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[OsRose(Evo)] Server Setup Guide

Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
Because the other guide we have is outdated. I’m making this new guide. I will try to keep everything up-to-date. This is a step by step Guide.

The server files aren't really good now. Working on some changes in the Guide and uploading new server files. All fixes are posted in this thread.

1. Server Installation
-1.1 Downloading Server Files
-1.2 Installing/Setting up MySQL
-1.3 Installing/Setting up Database
-1.4 Config the conf files
-1.5 Preparing server files​
2. Running the server
3. Client Setup
-3.1 Installing and updating Client
-3.2 Setting up Launcher​
4. Setting up a Website
-4.1 Downloading/Installing/Starting Xampp
-4.2 Setting a website in Xampp​
5. GM, Commands and Extras
-5.1 Commands
-5.2 Items
-5.3 Map Locations
-5.4 Class ID's​
6. Problems & Errors
7. Credits
8. Updates

1. Server Installation

1.1 Downloading Server Files

First we are going to download the server files.

Save it somewhere safe. When you got the file, unpack it in C:/Rose Server/ (You can put it anywhere, but I will be using this.).

1.2 Installing/Setting up MySQL

Now we are going to set up a MySQL Server.
This is for the database of all the accounts/characters that will be created.
Now we are going to download the MySQL Setup.

Save it also somewhere safe. Now start the installer.
Once it's loaded, click th button "Next >".
Now make sure Typical is checked. and click the button "Next >".
And than just click on "Install".
Now it's installing MySQL. (Wait till it's done)
Now there will open a new window.
Click there on "Next >" and again on "Next >"
Than it will close.
Now we go back to the install window.
Make sure "Configure the MySQL Server now" is checked.
and that "Register the MySQL Server now" is unchecked.
Than click on Finish.
Now there will open a new window.
There just click on "Next >".
Now make sure "Detailed Configuration" is checked and click on "Next >". Check "Developer Machine" and click on "Next >".
Here make sure "Multifunctional Database is checked and click on "Next >" and click again on "Next >".
Now make sure "Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)" is checked and click on "Next >".
Here make sure everything is Checked and click on "Next >".
Now we have to check "Standard Character Set" and click on "Next >".
Make sure "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH"is unchecked and click "Next >"
Now Check "Modify Security Settings" and fill in your passwords(Make sure they aren't easy).
And make sure Create An Anonymous Account is unchecked and than click "Next >" and click "Execute". (wait till it's finished)
And click on "Finish".

Congratulations! You setup your own MySQL Server.

1.3 Installing/Setting up Database

Now we are going to setup your database in MySQL for your Rose server.
First we are going to download Navicat(Lite).

Install it. Now start it.
Click on Connection > MySQL.
Than you have to fill in like this:
Connection Name: localhost
Hostname/IP address: localhost
Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: (here your password you used when you created your MySQL Server)
And click "Test Connection".
-If it's Successfull click ok.
-If it's Failure check everything if everything is filled out right and try again.

Now dubble click on "localhost_3306".
You will get 3 new things underneed it.
(Ignore these don't touch these databases.)
Now do a right click on "localhost_3306".
And click "New Database..."
Fill by "Enter database name:" this in: roseon.
Now you created a new database which your going to use for your rose server.
Now do a dubble click on "roseon" it will open some new stuff ignore that.
Now do right click on "roseon" and do "Execut SQL file..."
Go to your server files.(C:/Rose Server/) with the opener.
and go to the folder Database in the Rose Server folder.
And search for roseon.sql and use that file only.

and click on "start".
Now it's installing the SQL file to your Database.
Just wait untill it's finished.(this will take some time)
When it's Finished click on "Close".
And than quit/close Navicat.

Congratulations! You setup your own Rose Server Database.

1.4 Config the conf files

Now go to you Server Folder and open the folder "Binary".
Find "loginserver.conf" and open it.(with notepad)
You will get something like this:



The only thing you have to fill in is "mysql_pass=".
Than save it and close it.

Now find "charserver.conf" and open it. (with notepad)
You will get something like this:



The same as Login server and Servername= (The name you want to call your Rose Server)
Save it and Close it.
Now find worldserver.conf
You will get something like this:


welcome_msg=Welcome to Open Source Rose Online EVO

Change the same thing you did in loginserver.conf.
Here you can change you welcome message (welcome_msg=Welcome to Open Source Rose Online EVO)
When that's done save it and close it.

