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[OFFIv14] 2. DatabaseServer.exe Error After Running for Long

Experienced Elementalist
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
This is the second time it happened to me. Server was running for a month and after restarting the server I got this error. I wiped the database and the server went fine and been running for a week now. I am doing a backup/restore and after restoring the backup, I am stuck with 2.DatabaseServer.exe. The error.txt says:
2010/ 1/ 5 08:46:12 rCnt=1

2.DatabaseServer.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module 2.DatabaseServer.exe at 001B:004264*** std::vector<unsigned long,std::allocator<unsigned long> >::_Ufill()+0025 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\vector, line 0239+0006 byte(s)

- Registers

EAX=0E375000 EBX=FFFFFF9A ECX=FFFFF4CA EDX=00125B54 ESI=00000000
EDI=00000000 EBP=0E3724C0 ESP=00125B24 EIP=00426499 FLG=00010206
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000

001B:00426499 (0x0E3724C0 0xFFFFFF9A 0x00125B54 0x00000000) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, std::vector<unsigned long,std::allocator<unsigned long> >::_Ufill()+0025 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\vector, line 0239+0006 byte(s)
001B:004574BA (0x00000000 0x100FC1E0 0x005734E0 0x00573CBC) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, CPiercing::SetPiercingSize()+0186 byte(s), D:\ÇØ¿Ü\neurospace\Program\_Common\piercing.cpp, line 0074+0165 byte(s)
001B:0048A92A (0x00573CBC 0x100FC388 0x100FC1E0 0x00573CBC) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, CDbManager::GetPiercingInfoFromMail()+0202 byte(s), D:\ÇØ¿Ü\neurospace\Program\_Database\DbManagerFun.cpp, line 0871
001B:00479D15 (0x00573CBC 0x100FC388 0x7739C3F7 0x0019024C) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, CDbManager::GetItemFromMail()+0293 byte(s), D:\ÇØ¿Ü\neurospace\Program\_database\DbManager.cpp, line 5770
001B:004797A0 (0x7738BBD6 0x00400000 0x00400000 0x00400000) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, CDbManager::LoadPost()+0880 byte(s), D:\ÇØ¿Ü\neurospace\Program\_database\DbManager.cpp, line 5675
001B:004080D1 (0x00400000 0x00000001 0x00400000 0x00000000) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, InitInstance()+0497 byte(s), D:\ÇØ¿Ü\neurospace\Program\DatabaseServer\DatabaseServer.cpp, line 0308
001B:00407DE1 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00142545 0x00000001) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, WinMain()+0065 byte(s), D:\ÇØ¿Ü\neurospace\Program\DatabaseServer\DatabaseServer.cpp, line 0114+0011 byte(s)
001B:004A18D3 (0x45890000 0x74C085E4 0x8B008B02 0x087589F0) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+0224 byte(s)

// 0

2010/ 1/ 5 08:46:12 rCnt=2

2.DatabaseServer.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module 2.DatabaseServer.exe at 001B:004605F4, std::_Tree<int,int,std::set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Kfn,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Erase()+0020 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\xtree, line 0445

- Registers

EAX=0E246008 EBX=00125C00 ECX=00125C00 EDX=01120608 ESI=00000000
EDI=00000000 EBP=00000000 ESP=001251F0 EIP=004605F4 FLG=00010293
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000

001B:004605F4 (0x00000000 0x0E3786C8 0x0E3786C8 0x00125C00) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, std::_Tree<int,int,std::set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Kfn,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Erase()+0020 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\xtree, line 0445
001B:004605FF (0x0E374FC8 0x0E4EEA80 0x0E4EEA80 0x00125C00) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, std::_Tree<int,int,std::set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Kfn,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Erase()+0031 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\xtree, line 0446
001B:004605FF (0x0E3786C8 0x0E3AE920 0x0E3AE920 0x00125C00) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, std::_Tree<int,int,std::set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Kfn,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Erase()+0031 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\xtree, line 0446
001B:004605FF (0x0E4EEA80 0x0E3EAE28 0x00125C00 0x0E3EAE28) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, std::_Tree<int,int,std::set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Kfn,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Erase()+0031 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\xtree, line 0446
001B:004605FF (0x0E50EAF8 0x004F8C18 0x00000001 0x0012FDDC) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, std::_Tree<int,int,std::set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Kfn,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::_Erase()+0031 byte(s), C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\xtree, line 0446
001B:0045DDBA (0x004F8C18 0x00000001 0x0012528C 0x004EC6C2) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, std::set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >::~set<int,std::less<int>,std::allocator<int> >()+0058 byte(s), D:\ÇØ¿Ü\neurospace\Program\_Common\ProjectCmn.cpp, line 0295+0069 byte(s)
001B:004A4CE7 (0x00000001 0x004EC6A6 0x00000001 0x004EC6B4) 2.DatabaseServer.exe, _NLG_Return

// 0


I've seen quite a few servers in production doing wipe because of this error. I'm trying to understand what the error is all about.
Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Elite Diviner
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
looks like people are trying to use the mailbox to exploit (dupe etc) and its causing problems, not entierly sure i dont run a server so dont have those type of problems and i dont have the files anymore to check but yeah looks like mailbox is the source
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
wow LOL i just got that like same error 1 hour ago too... lol my brain hurts from thinking, i dunno wherez i should start lol i delete everyones mail? lol didnt work :eek:
Experienced Elementalist
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Purging mail_tbl seems to work. After restoring then emptying the mail_tbl, Databaseserver.exe seems to run just fine. I was able to login, do normal stuff around.

Thanks for the advise heathj.