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[NPC Scripting] Specifying a status?

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Alright, so I'm working on a NPC, and I've run into an issue; I need to know how to specify what status something goes to.

For example, I have multiple choices in the first status, which is a sendSimple. The first three choices bring up a list of items obtained from a defined array, while the last one, which I'm working on, I want to be a "Gachapon" type action. Doing this, I need to be able to have the script go like this:
What would you like to use your vote points on ( Gachapon ) >> Are you sure you'd like to use one vote point for gachapon? >> receive item @ Dispose.

Here's my script.
var status = -1;
var nitems;
var np;
var ditems;
var dp;
var mitems = Array("#v4080100#Match Cards", "#v4080000#Omok", "#v4080001#Omok", "#v4080002#Omok", "#v4080003#Omok", "#v4080004#Omok", "#v4080005#Omok", "#v4080006#Omok", "#v4080007#Omok", "#v4080008#Omok", "#v4080009#Omok", "#v4080010#Omok", "#v4080011#Omok");
var mp = Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
var mhair;
var fhair;
var hairnew;
var gitems = Array(1702302, 3010155);

function start() {
	action(1, 0, 0);
	if (cm.isGMS()) {
		fhair = Array(34000, 34010, 34020, 34030, 34040, 34050, 34060, 34070, 34080, 34090, 34100, 34110, 34120, 34130, 34140, 34150, 34160, 34180, 34190, 34210, 34220, 34250, 34260, 34270, 34310, 34320, 34330, 34340, 34360, 34400, 34410, 34420, 34450, 34470, 34480, 34490, 34540);
		mhair = Array(33000, 33030, 33040, 33050, 33060, 33070, 33080, 33090, 33100, 33110, 33120, 33130, 33150, 33160, 33170, 33180, 33190, 33210, 33220, 33240, 33250, 33270, 33280, 33290, 33350, 33360, 33370, 33380, 33390, 33400, 33440, 33450, 33460, 33500, 33510, 33520, 33580, 33590);
		nitems = Array("5k Cash", "#v2340000#White Scroll (level 70+)", "#v2049100#Chaos Scroll x 5 (level 70+)", "#v5220000#Gachapon Ticket x5", "#v5220000#Gachapon Ticket x 25", "#v5062000#Miracle Cube x 5", "#v5062000#Miracle Cube x 25", "#v5062001#Premium Miracle Cube x 2", "#v5040004#Hyper Teleport Rock (1 Day)");
		np = Array(1, 8, 8, 1, 5, 1, 3, 1, 1);
		ditems = Array("#v2450018#2x EXP Card (1 Hour)", "#v5211067#1.2x EXP Card (1 Day)", "#v5211068#1.5x EXP Card (1 Day)", "#v5360000#2x Drop/Meso Card (1 Day)");
		dp = Array(1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 8, 6);
		bitems = Array("#v5150053#VIP Hairstyle Coupon", "#v5151036#VIP Hair Color Coupon", "#v5152057#VIP Cosmetics Coupon", "#v5152053#Royal Face Coupon", "#v5150040#Royal Hair Coupon");
    bp = Array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2);
	} else {
		fhair = Array(34000, 34010, 34020, 34030, 34040, 34050, 34070, 34080, 34090, 34100, 34110, 34120, 34140, 34160, 34180, 34200, 34210, 34240, 34250, 34060, 34130, 34150, 34170, 34190, 34230, 34220, 34260, 34270, 34280, 34290, 34300, 34310, 34320, 34330, 34340, 34360, 34390, 34430, 34450, 34480, 34510);
		mhair = Array(33000, 33010, 33020, 33030, 33040, 33070, 33080, 33100, 33120, 33130, 33140, 33150, 33160, 33170, 33210, 33240, 33250, 33260, 33010, 33050, 33060, 33090, 33110, 33180, 33190, 33200, 33220, 33230, 33270, 33280, 33290, 33300, 33310, 33320, 33340, 33350, 33380, 33390, 33420, 33430, 33480, 33510, 33520);
		nitems = Array("2 million mesos", "10k Cash", "#v2340000#White Scroll (level 70+)", "#v2049100#Chaos Scroll x 5 (level 70+)", "#v5220000#Ga-cha-pon Ticket x 25", "#v5050000#AP Reset x 5", "#v5050000#AP Reset x 26", "#v5062000#Miracle Cube x 4", "#v5062000#Miracle Cube x 21", "#v2022179#Onyx Apple x 4", "#v2022179#Onyx Apple x 21", "#v5062001#Premium Miracle Cube x 2", "#v2530000#Lucky Day (level 70+)", "#v2531000#Protection Scroll (level 70+)");
		np = Array(2, 2, 10, 4, 2, 2, 10, 2, 10, 2, 10, 18, 10, 20);
		ditems = Array("#v2450018#2x EXP Card (1 Hour)", "#v5211074#1.2x EXP Card (1 Day)", "#v5211077#1.5x EXP Card (1 Day)", "#v5360017#2x Drop/Meso Card (1 Day)", "#v4030004#Clone (1 Day, Untradeable)");
		dp = Array(8, 16, 6, 8, 8, 6);

