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NPC Buffer L2J 

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Initiate Mage
Feb 14, 2007
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Hello buys :)
After to many hours of searching and reading I decided to post a prob.
I have the NPC buffer in a version of Hero's Pack and I downloaded the latest Nightlies from the Site. I unzipped them and I tried to load the buffer in the latest Nightlies. I created a new database I altered the fields in the DB that is for the NPC 35461 (buffer) and I tried to load the custom quest (9999_NPCBuffer).I repaired the .py file in order to load the quest but nothing happens..... :( . I searched from where the problem starts and I found that it starts on the field of the .py file in the quest (9999_NPCBuffer) that says :from net.sf.l2j.gameserver import SkillTable
Does anyone have any idea why is that happening ?
ty for the responce

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