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[PC] League of Legends - General Talk

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 30, 2013
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Sorry, don't come here much, only just got your noti Wessel

Anyway, I prefer to play bot (usually Supp as either blitz or Soraka - depending on who the ADC is) but I also don't mind playing ADC (Caitlyn - who I find pretty crappy out of laning phase or MF but because she no get-away she's fairly squishy). However, as Jinx is free this week, kinda starting to like her.

I can also play top (normally Voli, Teemo (yes nub) or Garen) but not too keen on any other lane. I go through phases of what lane I prefer and it changes almost every few weeks.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I am playing Xerath, and I am wondering should I go for tear? Because I played without tear last game and I had mana problems ( The passive is not enough )
With tear, I do good.
It will take time to get good with xerath. I love him now, first time I tried him I hated this champ. ( After rework ) But once you understand a champ then you will love em :p
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I am playing Xerath, and I am wondering should I go for tear? Because I played without tear last game and I had mana problems ( The passive is not enough )
With tear, I do good.
It will take time to get good with xerath. I love him now, first time I tried him I hated this champ. ( After rework ) But once you understand a champ then you will love em :p

You should rush Athene's Holy Grail. Should help out with the mana problems. And just get blue buff (if your jungler allows it, but probably will).
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Athene helps yea.

A quote from a movie.

"Don't shoot where it's at, shoot to where it's going son."

Suits for xerath.

Won a xerath game. Is the build alright?. That jax was being a complete butt in all chat. We do get them often right?

Damn I wish I had recorded this game, I outplayed dat teemo and cassi.
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Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Go Sorcerer shoes, otherwise the build is fine. You can check this guide for alternative items, etc etc

Btw are you actually using your Zhonya's? Because personally it took me quite a long time to actually remember using it.

ProBuilds is way better, as you also have more up-to-date item set (your thread is from april 2013, a lot of changed happened in past year). Though you need to check for situational items.
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Didn't pay attention to that, I don't even get why it's still up there when it's a new season and he's been reworked, but meh, item build is still the same.

Probuilds is pretty useless imo, not only does it show lots of support Xeraths, but it doesn't tell you anything about their build path, why they build certain items and what the alternatives are.

You and I might be able to deduct the reasoning behind those choices, but for new players a guide which explains the thought process, is much more important. Among noobs you will easily see a Athene's build first against a Zed mid, simply because a build will show Athene's first. But if you read the guide, you will see that you need to rush a Arm Seeker and depending on how well your lane is going, either get that mana regen or go for an early Zhonya's.

Personally I only check a guide once for each new champ I play, I just want to check if there are any items that just synergies really well on that character, because otherwise I can just do whatever. I know all the items, which needs to be build first etc. This is also why probuilds are completely unimportant to me, I never see anything special coming out of the pro's, well except for Gambit actually, Genja has some interesting builds and also Diamond can really remake a champion by getting the weirdest items, which become normal just a few weeks later, like with Evelynn recently. Darien also does some interesting picks, but that's mostly trolling, like Manamune on Aatrox. ;)
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Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Mobafire is really outdated. Not sure which one it was, I thought when I looked for a Kassadin build on Mobafire the most recent one was from 2012 or something?
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Mobafire keeps old guides around, I guess this has to do with the information in it, yes the build paths don't work anymore and all that, but the thought process behind it is still sound in most cases

Anyway there is a current and proper guide on Kassa on there
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Go Sorcerer shoes, otherwise the build is fine. [/url]

Btw are you actually using your Zhonya's? Because personally it took me quite a long time to actually remember using it.

I did not go for sorcerer shoes because, the enemy team was not building any mag res. My 2nd item was zhonyas ( To not get instagibbed by yasuo ). I went for swift boots because they could catch up easily + the teemo shrooms.
Yea I do use zhonyas :p That's how I outplayed those 2 guys.

ProBuilds is way better, as you also have more up-to-date item set (your thread is from april 2013, a lot of changed happened in past year). Though you need to check for situational items.

I prefer mobafire. I only see the what items are best for X Champ and the skill sequence, then I read the whole guide. So I get to understand the champion better. Knowing what item to build on any champion is easy to learn. But knowing when to build the right item, well that comes from experience.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2009
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Hi, just wanted to advise people to steer clear of MobaFire. Anyone can write guides on that (like that Xerath guide linked above was by a silver player) and it's hardly the best reference. Also anyone who suggests going lich bane into DFG or something for Kassadin really doesn't get the point of Kassadin at all. Not to mention the Flash Ghost summoners and two defensive items, wtf?
Significantly better guides are on SoloMid and LolPro.