function action(mode, type, selection) {
	if (mode != 1) {
	if (status == 0) {
		cm.sendSimple("Hello! I'm the #r#eVoting Point NPC#n#k. If you have voted on our site, you will get a point each time! I see you have #e#r" + cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() + "#n#k voting points! I can redeem your points for cool things! What would you like...?\r\n\r\n#b#L0#Trade for Common Items#l\r\n#L1#Trade for Special Items#l\r\n#L2#Trade for Beauty Coupons#l\r\n#L3#Vote Point Gachapon");
	} else if (status == 1) {
		status += selection;
		var selStr;
		var it;
		var ip;
		if (selection == 0) {
			selStr = "#rCommon Items?#k Well, here's my selection...\r\n\r\n";
			it = nitems;
			ip = np;
		} else if (selection == 1) {
			selStr = "#rSpecial Items?#k Well, these are items you can't get anywhere else. Here's my selection...\r\n\r\n";
			it = ditems;
			ip = dp;
		} else if (selection == 2) {
			selStr = "#rBeauty Coupons?#k Well, these coupons are sure to tone your beauty strive. Here's my selection...\r\n\r\n";
			it = bitems;
			ip = bp;
		} else if (selection == 3) {
		  var rand = java.lang.Math.floor(java.lang.Math.random() * gitems.length);
			if (cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() < 1) {
				cm.sendOk("You need at least #r1 Vote Point#k to use this.");
			} else if (cm.getInventory(1).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1 || cm.getInventory(2).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1 || cm.getInventory(3).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1 || cm.getInventory(4).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1) {
				cm.sendOk("You need space for this item.");
			} else {
				cm.gainItem(gitems[rand], 1);
		} else if (selection == 4) {
			cm.sendYesNo("Once you proceed with this selection, you can't go back! Are you sure you want to #ereset ALL YOUR AP? (DOES NOT reset HP or MP)#k");
		} else {
		for (var i = 0; i < it.length; i++) {
			selStr += "#b#L" + i + "#Trade " + ip[i] + " points for " + it[i] + "#l#k\r\n";
	} else if (status == 2) { //normal item
		if (cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() < np[selection]) {
			cm.sendOk("You don't have enough voting points. You only have " + cm.getPlayer().getVPoints());   		
		} else {
			var passed = false;
			switch(selection) {
				case 0:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getCSPoints(1) > (2147473647)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too much Cash.");
					} else {
						cm.getPlayer().modifyCSPoints(1, 10000, false);
						passed = true;
				case 1:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) {
						cm.sendOk("You must be level 70 or above to get this item.");
					} else if (!cm.canHold(2340000)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(2340000, 1);
						passed = true;
				case 2:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) {
						cm.sendOk("You must be level 70 or above to get this item.");
					} else if (!cm.canHold(2049100, 5)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(2049100, 5);
						passed = true;
				case 3:
					if (!cm.canHold(5220000, 5)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(5220000, 5);
						passed = true;
				case 4:
					if (!cm.canHold(5220000, 25)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(5220000, 25);
						passed = true;
				case 5:
					if (!cm.canHold(5062000, 5)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(5062000, 5);
						passed = true;
				case 6:
					if (!cm.canHold(5062000, 20)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(5062000, 20);
						passed = true;
				case 7:
					if (!cm.canHold(5062001, 2)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(5062001, 2);
						passed = true;
				case 8:
					if (!cm.canHold(5040004, 1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItemPeriod(cm.isGMS() ? 5040004 : 5040004, 1, 1, "Vote Points");
						passed = true;
				case 9:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) {
						cm.sendOk("You must be level 70 or above to get this item.");
					} else if (!cm.canHold(2022179, 4)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(2022179, 4);
						passed = true;
				case 10:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) {
						cm.sendOk("You must be level 70 or above to get this item.");
					} else if (!cm.canHold(2022179, 21)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(2022179, 21);
						passed = true;
				case 11:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) {
						cm.sendOk("You must be level 70 or above to get this item.");
					} else if (!cm.canHold(5062001, 2)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(5062001, 2);
						passed = true;
				case 12:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) {
						cm.sendOk("You must be level 70 or above to get this item.");
					} else if (!cm.canHold(2530000, 1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(2530000, 1);
						passed = true;
				case 13:
					if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 70) {
						cm.sendOk("You must be level 70 or above to get this item.");
