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Perfect world (non-pvp)

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
First off let me state, im not quite sure where to post this so i just placed it here.

Ive been looking for a private server for perfect world for a bit now. I know there are lots of perfect world servers but none that have the option i am looking for. I dont care if the exp rates are from x10-x500 but if there is a pvp/nonpvp option. Thats the important part to me, let me explain. I played perfect world server for a bit... until when i hit pvp level and couldnt even enjoy the hunt anymore, because of people trying to kill me pretty much constantly.

So if anyone knows of a server that has a pvp/no pvp option or is just flat no pk/pvp let me know through IM or response.

Thanks for your time guys.
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