1.5 Preparing server files

Continue here when you have installed and updated your Rose Online Client.
First off we're going to download some tools.

(still writing...)

Congratulations! You setup your own Rose Server.

2. Running the server

Running your server is easy.
Open the Server Folder and go to the Folder Binary.
Start Loginserver.exe than Charserver.exe and last Worldserver.exe.
Now is your server running.(You will get loads and loads of Warnings in Worldserver.exe ignore that.)

3. Client Setup

3.1 Installing and updating Client

Now we are going to download the Client.

When you got it downloaded, install it.
If your done with installing.
Start TriggerDetect.exe in the Client/Game Folder.
(C:/Program Files/Gravity/Rose Online/)
Set your game as you like.
and click on Apply.
Normally it will automatic start the updater and the game will be updated. if that isn't the case start RoseOnline.exe.
And let it fully update. Than close it.

3.2 Setting up Launcher

Download the launcher and unpack it in the game folder.

Now find lconfig.nhd and open it. (with notepad)
You get something like this:
Change HTTPReg= and HTTPNot= to localhost.
Save it and Close it.

Now when you got the Website part done you can start your game with Rose Launcher.exe.

4. Setting up a Website

4.1 Downloading/Installing/Starting Xampp

Download Xampp lite and install it.

Start up Xampp Control Panel (You can find it in Menu>Progams)
And check Svc that stays before Apache and start Apache and close Xampp Control Panel.

4.2 Setting a Website in Xampp

Now we are going to download a CMS/Website.

Go to: C:/xampplite/htdocs
Delete everthing in it and uppack your CMS/Website you just downloaded there.
Than you open the Folder _inc and than you open config.php (with notepad).
Than you will get something like this:

// Database
$cms['db']['host'] 			= 		''; // Database Host
$cms['db']['user'] 			= 		''; // Database User
$cms['db']['pass'] 			= 		''; // Database Pass
$cms['db']['name'] 			= 		''; // Database Name

// Site
$cms['site']['title'] 		= 		'RoseOnlineCMS Lite'; // Site Title
$cms['site']['drop'] 		= 		''; // Server Drop
$cms['site']['expr'] 		= 		''; // Server EXP
$cms['site']['zuly'] 		= 		''; // Server Zuly
$cms['site']['temp']		= 		'default'; // The default template to be used. Check if it is in the templates folder first.
$cms['site']['girl']		=		'hide'; // Wierd girl appears on the page. Show / Hide
$cms['site']['forum']		=		'mailto:matt@ragezone.com'; // Forum Link

// Downloads
$cms['site']['client']		=		'http://www.clientdownload.com'; // Client download link
$cms['site']['patch']		=		'http://www.patchdownload.com'; // Patch download link
$cms['site']['launcher']	=		'http://www.launcherdownload.com'; // Launcher download link
Fill out everything in it like your conf files.
The things you don't know what to fill just leave it as it is or leave it blank.
Save it and Close it.
Now open your favorite browser and go to:
There is your site you can register and do some control edits there.
Now you can try out your own Rose Online Private Server!

5. GM, Commands and Extras

5.1 Commands

/tele [map] [x] [y]        - teleport
/b                     - broadcast
/save                - save character data
/reload                - reload config.ini
/ann [msg]            - announcement
/SSPAWN [monid] [min] [max]    - startspawn
/SET                - setspawnlocation
/ESPAWN [monid] [aggressive]    - endspawn
/DSPAWN [id] [monid] [min] [max] [respawn time] [aggressive]- dupespawn
/DELETESPAWN [id]        - delete spawn by id        
/pak                - read packet.txt and send it
/pak2                - read packet2.txt and send it
/level [lvl]            - change lvl
/class [id]          - change your class, must relog after
/info                - show info
/exp [amt]            - give yourself exp
/mon [monid] [count]        - spawn monsters
/kick [charname]            - kick player from game
/job [jobname]            - finish first job quest
/set [id] [refine]         - set full armor to [id] with [refine]
/cha [slotname] [id] [stats]    - cha slot to [id] with [stats]
/item [id] [type] [amt]        - get item
/levelup                - go to next level
/drop [type] [id]        - drop an item
/givezuly [charname] [amt]    - give someone zuly
/npc [id]            - spawn an npc
/givefairy [charname] [flag]    - give/remove fairy (1/0)
/move [charname] [map] [x] [y]    - tele someone
/goto [charname]            - goto someone
/teletome [charname]        - bring someone here
/playerinfo [charname]        - get player infor
/give2 [charname] [id] [type] [amt] - give someone item(s)
/ban [charname]            - ban a player
/buff [id]            - buff yourself
/ani [id]            - do animation
/summon [monid]            - summon monstor (to help you)
/reloadquest            - reload quest info
/shutdown [minutes]        - shutdown server in x minutes
/dquest                - debug quests
/iquest [id] <amt>        - get items for quest (i think)