					} else if (!cm.canHold(2531000, 1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(2531000, 1);
						passed = true;
			if (passed) {
				cm.getPlayer().setVPoints(cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() - np[selection]);
				cm.sendOk("Thank you for purchasing my item.");
	} else if (status == 3) { // donators item
		if (cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() < dp[selection]) {
			cm.sendOk("You don't have enough voting points. You only have " + cm.getPlayer().getVPoints());
		} else {
			var passed = false;
			switch(selection) {
				case 0:
				  if (!cm.canHold(2450018, 1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(2450018, 1);
						passed = true;
				case 1:
					if (!cm.canHold(cm.isGMS() ? 5211067 : 5211074)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItemPeriod(cm.isGMS() ? 5211067 : 5211074, 1, 1, "Rental");
						passed = true;
				case 2:
					if (!cm.canHold(cm.isGMS() ? 5211068 : 5211077)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItemPeriod(cm.isGMS() ? 5211068 : 5211077, 1, 1, "Rental");
						passed = true;
				case 3:
					if (!cm.canHold(cm.isGMS() ? 5360000 : 5360017)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItemPeriod(cm.isGMS() ? 5360000 : 5360017, 1, 1, "Rental");
						passed = true;
				case 4:
					if (!cm.canHold(4030004)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItemPeriod(4030004, 1, 1, "Rental");
						passed = true;
			if (passed) {
				cm.getPlayer().setVPoints(cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() - dp[selection]);
				cm.sendOk("Thank you for the purchase~");
	} else if (status == 4) {
		if (cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() < bp[selection]) {
			cm.sendOk("You don't have enough voting points. You only have " + cm.getPlayer().getVPoints());
		} else {
			var passed = false;
			switch(selection) {
				case 0:
					if (!cm.canHold(5151036, 1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(5150053, 1);
						passed = true;
				case 1:
					if (!cm.canHold(5151036,1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						passed = true;
				case 2:
					if (!cm.canHold(5152057,1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						passed = true;
				case 3:
					if (!cm.canHold(5152053,1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						passed = true;
				case 4:
					if (!cm.canHold(5150040,1)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						passed = true;
			if (passed) {
				cm.getPlayer().setVPoints(cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() - bp[selection]);
				cm.sendOk("Thank you for purchasing my item.");
		} else if (status == 5) { // donators item
		if (cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() < mp[selection]) {
			cm.sendOk("You don't have enough voting points. You only have " + cm.getPlayer().getVPoints());
		} else {
			var passed = false;
			switch(selection) {
				case 0:
					if (!cm.canHold(4080100)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(4080100, 1);
						passed = true;
				case 1:
				case 2:
				case 3:
				case 4:
				case 6:
				case 7:
				case 8:
				case 9:
				case 10:
				case 11:
				case 12:
					if (!cm.canHold(4079999 + selection)) {
						cm.sendOk("You have too many items.");
					} else {
						cm.gainItem(4079999 + selection, 1);
						passed = true;
			if (passed) {
				cm.getPlayer().setVPoints(cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() - mp[selection]);
				cm.sendOk("Thank you for the purchase~");
	} else if (status == 6) {
		if (cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() < 35) {
			cm.sendOk("You don't have enough voting points. You only have " + cm.getPlayer().getVPoints());
		} else {
			cm.getPlayer().setVPoints(cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() - 35);
			cm.sendOk("Thank you for the purchase~");


And selection 3 is what I'm focusing on:
} else if (selection == 3) {
		  var rand = java.lang.Math.floor(java.lang.Math.random() * gitems.length);
			if (cm.getPlayer().getVPoints() < 1) {
				cm.sendOk("You need at least #r1 Vote Point#k to use this.");
			} else if (cm.getInventory(1).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1 || cm.getInventory(2).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1 || cm.getInventory(3).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1 || cm.getInventory(4).getNextFreeSlot() <= -1) {
				cm.sendOk("You need space for this item.");
			} else {
				cm.gainItem(gitems[rand], 1);

I'm aware it's very sloppy at this point. Once I get it working, I will clean it up a bit.

Anyway, I would like selection 3 to have a sendSimple asking if they're sure they want to use their vote point. For example: cm.sendSimple("Are you sure you'd like to use #rOne Vote Point#k on this Gachapon?\r\n\r\n#L0#I'm sure\r\n#L1#No thank you.");

Then from there, I'd like to send "L0" & "L1" to a different status not defined, such as status 7 in which I could add.

Is there any way to define which status the sendSimple gets redirected to?

Thanks in advance,