Also yeah, if you are playing an AP mid then you almost always want to go sorc shoes. There are some rare cases where something like merc treads is viable, but mostly you want to itemize for more damage.
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Anyone can write a guide, anyone can vote it up or down. I don't see the problem.

The Lich Bane is a temporary items aimed at early game harass, there are some notes about whether or not to pick it up. Considering Kassa is so hard to farm with early game, getting that mid game harass would do wonders. I do actually like the pick up, would work very well with tower pushing as well.
DFG works wonders for killing the enemy ap or adc before they can do anything.
Ghost is great for chasing.
As for his defensive items, Alex Ich (Gambit) build them as well in the LCS.

So what you see here is a solo queue guide, yes in teams your coordination would be better and you wouldn't need these single target bursts really, however we all know how those single queues go, the only 1 you can rely on is yourself. The Ghost also makes sense because of this, easier to escape and since there is very little coordination in solo queue, teleport just doesn't add that much, considering Kassa can already roam very quickly, I agree that Ghost is a viable pick.

In the end solo queue is different from full teams, the match I watched with Alex Ich on Kassa, I saw EDward with a DFG on Annie support. You can do those things if you have a premade proper team.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Guides are not something you should copy and paste it is just a rough idea and you have to adapt to the game. I personally go athene's unholy grail when I am going against and AP mid and archangel's staff If against a full ad team and it turns into seraph's embrace when you get it to 750 mana and it is really good against AD team as it has barrier every 120 seconds.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2009
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Anyone can write a guide, anyone can vote it up or down. I don't see the problem.

The Lich Bane is a temporary items aimed at early game harass, there are some notes about whether or not to pick it up. Considering Kassa is so hard to farm with early game, getting that mid game harass would do wonders. I do actually like the pick up, would work very well with tower pushing as well.
DFG works wonders for killing the enemy ap or adc before they can do anything.
Ghost is great for chasing.
As for his defensive items, Alex Ich (Gambit) build them as well in the LCS.

So what you see here is a solo queue guide, yes in teams your coordination would be better and you wouldn't need these single target bursts really, however we all know how those single queues go, the only 1 you can rely on is yourself. The Ghost also makes sense because of this, easier to escape and since there is very little coordination in solo queue, teleport just doesn't add that much, considering Kassa can already roam very quickly, I agree that Ghost is a viable pick.

In the end solo queue is different from full teams, the match I watched with Alex Ich on Kassa, I saw EDward with a DFG on Annie support. You can do those things if you have a premade proper team.

Of course, you can play the game however you want to and build whatever items you want. I am not very good at the game - I was only Plat 1 last season - but I never look up guides anymore. If I ever do need to look at a guide, though, I wouldn't even consider MobaFire. See, MobaFire, like I said above, has guides from random silver players. I already know that I have more knowledge about the game than they do, in terms of objective control, matchups, laning, champions, and mechanics. I would go to LolPro or SoloMid, which has guides by qualified people - professional or high diamond players - who can actually give me the insight and reasoning that got them to where they are.

I'm a Vayne main, and Vayne's offensive itemization is usually extremely one-dimensional. Regardless though, if I didn't know much about Vayne, would I go to ImDooly, a random Gold player's guide on MobaFire, or DontMashMe, a high elo, professional player's guide on LolPro? Like I don't really understand what you are trying to defend here... MobaFire is clearly a sub-optimal choice, and I am just recommending people to use viable and proven sources of information instead of random wildcards.

Anyway, I don't play mid lane much but I'd like to offer some counter arguments to what you are trying to defend... (note this is all pre-rework Kassadin being discussed here)

Lich Bane is pretty viable on Kassadin. I've seen it before, and I guess it fits a very specific niche, but definitely not for the reasons you say (except for the pushing one).
Kassadin has a very weak early game. Your farm will probably be low and you have limited kill potential pre-6. If you are going to purchase Lich Bane, as a "temporary item for harass, because farming is hard," I don't really know what your thought process is. If you have the 3k gold to drop on a random mid game temporary item, then you might as well use it to work towards your Rod of Ages, Archangel's Staff, or Zhonya's, all of which are usually core items on him.
NOT TO MENTION from a gameplay standpoint, the chances of you actually proccing Lich Bane 2-3 times in a teamfight are pretty low, because that's not really how you are supposed to play Kassadin..

