Personal Website

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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
So after practicing a lot, I finally reveal my final personal website.


  • Parallax sliders
  • Mobile friendly
  • One pager
  • FAQ accordion
  • Sticky navigation
  • Custom preloader
  • Free hosting from (Before you say "Oh you suck, you use Weebly", I use it because it creates an easy and tidy workspace and provides free web hosting.)
+ more


  • If you see anything wrong with the website or find something misspelled, please comment below.
  • If you wanna see some features added/removed, please comment below.
  • If you got any constructive feedback/suggestions, please comment below.
  • Website still is undercon, just releasing it to get some feedback on how it looks.

Click here to be redirected
(Excuse the .tk domain name, gonna purchase .pw from GoDaddy in a bit)

I love the... magnifying glass?

swaggots - Personal Website - RaGEZONE Forums

You could just buy a domain before posting x.x
If you can link to the theme, i'll be glad to check it out but I can assure you this theme isnt ripped.

I think it's more that it looks like a typical one-pager from the many they have on ThemeForest.

Pixelentity Themes, Templates and Plugins -


Pixelentity Themes, Templates and Plugins -

Also about the site:

The overall feel of the site looks like it is intended to be used to advertise yourself as a developer to be hired. However, your About Me section does not fit in at all with that feel of the site. Someone looking to contract a web developer doesn't care that you like to watch movies or go out with friends. Nor do they care to contact you on playstation network, devbest, or snapchat. Saying you started developing websites at age 10 doesn't mean anything when there is no indication of your age, which age shouldn't matter, and you could just say I've been doing "stuff" for "x" many years... Lastly, on the About me section the "connect" stuff should really be all under Contact.

If you're going for a personal website about you then what you have in About me is fine, and put w/e you want in there about yourself. But from the perspective of a personal site used as a portfolio for business purposes doesn't need such personal information, nor would I recommend listing your house on a map.

It is just very conflicting going through the site between personal stuff and professional stuff. They should be separate.

A few bugs / issues.

  • The Home button doesn't work.
  • At > 986px you have extra whitespace pop up on the bottom of the page.
  • The link in "
    These are a list of questions asked by several anonymous website visitors. If you would like to ask me a question, please contact me
    here" just directly sends you to the contact section, it would be nicer if you had it scroll the page like the top nav.
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As I said in the thread, I am using weebly mostly for hosting and because it creates a clean workspace, that is just one of the many items weebly adds to your code and I have noticed it in other websites also built with Weebly.

Honestly, I think that is a link you give to editors, which is a feature weebly provides which allows you to add people who can design your website, along with a login name and password so they can login without your account details, but i'm not sure.

The website is not really for business purposes or to get me hired, really.

Yeah, it may seem similar to many other one-pager parallax themes out there.

Bugs are being fixed. Thanks for the feedback. :):
As I said in the thread, I am using weebly mostly for hosting and because it creates a clean workspace, that is just one of the many items weebly adds to your code and I have noticed it in other websites also built with Weebly.

Honestly, I think that is a link you give to editors, which is a feature weebly provides which allows you to add people who can design your website, along with a login name and password so they can login without your account details, but i'm not sure.

The website is not really for business purposes or to get me hired, really.

Yeah, it may seem similar to many other one-pager parallax themes out there.

Bugs are being fixed. Thanks for the feedback. :):

yes, but Weebly is a website build service. So I do not believe you coded any line. So this is not showcase section of any kind of things, it's showcase section for programmed things. Programmed things the author made.

It does not matter it's for business purposes or not. This would even be the wrong section for getting hired here.
The theme is created by myself and I uploaded it to weebly as a custom theme, which you can easily do. After uploading, all the text you see are uploaded through weebly's drag & drop builder along with the buttons styled by me.

i used weebly because I didn't feel like creating tables, adding paragraphs, and imgs thru coding since they do it faster and easier.
The theme is created by myself and I uploaded it to weebly as a custom theme, which you can easily do. After uploading, all the text you see are uploaded through weebly's drag & drop builder along with the buttons styled by me.

i used weebly because I didn't feel like creating tables, adding paragraphs, and imgs thru coding since they do it faster and easier.

So you designed it, but you did not program any sh!t.
And btw: A good website does not use tables in the design layout.

Sure, why to reinvent the wheel, when you never want to learn programming. That's fine. But what do you do in this section here, then?
If you want to learn programming, go ahead and get a plain text editor with syntax highlighting and do it yourself, since it's our passion to do it ourselves.

There are exceptions, like using other lib's and other pre-coded technologies. But i cannot draw a picture with paint and post it in the programmers showcase like paint is coded, but i just used it.

Even a Typo3 CMS website (template) would fit more here, even when it is rather a configuration script language than a programming language.
omg is he idiot or what, retards like him, never learn

Excuse me Mr. Rainbow, for you the sun should shine in any face. He deserves a chance to understand that he might be just a wanna-be-coder to get to the point to build his own conclusion of his path he will decide to. We all had this time when we were young. In any day he can understand how the way to go is to become a real coder, a hard way. Maybe he will find out coding sucks for him, maybe he is too lazy to do it right, right now he is playing like a kid with lego before it might becomes old and construct real buildings. so maybe he will realize that coding can become his passion and the front-end is nearly secondary on any project.

Statistics might say he will drop it, just like statistics say you will only lose in lotto, but there are still lotto millionaires. :zippy:
it says

Site Not Published
The site you are looking for has not been published
If you are the owner of the site, you can fix this message by publishing your site to this address."
I've just cleaned up this thread. Please do not insult other members. While I'm not against critiquing another person's skills - it's not an uncommon practice, especially amongst coders, especially on the internet - please do so without breaking any of the forum rules. I've had to hand out one infraction already, and I never hand out infractions.

Remember forum rule #1: Always show respect towards each other. Flames and personal attacks are not welcome at RaGEZONE. This includes but not limited to; racism, xenophobia, etc.

swaggots is showcasing something he worked on. He may not have coded it from scratch, but that's not a requirement for this Showcases and Releases section. I'm not telling you all you can not critique his project - by all means, but again, do so respectfully, and critique his work, not him.
Make sure you know the Showcase Rules and Regulations.

As a final note, please, instead of responding to posts that break the rules, simply report them and ignore them.

Thank you.
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I do not know if this has already been said but the website does not work anymore, I would have loved to see what everyone was talking about.

>Timebomb your a moderator now? Much deserved, keep up the good work.
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