• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

NoLimit 97d99i Exp: 80 Drop: 40% - Official Launch 02 June

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Gabrovo, Bulgar
NoLimit Mu 2023

nolimit - NoLimit 97d99i Exp: 80 Drop: 40% - Official Launch 02 June - RaGEZONE Forums

Official launch 02 June (Friday) 19:00h GMT +2

Website Links:

NoLimit Mu

Discord: NoLimit Community

Registrations is open. http://nolimitmu.com/?p=register

Server Information:
Version: 97d+99i
Experience & Drop 100x & 40%
Points per Level BK, SM, ELF = 5 / MG = 7
PK Clear Cost /pkclear - 10,000,000 zen x Kill
Guild create level 100 required
Max items level +11+16
Server Events Blood Castle, Devil Square, Sky Event
Dragon Invasion, Happy Hour, Lucky Jewels
Hall of Fame and more

Reset Info
Max Level/Max Resets 350 Level / 6 Resets (will increase to 40)
Reset Level Resets at level 350
Reset Cost 15,000,000 zen x Reset Number
Keep stats after reset Disabled
Points per Reset: Blade Knight - 340, Soul Master - 410, Muse Elf - 380, Magic Gladiator - 420

Success Rates
2nd level Wings 80% Maximum possible
(Even if you visually get higher % in-game, the maximum possible is 80%! Everything above that won't matter!)
Jewel of Soul 70% (50% if no luck)
Jewel of Life 70% (50% if no luck)
Item +10 80% (70% if no luck)
Item +11 75% (65% if no luck)

Mana Shield formula
Start Percent 10%
Agility per 1% 160 Agility
Energy per 1% 400 Energy
Mana Shield Max 80%

For more information you can use Discord or personal to FireFox#3887​

По време на тест периода съм пуснал боксовете от +1 до +5 в lorencia в бара.

In beta test period have box +1 - box +5 in lorencia bar
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