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Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform]

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git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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I don't think Adobe would bother with that.

We never know. But i think in that way also. Maybe Sulake pays Adobe for a technical support. Big companies does that, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft...

Anyways, the biggest problem of Electron it's that uses Google Chrome containers. So if Chrome officially stop supporting Flash?

Chrome uses the PPAPI Plugins, so even if Chrome disable Flash, will be possible inject the PepperFlash Plugin?

Anyways, i'm researching about injecting NPAPI Plugins, (Chrome doesn't support they anymore). I will find to decompile the Package (in case of OS X) of an Pepper Flash Plugin, and try to inject the META Informations into a NPAPI Package (in OS X both are .plugin)
If this works, i can "officially" inject Adobe Shockwave Flash NPAPI Plugin into a PPAPI Plugin.

The poop it's that if the chrome container runs directly on Electron App, i will need pass out the "SANDBOX MODE" of Chrome Plugin Allowance.

Actually the HabClient does a request to the Engine that renders the Client. So it's hosted in a URL and not in File System. (Since Electron allows to Bind External Pages and Electron Pages (both in HTML). But the Electron Pages are loaded through File System.

Chrome as strictly and rigorous security in File System Loaded files.
But already exists tutorials to bypass they.

I will also research the possibility of using a specific version of Chrome (aka Chromium) container.
That will be hard.

But i will try do my best in this project. And obviously this time, releasing it.

This weekend i will resume the commits. And do the things that i explained in my previous post. (Or going as far i can)

Thanks for supporting and reading this project!
topkek amirite??
May 16, 2009
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Chromium doesn't support flash.

Chromium supports Pepper Flash, a version of the Flash Player by Google that was created specifically for Chromium (and Chrome of course!)
git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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Updated NovaApp & NovaEngine!
  • Renamed all names of "HabClient" to "NovaApp"
  • Coded Dynamic Updates Retrieve & Last News (App & Engine)
  • Coded 2FA and Optional Token Re-Generation (Engine)
  • Coded Splash Screen (App)
  • Changed App Icon
  • Dynamic Error Page
  • Started Coding Save Valid Servers in History
Next Commits:
  • Code Save Servers in History
  • If Already exists a Saved Server, Load Server List First
    • Button to Add a New Server
  • Select Existent Server and Play on it without re-authenticating (Purpose of 2FA)
  • Improve English (because my english suck)

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums
Loyal Member
May 5, 2007
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Updated NovaApp & NovaEngine!
  • Renamed all names of "HabClient" to "NovaApp"
  • Coded Dynamic Updates Retrieve & Last News (App & Engine)
  • Coded 2FA and Optional Token Re-Generation (Engine)
  • Coded Splash Screen (App)
  • Changed App Icon
  • Dynamic Error Page
  • Started Coding Save Valid Servers in History
Next Commits:
  • Code Save Servers in History
  • If Already exists a Saved Server, Load Server List First
    • Button to Add a New Server
  • Select Existent Server and Play on it without re-authenticating (Purpose of 2FA)
  • Improve English (because my english suck)

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

Just some general comments, your user-interface is way too complicated for at least 20% of the users that you are targeting at. Remember these are kids that does not understand most of the words you put down; Two-factor authentication and http:// is like alien technology to them and most people will put down https:// anyways in the field Try avoid these issues to happen by design instead of asking the user to remove http:// from the address. You are also asking the user to select the server when they are supposed to enter the address? (what?) I suggest one of the following approaches to test your UI:
- Get really drunk and see if you can use it.
- Get @NoBrain to test it, he is already pretty resource constrained.
git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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Thanks master maritnmine!

I just finished the first version (for production usage) of NovaApp.
I will now start to research how create the Installer.
NoBrain, if isn't a bother to you.. Can you help me with the User Interface, and Usability Tests? Also helping to improve the English, since i suck in english..

Here a screen of Server List:
ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums

Anyways i will package the App.