5.2 Items


5.3 Map Locations


5.4 Class ID's

0, Visitor
111 Soldier
121 Knight
122 Champion
211 Muse
221 Mage
222 Cleric
311 Hawker
321 Raider
322 Scout
411 Dealer
421 Bourgeois
422 Artisan

6. Problems & Errors(out-dated)

Server Side

1.) How do I change the EXP, DROP, ZULY rate?
Solution: Open up Navicat. Dubble click on localhost_3306.
Dubble click on roseon. and search for list_config
Dubble click on it and there you go. You can change the rates there.

2.) How do I change the Welcome Message when I login?
Solution: You can change the Welcome message inside the worldserver.conf

3.) My WorldServer.exe keeps crashing!
Solution: You are missing some files, or you compiled it wrong. Re-extract the files, or if you compiled, check your sources again.

4.) When I try to connect with Navicat, it says it can't connect to MySQL!
Solution: You need to install MySQL. (Go to MySQL install part of the Guide)

Client Side

1.) When I launch my client, it just crashes with the error "Send/Don't Send"!
Solution: Run "TriggerDetect.exe" and fill out your graphics settings (only need to do this once)

2.) After I type in my account and password and click login, and stays at "Logging in" forever!
Solution: Make sure you have the launcher file set to your correct IP. And check your .confs and make sure the IP's are correct (your WAN IP).

3.) All my IP's are correct, but I still can't login!
Solution: You need to port forward your Rose Online ports. Go to PortForward.com - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall and find your router, it will instruct you on how to port forward.

The ports you need to forward are: 29000 29100 29200
If your using the multi world, you need to forward: 29000 29100 29200 29101 29201

4.) When I try to login, I get "The Servers are currently undergoing maintenance"
Solution: Make sure your using the latest Rose EVO client and server files, and your ports are forwarded.

5.) After I select the server, it says "Loading Avatar Selection.." forever!
Solution: Make sure your have port forwarded.

The ports are: 29000 29100 29200.

Web Server Side

1.) When I type "http://localhost" , nothing shows up and xampp_start.exe is running!
Solution: You need to port forward a port. Go to PortForward.com - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall and find your router, it will instruct you on how to port forward.

The ports you need to forward are: 80

2.) I installed PHP, and Xampp, and port forwarded and "http://localhost" still isn't working!
Solution: Restart your computer and your router

3.) On the Rose Online Web, I fill in the details to make my account, and I click "Create" but it doesn't create the account!
Solution: Go back inside the config file and double check to make sure your database settings are absolutely correct.

4.) How can I allow other people to see my website, instead of "http://localhost" ?
Solution: Port forward the port "80" and instead of "http://localhost", use your WAN IP (which you can find here: ).

For example: "http://localhost"

7. Credits

Writing: Aukemon0NL
Emulator: OSRose Dev Team
Item-List: PurpleYouko
Website: -Element
Errors/Problems: Akai
Hosting Files: Aukemon0NL
And everybody I forgot.

8. Updates

[17-08-2010]Uploaded a you can fix your server with this, still writing how it works. Updated Rose Online Client from 243 to 254.
[28-06-2010]Going to update the 3Ddata soon.
[07-05-2010]Updated Server Files added the roseon.sql.
[24-04-2010]Updated Server Files to the latest revision 360.
[23-04-2010]Updated link to PurpleYouko's site for item list.
[10-04-2010]Updated Xampp to latest version.(Xampp Lite 1.7.3)
[12-09-2009]Updated Navicat to latest version.
[10-28-2009]Updated the first problem on the problem list.

Can Someone Please post server files workings with links workings and client links working because all links on this forum are dead
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
the link of the tutorial!

Initiate Mage
Aug 21, 2012
Reaction score
can u re update please server DEAD!

please try to put in rar file and if u can in media fire i need to make server!!

NPCs are loaded from SQL table list_npc

Did you load that into your database?
servers Dead i need new link please
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
can some build a rose online server for me? i will pay u money, add me skype dennis.ingen!