[PIC]Button seriously injured in horrible F1 accident.

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
On the Moon
psychopat - [PIC]Button seriously injured in horrible F1 accident. - RaGEZONE Forums
Saw it like 5 minutes ago ;p and it's have seen it about 2 years ago so not that new.. funny, but old.
Re: Button seriously injured in horrible F1 accident.

heh funneh
Re: Button seriously injured in horrible F1 accident.

Oh I didn't get it lol
That's exactly what I thought when I saw the title lol

Guess I had to know more to be mislead... Anyone else find that an oxymoron?
Knowing more makes you easier to trick? Hmmm...
Re: Button seriously injured in horrible F1 accident.

Oh I didn't get it lol
That's exactly what I thought when I saw the title lol

Guess I had to know more to be mislead... Anyone else find that an oxymoron?
Knowing more makes you easier to trick? Hmmm...

I think button( A person ) is a Formula 1 driver (F1).