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npc not working????

Junior Spellweaver
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
ok i was making an npc in the die place and it teleports ur places but everytime i client on it my client gets and error and closes this is the code do i have an error?

if (CurrentNPC == 104828)
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCSay("Where are you heading for? I can teleport you Basicly Anywhere you wanna go."));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Phoenix Castle", 101));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Desert City", 102));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Ape Mountain", 103));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Bird Island", 104));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Mine Cave", 105));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Market", 106));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Twin City", 107));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("MysticCastle", 108));
SendPacket(General.MyPackets.NPCLink("Just passing by.", 255));


if (CurrentNPC == 104828)
if (Control == 101)
MyChar.Teleport(1011, 190, 271);
if (Control == 102)
MyChar.Teleport(1000, 500, 650);
if (Control == 103)
MyChar.Teleport(1020, 567, 576);
if (Control == 104)
MyChar.Teleport(1015, 723, 573);
if (Control == 105)
MyChar.Teleport(1028, 158, 94);
if (Control == 106)
MyChar.Teleport(1036, 200, 200);
if (Control == 107)
MyChar.Teleport(1002, 431, 379);
if (Control == 108)
MyChar.Teleport(1001, 316, 642);

^ that last part is rite just the way it puts it on this it just puts it all on the same section kind like |