Problem is Up server!!! L2O 

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
i have problem in up server, What this is?

This server is 64 Bits, i have Windows XP 64 Bits and MSSQL Server 2005.

I have ODBC Create's and DB's Correctly!

ASUS_KPO - Problem is Up server!!! - RaGEZONE Forums

Thanks! Solved problem, I leave two images of the locations of the ODBC, for the people who do not know as she is. He is equal as much for Win XP x64 and Win 2003 x64

DNS Create Normal For Win XP x64 or Win 2003 x64

ASUS_KPO - Problem is Up server!!! - RaGEZONE Forums

Copy ODBC this Program Files and Paste in Program Files x(86)

ASUS_KPO - Problem is Up server!!! - RaGEZONE Forums

Thx for ur Help! katsoriua

Gracias por ayudarme = ya te mande un PM =D

Sorry for my bad english ;)
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copia los dns creados en la carpeta x86, osea estan creados para el sistema x64, te faltaria pasarlos al sistema x32. Ahora no tengo instalado el win 2k3 pero ni bien pueda me fijo el nombre exacto de las carpetas.
