Let's assume you just don't know much about computers and really believe you are helping people with this. If for some reason somebody would prefer downloading an unknown file from the internet rather then create a shortcut then i present to you a super secret 25 byte file that does exactly the same, the only difference is u can actually check exactly what it does with simple notepad. Or you can create it yourself following this free tutorial:
1. Create a new text document in the game directory
2. Open it and paste the following code inside
client.exe NoCheckVersion
3. Save the file and rename it to "client.bat"
4. Congratulations! Now you can start your client with NoCheckVersion without a shortcut
On the other hand, if you are an aspiring developer, and lets say you're using manual patches for some reason, you can make your client start without launcher, just as if it was using NoCheckVersion by default:
1. Find this block in Client project> MainProc > GameMain.cpp around line 899 or just search for "CheckHttpVersion("Update.ini")"
else if (CheckHttpVersion("Update.ini") == false)
delete g_pGameMain;
return 0;
2. Comment it out like this
/*else if (CheckHttpVersion("Update.ini") == false)
delete g_pGameMain;
return 0;
3. Rebuild