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[PHP HTML & CSS] Seeking Coder to Help on Summer Project

Newbie Spellweaver
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
Hello, I am the Owner of Diamond Hotel (A soon-to-be-up retro) and I was looking at CMS's to use and I saw that there were none that I really liked but were somewhat noob friendly. I currently understand the basics of HTML and CSS coding but I just can't get a hold of PHP. I am looking for someone to help me with actually coding the CMS while I can help on the actual look of it. I know, I seem like somewhat of a noob for you to try, but this is something I want to work on this summer and if you end up not liking the project, you can always quit, even though I won't love you anymore :*: Okay so if you are interested please PM me the following application.

MSN/Email to contact you:
Why should I pick you?
Are you good working with people?

Now there isn't much I can offer in return except for a LOT of credit when/if it's released and a coder spot on Diamond once it's up. Thanks :)

Newbie Spellweaver
May 29, 2012
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Why not use WordPress or Drupal? Or the numerous other high quality, established CMS scripts?

I don't think you would use wordpress or drupal for a habbo retro. You more of need a custom CMS for something like that.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Why not use WordPress or Drupal? Or the numerous other high quality, established CMS scripts?

You can't really use that type of CMS for a habbo retro, you more of need a custom made CMS for this.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
Because A) they are not easy to work and B) I kind of really wanted to see if I could get together with someone who really knows how to do this stuff and try to create something that other people will love and can use.
Jul 26, 2006
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Because A) they are not easy to work and B) I kind of really wanted to see if I could get together with someone who really knows how to do this stuff and try to create something that other people will love and can use.

What are you talking about? They are exactly the kind of things that people without any programming experience can use! They are point and click, easy install, piece of pie.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 30, 2012
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What are you talking about? They are exactly the kind of things that people without any programming experience can use! They are point and click, easy install, piece of pie.

I don't think we're talking about the same type of CMS. I want to create one for habbo retros...
Loyal Member
Dec 26, 2008
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I don't think we're talking about the same type of CMS. I want to create one for habbo retros...
All you would have to do really is make/get a Habbo WordPress theme and get some sort of server online/offline checker. There's WordPress plugins and widgets for just about everything you would need. Making an entirely new Habbo CMS isn't your best option here, since there's already some pretty nice ones out there. Unless you really really really want to take the time to find someone to help you make a CMS from the ground up, I would stick with an existing CMS.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 30, 2012
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I already have someone who's helping me and we've made a lot of progress in two days and I want to learn more about coding, thought it would just be a cool test.
Oct 24, 2009
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CMSs like WordPress and Drupal were specifically designed so that people without any programming experience could create their own CMS and you're defying the object of their usage. What's the point?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 30, 2012
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As I just said, the point is that I think it would be a cool experience and would help me better my knowledge of coding. Is it normal on forums for everyone to criticize everyone else's ideas just because there's an easier route? God.
Oct 31, 2005
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Your experience might improve coding , but making a CMS from scratch is not a child's play , and I don't think HABBO deserves a full custom CMS. If you would have chosen a more popular and / or advanced game , perhaps it would worth it. For example an advanced control panel for PW , or WoW , or RF , or MU etc.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
I would but the issue with those is that I don't really play them so making a cms for them would be a waste, I also want to use it for my retro that I'm starting. I know it's not child's play and it's been hard work so far but since I chose someone who is a good worker and is really fun to work with its a bit easier than working with someone who is all work-no play. There are tons of custom CMS's for habbo retros and they are very popular, with some of them reaching over 2,000 users.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2007
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Now there isn't much I can offer in return except for a LOT of credit when/if it's released and a coder spot on Diamond once it's up. Thanks :)

Credits and more work, what a reward.
Ginger by design.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2007
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There are too many mistakes to be made creating a CMS for it to be everyone's first project. It seems like that's what people seem to be doing, though. You need to fully understand sanitization of every input format, MIME-type issues, XSS/CSRF problems (almost none address this properly), need insecure-to-secure login which is rarely done correctly, and ideally always secure for anyone logged in to prevent the possibility of session hijacking, you need to also handle user-feedback in polls or in comments which is a whole different ballgame of security and identification issues.

Yes, it's easy to throw together something that lets you create a CMS, I could create a very basic CMS in under 2 hours. To not completely screw up everything though would require months of work after you have all of that knowledge. This is why we use Drupal and Wordpress -- they have people with that knowledge and the maturity to have already corrected most of those mistakes.

That said, if you do make your own CMS, never, ever, ever, ever use it to host any production website, ever. That's all.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
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As a budding (amateur - nevertheless) Coldfusion website developer, in that respect, it's generally very easy to produce a basic, secure login feature and to fetch the appropriate data from the database.

I'm sure it doesn't take much more ability in PHP to do the same, and you shouldn't have too much difficulty in finding an appropriate login tutorial online. However, using an existing CMS such as Wordpress, etc would be much more beneficial to a site for a Habbo retro. There are numerous CMS' released in the Habbo section to take a look at and pull apart to learn from.

If you're looking for a good Habbo CMS you should look in the /f353 section, this section is too general.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
There are too many mistakes to be made creating a CMS for it to be everyone's first project. It seems like that's what people seem to be doing, though. You need to fully understand sanitization of every input format, MIME-type issues, XSS/CSRF problems (almost none address this properly), need insecure-to-secure login which is rarely done correctly, and ideally always secure for anyone logged in to prevent the possibility of session hijacking, you need to also handle user-feedback in polls or in comments which is a whole different ballgame of security and identification issues.

Yes, it's easy to throw together something that lets you create a CMS, I could create a very basic CMS in under 2 hours. To not completely screw up everything though would require months of work after you have all of that knowledge. This is why we use Drupal and Wordpress -- they have people with that knowledge and the maturity to have already corrected most of those mistakes.

That said, if you do make your own CMS, never, ever, ever, ever use it to host any production website, ever. That's all.

You are correct but it's really not that hard if you're patient, calculating and willing to learn.