original was(It has a working Zen Store, however if you want admin you have to delete the DB what will kill the zen store...) but this is the same, and i figured out approx. the original version number... thats all. (This is big becouse a few dump and the unpurged log files...) Oh and you can make cached server files what is loading faster from pigg/hogg files...(but if u modify the server you need to rebuild the cache)) And i collected the most of the fixes/manuals for this one.

it was stable and 90% bugfree for almost a year, so i shared as i had.
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Skilled Illusionist
Nov 5, 2004
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

he's selling the files you buy the download location in that thread and he also says its on mega if you translate it.
its what made me think he might be selling these, maybe its me but when have you ever seen someone on those forums use mega its all baidu normally.
id buy it just to check if i had the gold to do so on soke
Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

@donwloading the patchs and addons for rar,thanks,i ll re setup later i have to fix stuff cause my disk D:(servers) died
i didnt open any of my servers to public,thats why people rage on my facebook and youtube
i didnt like this game much its just run and spam clicks and buttons 1-2,pretty dull and linear like all perfect world games(if they add auto walk the game would be 3 times worse,like PWI and Forsaken)
idk how that greedy company keeps up with crappy games pay to win mmorpgs,the ones that really shine were WOI,swordsman and Rusty hearts and thy were killed
btw any chance of getting the ORIGINAL neverwinter online of AOL server?or setup a neverwinter 1 or 2 server?
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

@xlw00tlx Nah, i just obtained the pack from dnc, i would love if someone could upload a newer version, oh and btw you can reform the server to make this not to pay - to - win type :D Thats why the source is there... :D so i cannot get anything from anywhere... @morbitangel - > I really don't care, if someone know about this forum they can obtain it for free... i just re-uploaded it, its not me who made all this possible... so... Update:
... its just run and spam clicks and buttons 1-2,pretty dull and linear like all perfect world games(if they add auto walk the game would be 3 times worse,like PWI and Forsaken)...
xlw00tlx Well, not for that; but this game is hack and slash, maybe simple but i dont think its a bad game...(The community will kill me for saying this but personally i see more fantasy in this combat system than seen in wow or aion...) true, it gets repetitive, but for lan/coop it is good IMHO... But i have to tell you: it HAS auto-run button you just need to activate it XDXD
... idk how that greedy company keeps up with crappy games pay to win mmorpgs,the ones that really shine were WOI,swordsman and Rusty hearts and...
Thats my problem too... But you can make a normal game from this: what i currently trying: After every kill +1 +2 Zen points :D... if i manage that, it would be good for local play and no overpower... :D i have to figure out how to add environmental variables to loot tables... :\ My 2 big dream is: 1 - STO with GOOD private server code(optimized/fixed more recent) 2 - City of heroes/villains server...(sad-fully, it is not gonna happen.. only if some miracle happens...)
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2014
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

465e34c12d7171868a11e26aa9590679 - Neverwinter Online RE-Release (Based on DNC'S source) - RaGEZONE Forums

6520751bc0771edbd9b30803c41510ce - Neverwinter Online RE-Release (Based on DNC'S source) - RaGEZONE Forums

Why the last 2 instance without textures?
How to correct it's?


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Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Never had a problem like this, also, as i see you turned on dev mode somehow(the green lines is the sign of it...) but IDK why is that never was a problem like this for me... If you fiddle around with the editor/dev mode you could end up with errors like this or worse...
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2014
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

Never had a problem like this, also, as i see you turned on dev mode somehow(the green lines is the sign of it...) but IDK why is that never was a problem like this for me... If you fiddle around with the editor/dev mode you could end up with errors like this or worse...
I have included the Dev-mode somehow to be guided by districts.
I didn't use any editors. Only the 1st works instance for low lvl.
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

I have included the Dev-mode somehow to be guided by districts.
I didn't use any editors. Only the 1st works instance for low lvl.

Regardless; i cannot help, it is not a typical problem, try to reinstall or something... :\ it is works every man who i tested with... :\ Even The Server, so...

Maybe you could try to rebin and re-pack the client/server.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2016
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Re: Neverwinter Online RE-Relase (Based on DNC'S source)

My 2 big dream is: 1 - STO with GOOD private server code(optimized/fixed more recent) 2 - City of heroes/villains server...(sad-fully, it is not gonna happen.. only if some miracle happens...)

Exists. Sadly is only CoH (not NCSoft version). So is junk...
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