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Portable RoM Server 6.4.2

I did not get the link yet. could I please get the link I asked for it a little over a week ago and
still have not received it yet.
Thanks for all your hard work. I don't think I could set it up portable its too complicated.
They load all processes except PlayerCenter.exe which crashes. Why?

-- Update --

Fixed :laugh:

In a few days I will make a reupload completing the contribution
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@jacent here is the

password: RoMrUlEz
download with JDonwloader

Any chance someone have this and can share it ?
The original link is not active.

Thank you

Any chance someone have this and can share it ?
The original link is not active.

Thank you

I advise against using any 32bit release and moving on to the 64bit release instead. If you have trouble finding a link for it, you can ask the better known users of this section if they have one. There's at least one link I'm aware of that still works.
I advise against using any 32bit release and moving on to the 64bit release instead. If you have trouble finding a link for it, you can ask the better known users of this section if they have one. There's at least one link I'm aware of that still works.
The main reason to want this pack it's because it says Portable in the title. I am just looking for something easy to run in order to test some things in the game and recollect some memories. I don't know what's the deal with Microsoft products but they always install ton of additional crap, services, libraries and things that take half an hour to uninstall afterwards. That's why I don't want to bother with the MS SQL Server installation package and it seems the rest of the servers here are all using it. However the pack here is build on a portable version of MSSQL 2008 which is a surprise to me. Didn't even know that you can have a portable Transact-SQL DB. That's why i'm so interested in it. And of course there is the Runes of Magic (神界之战) version of the pack, but it's in Chinese. Mantios already took the time and effort to reconfigure it to English. So thank you if you can share it again.
They do that because mySQL isn't as good at handling multiple databases at once. If anyone still has the portable version, the user could provide that without the client and you could try combining that and the x64 release. The databases from it are identical, only most of the exe files changed.
Here a mirror without any modification in the files.

Password is always RoMrUlEz

If you do not have partition with the letter D can create a virtual disk of 16GiB approx and ready
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Here a mirror without any modification in the files.

Password is always RoMrUlEz

If you do not have partition with the letter D can create a virtual disk of 16GiB approx and ready

thanks for this. . .gonna try this at home

So after download the files and setting it up on D drive, I get this error

any ideas, just sits there will not goto login screen

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Mantios you updating this version or or it doesn't make sense?
Have links another trackers, not mega? mega have limit trafic.

Simple enough to bypass. Start the download using their desktop software and restart your router without aborting the download. Will resume automatically. Did this myself with the OFA download.
Nijom your link dont work, cant get any dowload in your paste, can someone put a new link ?