Please help before I lynch myself from the bathroom light fitting.

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Could someone please help me...

I have just installed a quite impressive server pack. Lots of stuff works well, out of the many builds I have tried to get working. There are however a few things that don't work too well.
I looked into the build info and I supposedly have Mangos 3231 and an SDB 6.1 or something.

I tried upgrading to the latest binaries and SDB but I'm really struggling. It's my understanding that if I upgrade from 3231 to say 3367 then I have to run all the SQL's in the updates folder from 3231 upwards, then install the latest SDB

However, when I do this, I end up with a worse database than I started out with, warlocks dont remember their pet spells and guards now fail to give directions, amongst other things.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

I would really like to get the latest build working but GAWD !!!

Help would be muchly appreciated :)
look, i know this is slightly offtopic, but could you please not threaten to kill yourself, as it is a very sensitive subject for some of us. Thanks for your understanding...
Oh good heavens, I'm sure the majority of us realise that was tongue in cheek, with you being the obvious exception.

Thankyou for promptly ruining any chances I had of getting a helpful reply though.
look, i know it was "tongue in cheek" u cocky git. I was just asking you to please refrain from mentioning commiting suicide. And how in the hell did I ruin your chances of getting help? honestly... -_-
There is also a post entitled 'How do I do it! My head assplode!'

You should head right over there and inform him that spontaneous human combustion is a bit of a touchy subject also.
Could someone please help me...

I have just installed a quite impressive server pack. Lots of stuff works well, out of the many builds I have tried to get working. There are however a few things that don't work too well.
I looked into the build info and I supposedly have Mangos 3231 and an SDB 6.1 or something.

I tried upgrading to the latest binaries and SDB but I'm really struggling. It's my understanding that if I upgrade from 3231 to say 3367 then I have to run all the SQL's in the updates folder from 3231 upwards, then install the latest SDB

However, when I do this, I end up with a worse database than I started out with, warlocks dont remember their pet spells and guards now fail to give directions, amongst other things.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

I would really like to get the latest build working but GAWD !!!

Help would be muchly appreciated :)

Ok, back to the original topic. It sounds like you did your homework, and you are close. I struggled with this when I first moved to a sql back-end emu myself. What you need to do is first backup all the necessary tables required to upgrade and keep accounts/characters/items/etc. These tables are as follows:


Seems like a hardy list, but once you get it down it's pretty simple. If you have modified any other tables you will need to back these up as well. With mysqlyog you can save all this data to one sql file.

Once you back this up, I like to backup the entire database just in case something goes wrong. And when I say database I mean the mangos db. This way, if all else fails, you can just re-apply the original db.

Now empty the database; Delete everything. Then apply the new SDB release. Once finished, delete all the tables you backed up from above. Then apply the backups.

Now for the core updates. Most databases will say what core release they support. Something like 3322+, for example. This means, if your core has any updates in the sql higher than 3322 you have to apply them. Although when a new database is released they already have all these updates applied. So when a new core comes out, but not a new db, they will include any required sql updates and you simply execute them. So if you have core version 3322 and upgrade to 3350, you would execute 3325.sql all the way up to 3350 if they are there.

So in conclusion:
Backup - Delete - Install - Restore - Update (if that makes sense)

Sorry for the drawn out post, hope this is helpful. If I missed anything I'm sure someone will correct me.
Gosh thanks for the help Dufus.

That's pretty much what I have been doing. I'm not really too concerned with the backing up of tables, This is my first setup so I don't have any characters that require saving.

The incremental patching of the core sql's seems ok, but what I don't really understand is, if I download say 3350, and apply all the patches, and then I download the latest SDB (full) do i apply it over the top, or should I have an empty database, because the thing that really confuses me is why a supposedly full DB ends up with many empty tables, in fact I seem to end up with lots less info in my DB than before.

Currently though I'm using Amber's 3348 and who knows what DB, but pretty much everything works, pets are still a little buggy but I can live with that.

I guess if there is nothing much to be gained over this release I won't bother with any more patches and just leave it in a playable state.
Gosh thanks for the help Dufus.

That's pretty much what I have been doing. I'm not really too concerned with the backing up of tables, This is my first setup so I don't have any characters that require saving.

The incremental patching of the core sql's seems ok, but what I don't really understand is, if I download say 3350, and apply all the patches, and then I download the latest SDB (full) do i apply it over the top, or should I have an empty database, because the thing that really confuses me is why a supposedly full DB ends up with many empty tables, in fact I seem to end up with lots less info in my DB than before.

Currently though I'm using Amber's 3348 and who knows what DB, but pretty much everything works, pets are still a little buggy but I can live with that.

I guess if there is nothing much to be gained over this release I won't bother with any more patches and just leave it in a playable state.

No problem, but it is wrong. You said:
if I download say 3350, and apply all the patches, and then I download the latest SDB (full) do i apply it over the top

The patches that come with the core release are intended for the db only, and not the core itself. Before you do anything, you need to have an empty database, and apply the new SDB release. Don't even worry about the core yet. Once you install the database, then apply the patches in the core sql folders over the new db. Again, not all of them. Just from whatever rev you are using, say 3350 and up.

Then configure your config files for the db and boot it up. Hope that helps.

I recommend biglad's revs and chaos SBD. If you need a link PM me.
So I downloaded

3367 +Mangos Script 147 + Honor + WeatherZoneUpdate.rar

And imported everything in the correct order. There were no updates to do being as this is the latest revision I could find.

When I ran it and created a warlock I was receiving all manor of error messages. I had to manually go into the character_pet table and add several fields myself before it would work, ie curhealth, curmana and stable_slot to another table.

Anyway all seems pretty good at the mo, only warlock pets don't work correctly yet, and I assume neither do hunter pets. I guess being as this is the latest release and I'm getting no more error messages that these are current bugs that require sorting.

But many thanks for helping me getting to the latest build :)
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