PristonTale Source Code (2012)

Initiate Mage
Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
I have bundled the total release into 3 pieces:

  • Source.7z - Compilable source code (requires VS 2002 (Pre-2003 version), which is not included. PM if you are desperate.)
  • Field.7z - Extracted from Source.7z to make it smaller.
  • char.7z - Extracted from Source.7z to make it smaller.


  • Everyone still developing in this section.
  • SubaGames for allowing access using monami

Multiple tools released on ragezone are also used by official servers.
I hope you guys can catch up with officials and improve this ugly codebase as a team.

Client & server source code for all publishers share the same codebase. Define appropriate preprocessor definitions. Although the source will need a lot of fixing to get it up and running. You will have to adjust the database scripts found in this place, as they are outdated.
#ifdef _W_SERVER

#include "mini_dump.h"
Mini_Dump CMiniDump;



	//------------------------------------< _ignore_xtrap_
		#pragma comment(lib,".\\XTrapSrcD5\\Launcher\\XTrap4Launcher_mt.lib")
		#pragma comment( lib, "Urlmon.lib")
		#pragma comment( lib, "Wininet.lib")
	    XTrap_L_Patch(XTRAP_CONFIG_ARG, NULL, 60);
	//------------------------------------  _ignore_xtrap_ >

	MAKELOG(" ------------ WINMAIN ---------------- ");
	MSG msg;
	WNDCLASS wndclass;
	hinst = hInst;
	int	sx,sy;


	lstrcpy( szCmdLine , lpCmdLine );
//	HoCommandLineDecoder();		//ÇØ¿Ü ºí·°(Handes °ü·Ã)

	initSinCos();		//»ï°¢ÇÔŒö ÃʱâÈ­
	//±âº» Œ³Á€ ºÒ·¯¿È
	//if ( smConfigDecode( "default.ini"  )==FALSE ) return FALSE;
	smConfigDecode( "hotuk.ini"  );
	ReadShotcutMessage( "ShortCut.ini" );		//ŽÜÃà žÞŒŒÁö ÀÐŸî ¿À±â
	DecodeCmdLine( lpCmdLine );

	//SetCurrentDirectory( "E:\\UpdateTest" );

	//Å©ž®ÆŒÄ® ŒœŒÇ ÃʱâÈ­
	InitializeCriticalSection( &cSection );
	InitializeCriticalSection( &cDrawSection );
	InitializeCriticalSection( &cSection_Main );

	srand( GetCurrentTime() );		//·£Žý ÃʱâÈ­

#ifdef _W_SERVER
	if ( smConfig.WinMode<0 ) {
		return ServerWinMain( hInst,  hPreInst, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow);

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No way.....

This is like the holy grail!

kaA55pF - PristonTale Source Code (2012) - RaGEZONE Forums

Thank you who ever you are!


OMFG. Legit ASE and ini files for all maps, monsters, chars, costumes.

Good LORD!
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Thank you very much! Really good release. Do you have access to a newer version of subagames server, which can help us a lot in study to improve the PT community! Also the application not any source.
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WoW. Nice release. Thank you!!!

But this code is very bad structured. Now i know, why they got so many problems...
is anyone able to run this? I just see a fullscreen window and a loading screen, if i complie and run the runmap3d.exe...
I am trying to compile and several mistakes, I'm using VS2002 but without success

now I can already build, but can not connect to the server, changed the doors, but I think lack packages
WoW. Nice release. Thank you!!!

But this code is very bad structured. Now i know, why they got so many problems...
is anyone able to run this? I just see a fullscreen window and a loading screen, if i complie and run the runmap3d.exe...
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I wouldnt use this source unless to facilitate the understanding of assembly code or to create my own game engine or server. This code is very bad structured that's why yedang have so many hack problems with pt1.
Japanese build is set as default one.
runmap3d.sln => clean & build.

To make an english build you will have to do some more things.

modify lines

copy Japanese\J_Set_EventSpawn.h to English\E_Set_EventSpawn.h
perform translations...

copy from Japanese\J_ServerMsg.h line 119 and translate
to English\E_ServerMsg.h line 244
char *szMiniMorif = "ミニモリプ";
char *szWantedMorif = "ブラックモリプ";

copy from Japanese\J_ServerMsg.h (eof) and translate
to English\E_ServerMsg.h (eof)

char *szMon_FireCrystal = "ファイアクリスタル";  
char *szMon_LightningCrystal = "ライトニングクリスタル";
char *szMon_IceCrystal = "アイスクリスタル";
char *szMon_TowerCrystal = "タワークリスタル";
char *szMon_Castledoor = "城門";