Which brings me to my next point.

Kassadin is a mobile champion. Flash is mandatory on most champions, and his ult is a longer-ranged flash on a 5 or so second cooldown with CDR. I don't really know how got you there, but your conclusion that Ghost is a viable second summoner spell doesn't really make sense. You are already more mobile than you need to be (literally the most mobile champion in the game). You don't need the utility - you are mobile and your two core items (Zhonya's and Seraph's Embrace) provide all the utility you need. Ghost literally does not fit in any respect with his gameplay. If you want to roam, bring teleport and pick up random kills (that is what is usually done). If not, then bring ignite for higher potential of cleanup/assassination in fights. If you're against a particularly hard matchup, bring barrier. Ghost literally gives Kassadin nothing. At all.

DFG is highly conditional. It's a high risk low reward item - Kassadin's burst in late game does not warrant needing DFG, and the 3k gold you spend to pick it up can be better put to some random survivability item or another damage item for more sustained damage. I'm not saying it's bad or not viable - like Lich Bane, it can work in some situations. But to recommend it as a core item is just silly because you will probably not need it in most of your games.

Of course, I definitely wouldn't deter anyone from using a fan site - I think it's great that the community takes the time to create content like this. But as a player, I'm just giving the most sound advice.
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Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Big wall of text

What? Though I mostly do agree with you, the thing with MobaFire is that it actually shows the division of the player who made it most of the time. It most of the time also includes a in-depth guide of the champions, and why the items/summoner spells are picked.

Also Lich Bane isn't viable on Kassadin anymore with the recent patch. Though I do agree with you on the mobility part.
Sep 10, 2003
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Kassadin has a very weak early game. Your farm will probably be low and you have limited kill potential pre-6. If you are going to purchase Lich Bane, as a "temporary item for harass, because farming is hard," I don't really know what your thought process is. If you have the 3k gold to drop on a random mid game temporary item, then you might as well use it to work towards your Rod of Ages, Archangel's Staff, or Zhonya's, all of which are usually core items on him.
NOT TO MENTION from a gameplay standpoint, the chances of you actually proccing Lich Bane 2-3 times in a teamfight are pretty low, because that's not really how you are supposed to play Kassadin..
Like I said, it's based around solo queue where you will be going off alone. Leblanc is extremely popular, yet is only useful sniping single targets etc. It's all about playstyles and how the game is going. If you are skilled enough, then getting Lich Bane early, would help you rift walk in, do some combo's including Lich Bane procs, and the enemy is either dead or needs to back. I'm not saying I would build it, but I can see why someone might, it can definitely give you lane dominance.
You are already more mobile than you need to be (literally the most mobile champion in the game). You don't need the utility - you are mobile and your two core items (Zhonya's and Seraph's Embrace) provide all the utility you need. Ghost literally does not fit in any respect with his gameplay. If you want to roam, bring teleport and pick up random kills (that is what is usually done). If not, then bring ignite for higher potential of cleanup/assassination in fights. If you're against a particularly hard matchup, bring barrier. Ghost literally gives Kassadin nothing. At all.
Well done, you've just proven that you talk poop. See, saying "ghost literally gives kassadin nothing at all", is just someone talking absolute poop, because that's simply not true, it gives you movement speed and allows you to move through minions, now sure this has been added to him now, which does make it fairly useless, but before it was definitely useful. Simple fact is that while Kassadin can move very quickly, this still has a cooldown, costs lots of mana and you pretty much want to use it to damage the enemy, so using ghost will allow you to chase much quicker, hit them with riftwalk and stick on them for your other attacks. Here also the Lich Bane would work since you actually get those auto attacks in.
Again I'm not saying it's my choice, but it's viable.

In the end meta's are fun and all, but none traditional builds can work, not because they are skilled or lucky or whatever, but because it breaks the meta. A Kassadin with Lich Bane and Ghost who you can't escape and can't get rid by regular movement, leaving your ult up for when they flash, can be very useful and make the difference.

I've done Sivir where I rushed Tear and Avarice, it gave me massive amounts of poke with extra gold income, with proper last hitting you can outscale the enemy quite hard. Why? Because no one builds tear on their ADC, so you can outpoke them.