normal DC (disconnect problem)

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2007
Reaction score
Can someone give me a general idea why this occur? Like sometimes when I'm lvling and I get DC message. Thanks
When you launch the client when gameguard loads press cancel.
He's talking about while already ingame o_o

If its DC(4) refer to your other topic
If its DC(1) and your playing on the same computer your running the server off of, PT is badly designed and takes up a silly amount of resources for a pretty lowkey job, so if you dont have 1GB+ memory and a 3Ghz+ processor / 1.6ghz+ Dual core, the server is gonna have alot of hickups.
You shouldn't ever get DC(3) or DC(2) if your just playing with yourself.
/oftopic\is it true botting with joytokey on pt works?/oftopic\
Only about 1 or 2 methods to bot in PT, although I don't really see why you would want to.
He's talking about while already ingame o_o

If its DC(4) refer to your other topic
If its DC(1) and your playing on the same computer your running the server off of, PT is badly designed and takes up a silly amount of resources for a pretty lowkey job, so if you dont have 1GB+ memory and a 3Ghz+ processor / 1.6ghz+ Dual core, the server is gonna have alot of hickups.
You shouldn't ever get DC(3) or DC(2) if your just playing with yourself.

Actually, I got a DC message without any number. Is this suppose to be DC(1)?
yea you can keep from d/c'ing ingame by canceling gameguard on startup of pt...
If its just DC without a number variable it means its not a connection, most likely your video card or you don't have enough ram.
Try getting the newest DirectX 9.0c April 2006/2007 files.
And try unistalling some other crap you dont need ^^
hm..ic by the way can you guys tell me what the max for these fields and what they use for.

*PERMIT_EXP - Any number
*EVENT_EXPUP - Wouldn't go over 600
*PERMIT_EXP - Any number
*EVENT_EXPUP - Wouldn't go over 600

um.. is this the exp cap (*PERMIT_EXP)? so can we put a high number and hoping not getting DC(4)?
that sort of helps heighten the cap but it doesn't really increase it, it does slightly help with he DC(4) issue.