Electron it's to much lazy to understand that i already have mono installed..
No dice: spawn mono ENOENT

So wtf.. Maybe i only can create a Package Installer.. running on Windows? :glare:

So, maybe someone with Windows OS can do this for me.. Anyways. My internet is slow today.. Maybe i will not be able to upload the electron-packages
(each one has 100mb)
Initiate Mage
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
I'm sure is. But this community it's dying in egoist.

Top Bar Working!! Now need code the Show Articles from TopBar ;)
(And code the Articles API D:)

ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums
hmm,since you changed the topbar does that mean we can do it to? Change it to another style.
git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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hmm,since you changed the topbar does that mean we can do it to? Change it to another style.

You mean.. change the logo? Or remove it? You can customize the entire client on /engine/packages/SRC/Vendor/client.php
But yes, you can customize it and it's easy to change the logo. Only need open the main client.php available at /engine/client.php the line has "small_logo"
git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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Commited many things to Nova.
  • App:
    • Coded Hotel Articles Plugin (Screenshot attached) (alpha)
      • See all Articles with Scroll
      • Need to create a way to only show Article summaries..
      • Create a jQuery trigger to open the full content of the Article in a new Window.
    • Cleaned the NodeJS Core
    • Improved Checks and the Nova Class, created subModules
    • Improved other things
    • Coded Language & Translation System (beta)
      • The Language System is in beta, but it already works.
      • Need to do safety checks, without that people can inject in the App by only editing the Language Files.
      • Goodly, i tried to inject, and creates only PURE HTML elements. They are loaded with DOM also. But if JavaScript is attached on they, doesn't works. So JS injection will not work.
  • Engine:
    • Coded Articles System
      • Only does query by now
      • Need code REST module for Articles
      • I did a little poop with how the Articles CSS is loaded.. So don't care about the poop PHP injections..
    • Improved some codes..
    • Added more configurations.

Forgot the Image:
ovflowd - Nova [Node, Electron, PHP, REST, Multi-Platform] - RaGEZONE Forums
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Ask me about Daoism
Loyal Member
Nov 6, 2010
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I don't think Adobe would bother with that.

Oh I do! Companies regularly provide back-room support to enterprise consumers. Sulake's been a friend to Adobe's platforms, which used to be Macromedia's of course, for two decades now. I'd be shocked if Adobe didn't have some immediate presence during the migration from Shockwave to Flash. What I'm really thinking is that Adobe gave them inside instructions that detailed the process of moving your assets to Flash.
git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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Fresh updates! John Winfield and lai0n entered on the project.

New Progresses:
  • We started a separate branch called rewrite, where we're rewriting the NovaApp for a proper code version. This branch will be full optimized and use things like Bootstrap and more Habbo UI styles.
  • The master branch it's continuing with the normal progresses. I will implement more features later.
  • Actually NovaApp it's usable, and we're relaying now in recode the features and proper using the API provided by the NovaEngine.
  • Also we will improve the PHP of the NovaEngine.. More security.
  • You can also see the issues on the GitHub repository and see what we're doing.
git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
Reaction score
It seems like everytime John Winfield is joining a project its dying.. RIP!

Haha, fun joke.
But the truth it's that this project didn't got big support from the community.
And maybe i code everything, to after all, no one use this.

The truth is that no one want to download something to play Habbo. That's the difference of Habbo, you don't "download" any binary, executable, installer or something on the browser.

All the downloads happens in the backend.

Maybe something better, it's create Nova as a WebApp that you don't need to download.
I'm thinking about.. Why i created an App with Electron.. It's just HTML5 + JavaScript!

It's so stupid!! I'm so stupid!! Why not simple make each hotel have the api and an online portal that you put the hotel url and the toke and click play.

It's the same!

Obviously the magic of this was Shockwave. But really? Shockwave is dead. People love oldschool, but maybe no one will play it ever if i magically create a support to it. No one will ever create a retro server maybe (maybe not).

So if i continue this project on my vacations, will be as the engine and a portal hosted by me that do the same of the NovaApp.

So, in this way, i will simplify a lot the end-user part. That really don't want to download anything.

What yours think about this change?
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