char *szMon_Curse_Soldier_A = "呪われた民兵";
char *szMon_Curse_Soldier_B = "呪われた警備兵";
char *szMon_Curse_Soldier_C = "呪われた守護兵";
char *szMon_Castledoor_Soldier = "城門守護兵";

char *szEvent_HopeMsg_StateInit = "レッドストーンの再配布をお願いします。";
char *StateInitEvent1 = "クリス:用意したレッドストーンは全て交換されてしまった。";
char *StateInitEvent2 = "クリス:君はもう貰ってる。もっと欲しければアイテムショップに行ってみなさい。";
char *StateInitEvent3 = "レッドストーン";
char *StateInitEvent4 = "クリス:リカルテンは素晴らしい町でしょ?アイテム配給所にアイテムを送りましたよ!";

copy from Japanese\J_ServerMsg.h line 272 and translate
to English\E_ServerMsg.h line 243(above earlier code)
// Chichen_Day
#define PAPACHICHEN_CHAT_MAX        7
char *szPaPaChichenChatMsg[PAPACHICHEN_CHAT_MAX] = {

char *szPaPaChichenChatDropMsg[PAPACHICHEN_CHAT_DROP_MAX] = {

modify English\E_HoTextFile.h
char *HoTextLoginMessage[20] = ....
                "Return value is 7",
                "Return value is 9"

modify in HoBaram\HoLogin.cpp line 3740
//// KYLE ///// 일본어IME /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////End////
//// KYLE ///// 일본어IME /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////End////

copy from Japanese\J_sinMsg.h and translate
to English\E_sinMsg.h anywhere
//ケレタ鄙・- シレ クニソタア・
char *WatermelonItem    = "7個のスイカを"; // シレ 7ーウ
//ケレタ鄙・- ネ」ケレ クニソタア・
char *PumpkinItem = "7個のかぼちゃを"; // ネ」ケレ 7ーウ
//ケレタ鄙・- ケ翩マエテタヌ シメソ・タフコ・ニョ
char *StarItem = "7個の星のかけら"; // コー 7ーウ
//タ蠎ー - ケ゚キサナクタホ テハトンクエ クニソタ
char *ValentineItem = "7個のチョコレート "; // ケ゚キサナクタホ テハトンクエ 7ーウ
//ケレタ鄙・- ア箍」ククキ・
char *PristonAlphabetItem = "7個の アルファベットを";
char *CandydaysItem = "7個のキャンディを";
char *ExpireItem = "期間満了";
char *MagicalGreenEmeraldItem = "7個のエメラルドを";    
char *MagicalGreenJadeItem = "7個のヒスイを";        

char *TearOfKaraItem    ="7個のカラの涙を"; //- Here (^_^)

char *FindinvestigatorItem = " ";  //- Here (^_^)
char *FindinvestigatorNineItem = "ナインペンダント";  //- Here (^_^)
char *FindinvestigatorTaleItem = "テイルペンダント";  //- Here (^_^)
char *BillingMagicForceName = "マジックフォース";
char *MagicForceName = "マジック";
 char *InventoryFull = "インベントリ 空間不足";
char *InvenSpaceSecure = "空間を確保してください";
// ケレタ鄙・- コホスコナヘ セニタフナロ 
// セニタフナロ チ、コク グステチ・
char *BoosterItemInfo[] ={
char *BoosterItemInfo2[] ={

runmap3d.sln => clean & build... Now it builds the English version.
Although some arrays may be missing some elements, etc, this is up for you guys to fix.
It may even be more stable to start and modify / translate the Japanese base to your needs.
Hello, i try to run the Source in client mode and notice that some files are missing. Currently i stcuk on the login screen. All model files are missing in StartImage/Opening. Thats why i zip the StartImageFolder from RebornPT.

I still miss the Effect\Particle\script\Bam.part. Cannot find it on my PC. Unfortunately this source does not handle missing files and just crash in this case. Maybe someone get this file from older client.

sorry for bad english
I'm looking for that file "Effect \ Particle \ script \ Bam.part" because I have some customers since 2008 on my PC, but none of them have

Hello, i try to run the Source in client mode and notice that some files are missing. Currently i stcuk on the login screen. All model files are missing in StartImage/Opening. Thats why i zip the StartImageFolder from RebornPT.

I still miss the Effect\Particle\script\Bam.part. Cannot find it on my PC. Unfortunately this source does not handle missing files and just crash in this case. Maybe someone get this file from older client.

sorry for bad english

I could build the game and server successfully,
now when soon as a player or GM I take dc 4

14:11:50 - ID:( teste ) / Name:( Bruno ) / IP ( ) Hacking Alert ( 101 )
has a very crazy bug that even if you do not use database it still connects to the game and creates standard char without "SQL.dll" or "ODBC", this problem was still not resolved, the other forwarding this already