[OsRoseEvo] Source Compiling

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Mar 28, 2006
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The old topic was really out of date, all the stickied topics in the section are going to be edited due to the reasons that they are old and new ones need to be put up that are more accurate. The olds topic will not be deleted so that you may view them.

Hazuki's thread about compiling is extremely outdated, it's time to get this section more updated. So here is a new and updated guide. It will constantly be updated when changes in compiling are needed.

-- 1.0: Files needed
-- 2.0: Installation
-- 3.0: Compiling
-- 4.0: Problems
-- 5.0: Notes
-- 6.0: Updates

--------1.0----------Files Needed

First you need a C++ compiler, you may download Dev-Cpp Compiler below.

Next you need the actual sources to compile, link is below (Will always be the updated Rev)

You will need the pThread DevPak to compile, the link is below.


Part 1:
First install the Dev-Cpp program you just downloaded, it will only take a few seconds to install.

After the program is installed, please run it. Now you need the libmysql package. So inside Dev-Cpp, go to the menu "Tools>Check for updates/packages" and select the "devpacks" mirror. Then click "Check for updates" after the list is complete, search through and find "libmysql" (make sure version 5) and select it and click "Download Selected". After it downloads, let it install.

Now, find the "pThread.devpak" you downloaded earlier and run it. It will only take a few seconds to install.

Part 2:
In the sources file you downloaded, open a .dev project (Such as Loginserver.dev, Charserver.dev, Worldserver.dev), it will open Dev-Cpp. Now you need to change a few paths here, this might get confusing so bare with me.

Go to menu "Project>project option", then go to the "parameters" tab and under "Linkers" change the "C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libws2_32.a" and "C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libmysql.a" to your correct path.

If you do not have these paths, then click "Add Library or Object" and browse to your Dev-Cpp/lib folder and find the two files listed above.

Once all that is complete, click "Ok" and your done with the setup.


Alright, time to compile the .EXE files. Open your .dev file with Dev-Cpp (Loginserver.dev, Charserver.dev, Worldserver.dev). On the menu at the top, click "Execute>Rebuild All". It will start to build the .EXE file. If it was a success, then the .EXE file can be found in your "Binary" folder in your Source folder.

That was easy wasn't it?


1.) I can't find the libmysql!
Solution: It's there, it takes me forever to find it, but it's there.

2.) During compiling, it says a source file has an error!
Solution: Somethings wrong in a source file, let me know and I'll fix it.

3.) The EXE has some messed up error and just closes.
Solution: Something went wrong with the compiling, make sure your paths are right under parameters.

More to come, if you have a problem and solution then PM it to me so I can add it in. I have to test for more.


- This guide will be kept up-to-date when there is a compiling change.

- More problems/solutions will be added once I test for more (or PM me some).

- You can ask questions about compiling, but not about your server issues.

- If you have not got the slightest clue what your doing, then I wouldn't try it.

- Do I ever stop? No.


3/22/08 - Updated links and versions

3/1/07 - Fixed pThread link.
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Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Ok First i have to say : what a tremendus guide +++ Carma to you , Ive installed Conquer, L2 and wow servers with there guides But this one takes the cake it must have taken you hours to write it Thank you !!
Second of course I have a problem lol . When I build you rev30 source
it builds fine until it goes to make the worldserver.exe file then I get an error:

C:\Documents and Settings\Doc\Desktop\Rose Online\Sourcev30\Makefile.win [Build Error] [Binary/WorldServer.exe] Error 1

any suggestions ?
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Ok First i have to say : what a tremendus guide +++ Carma to you , Ive installed Conquer, L2 and wow servers with there guides But this one takes the cake it must have taken you hours to write it Thank you !!
Second of course I have a problem lol . When I build you rev30 source
it builds fine until it goes to make the worldserver.exe file then I get an error:

C:\Documents and Settings\Doc\Desktop\Rose Online\Sourcev30\Makefile.win [Build Error] [Binary/WorldServer.exe] Error 1

any suggestions ?

Make sure the .DEV file is in the ROOT server folder. And if there is a file named "Makefile.win" in the root folder, delete it.
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Just tried that , still got the same error :/ i rebuilt the loginserver.dev and charserver.dev ( they are in the same ROOT folder as worldserver.dev ) they both built sucessfully . I did have a makefilewin file and deleted it before building
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Just tried that , still got the same error :/ i rebuilt the loginserver.dev and charserver.dev ( they are in the same ROOT folder as worldserver.dev ) they both built sucessfully . I did have a makefilewin file and deleted it before building

Screenshot your ROOT folder for me and also your DEV-Cpp error.
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Here they are


  • ScreenShot001 - [OsRoseEvo] Source Compiling - RaGEZONE Forums
    40.9 KB · Views: 402
  • ScreenShot002 - [OsRoseEvo] Source Compiling - RaGEZONE Forums
    41.1 KB · Views: 380
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Here they are

Did you do the project options steps? And try deleting the Makefile.win (make sure its the .win one). If that doesn't work try deleting both.
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Yes ive tried deleting both, ive followed the options also. like I said it builds fine but it errors trying to make the worldserver.exe file
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Go into your binary folder and delete any .EXE's in there. Then delete the makefile.win in the binary folder (if there is one), and the makefile.win in the root folder.
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Ok I did find when I unpacked the source file , It did not unpack a worldserver.exe in the Bianary diretory , I unpacked it again and it is now there. Is that worldserver.exe already the latest revision ? If so I dont need to build anyhow do i ?
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

Ok I did find when I unpacked the source file , It did not unpack a worldserver.exe in the Bianary diretory , I unpacked it again and it is now there. Is that worldserver.exe already the latest revision ? If so I dont need to build anyhow do i ?

No you don't need to compile, the fullserver file and sources come with the latest compiled exe's.
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

I should add that if you have all the exes in your Binary folder, you have to delete them from the folder. If you don't, when you try to compile the program errors saying it cant find the folder "Binary".
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide


This isn't server help, this is for compiling only. Posts are been deleted.
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

hmm this is happening to me.

Akai - [OsRoseEvo] Source Compiling - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

it says could not create executable output directory:''binary'' please check your settings

and then i get this errors:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16'
ld returned 1 exit status
C:\DOCUME~1\Stefan\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$DI26.265\Makefile.win [Build Error] [LoginServer.exe] Error 1
Re: [Updated] Source Compiling Guide

g++.exe: ../../../../Dev-Cpp/lib/libws2_32.a: No such file or directory
g++.exe: ../../../../Dev-Cpp/lib/libmysql.a: No such file or directory

make.exe: *** [Binary/LoginServer.exe] Error 1

Execution terminated

Hi Sry for the long post but i wanted to make sure that I have all the info for you Akai..

I think that this is the problem with finding the "libws2_32.a: No such file or directory" The error being a bit of a giveaway!

ANY IDEAS? apart from reinstall and try again????

EDIT: Found the problem changed the ../../../../Dev-Cpp/lib/libws2_32.a to c:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libws2_32.a
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