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Problem with

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2018
Reaction score
When I try to connect to the server, the following problem appears

b208dd243fe76fd030662a8b53b9e8e5 - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums

after this problem the server automatically falls

we have a correct connection with root permissions in the database

the log of the server:

22:37:54.989 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ BeforeStart }22:37:54.993 INFO - =================================================22:37:54.993 INFO - Revision: ................ N/A22:37:54.993 INFO - Build date: .............. -122:37:54.993 INFO - =================================================22:37:54.994 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Configure }22:37:55.000 INFO - Loading config file: configs/geodata.properties22:37:55.005 INFO - Loading config file: configs/chat.properties22:37:55.006 INFO - Loading config file: configs/xmls.properties22:37:55.007 INFO - Loading config file: configs/itemmarket.properties22:37:55.008 INFO - Loading config file: configs/filtering.properties22:37:55.009 INFO - Loading config file: configs/security.properties22:37:55.009 INFO - Loading config file: configs/threadpool.properties22:37:55.009 INFO - Loading config file: configs/events.properties22:37:55.010 INFO - Loading config file: configs/webserver.properties22:37:55.011 INFO - Loading config file: configs/servant.properties22:37:55.017 INFO - Loading config file: configs/battleoption.properties22:37:55.019 INFO - Loading config file: configs/guild.properties22:37:55.020 INFO - Loading config file: configs/red_battlefield.properties22:37:55.020 INFO - Loading config file: configs/player.properties22:37:55.021 INFO - Loading config file: configs/server.properties22:37:55.022 INFO - Loading config file: configs/debug.properties22:37:55.023 INFO - Loading config file: configs/etcoption.properties22:37:55.028 INFO - Loading config file: configs/discord.properties22:37:55.030 INFO - Loading config file: configs/localizingoption.properties22:37:55.036 INFO - Loading config file: configs/rate.properties22:37:55.037 INFO - Loading config file: configs/xmlrpc.properties22:37:55.038 INFO - Loading config file: configs/region.properties22:37:55.038 INFO - Loading config file: configs/actionverifyoption.properties22:37:55.038 INFO - Loading config file: configs/playerbag.properties22:37:55.039 INFO - Loading config file: configs/database.properties22:37:55.040 INFO - Loading config file: configs/ai.properties22:37:55.040 INFO - Loading config file: configs/commands.properties22:37:55.041 INFO - Loading config file: configs/network.properties22:37:55.043 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Threading }22:37:55.044 INFO - ThreadPool initialized.22:37:55.044 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Database }22:37:55.256 INFO - Database factory connected to INFO - Database logging is disabled.22:37:55.259 INFO - Initializing SQLiteDatabaseFactory...22:37:55.266 INFO - SQLiteDatabaseFactory initialized.Locking storage: GUILD; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: GuildComments; objectPath: comments; objectIdField: commentIdLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: guildWarehouse.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: Friend; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ItemMarket; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: accountBag.Warehouse.*.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: accountBag.CashInventory.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: Vehicle; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: servantBag.ServantInventory.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: servantBag.ServantEquip.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: PLAYER; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: playerBag.Inventory.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: playerBag.Equipments.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: NpcWorker; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ItemMarket; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: NpcWorker; objectPath: npcWorker; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ItemMarket; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: Household; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: HouseInstallation; objectPath: installations; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: Friend; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: Mail; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ItemMarket; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: Vehicle; objectPath: servant; objectIdField: _idLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: servant.servantBag.ServantInventory.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: ITEM; objectPath: servant.servantBag.ServantEquip.items; objectIdField: objectIdLocking storage: MasterItemMarket; objectIdField: _id22:37:55.890 INFO - Init Collect objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init ONLINE objectIdTypes used count: 5836822:37:55.891 INFO - Init NpcWorkerSession objectIdTypes used count: 1126422:37:55.891 INFO - Init Creatures objectIdTypes used count: 8601622:37:55.891 INFO - Init DeadBody objectIdTypes used count: 8601622:37:55.891 INFO - Init GUILD objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init Mail objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init ItemMarket objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init MasterItemMarket objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init PLAYER objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init Vehicle objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init ITEM objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init NpcWorker objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init Household objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init HouseInstallation objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init PvpPlayer objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init PARTY objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init CACHE objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init Friend objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init Buff objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init PvpMatches objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - Init GuildComments objectIdTypes used count: 122:37:55.891 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Service }22:37:55.895 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ CashProductData Loading }22:37:56.046 INFO - Loaded 3577 CashItemTemplate's22:37:56.404 INFO - Cached 17706 geo files to cache22:37:56.431 INFO - Loaded 16 command handlers with 81 methods.22:37:56.441 INFO - ItemMarketService: Initialized.22:37:56.444 INFO - Loaded 0 master marketplace items.22:37:56.447 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemData Loading }22:37:56.473 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ContentsGroupOptionData Loading }22:37:56.489 INFO - Loaded 244 ContentsGroupOptionData's22:37:56.892 INFO - Loaded 23340 ItemEnchantTemplate's from 1_LongSword table22:37:56.995 INFO - Loaded 9847 ItemEnchantTemplate's from 2_Blunt table22:37:57.009 INFO - Loaded 1009 ItemEnchantTemplate's from 3_TwoHandSword table22:37:57.028 INFO - Loaded 1659 ItemEnchantTemplate's from 4_Bow table22:37:57.034 INFO - Loaded 201 ItemEnchantTemplate's from 5_Dagger table22:37:57.192 WARN - Accept condition [checkcompetition] is unimplemented! ()22:37:58.755 WARN - Accept condition [checkSpecialCharacter] is unimplemented! ()22:38:00.923 WARN - Accept condition [checklocalwar] is unimplemented! ()22:38:00.998 WARN - Accept condition [checksavagedefence] is unimplemented! ()22:38:01.011 WARN - Accept condition [checkUseSpecialPotion] is unimplemented! ()22:38:01.328 WARN - Accept condition [checkInstallTentLevel] is unimplemented! (2)22:38:01.330 WARN - Accept condition [checkMinorSiegeTotalLevel] is unimplemented! (6)22:38:01.331 WARN - Accept condition [checkUseSiegeTower] is unimplemented! (30000)22:38:01.361 INFO - Loaded 21753 ItemTemplate's. (325 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:01.406 INFO - Loaded 0 Items in market22:38:01.407 INFO - Loaded 0 Reservation Items in market22:38:01.407 INFO - RespawnService: Initialized.22:38:01.409 INFO - Loaded 0 reloadable instances.22:38:01.410 INFO - TradeItemService: Initialized.22:38:01.412 INFO - GuildService: Initialized.22:38:01.412 INFO - Loaded 0 guilds.22:38:01.413 INFO - Loaded 0 families from database.22:38:01.433 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ WebService Loading }22:38:01.433 INFO - Ingame webservice disabled duo config.22:38:01.434 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Attendance_TableData Loading }22:38:01.439 INFO - Loaded 15 AttendanceT templates22:38:01.451 INFO - PlayerSaveService: Initialized.22:38:02.870 INFO - Loaded 817 AI classes.22:38:02.870 INFO - Created event loop with 16 threads.22:38:02.872 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ EncyclopediaData Loading }22:38:02.879 INFO - Loaded 161 EncyclopediaTemplate's22:38:02.930 INFO - Loaded 161 fish rank's.22:38:02.931 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ FloatFishingData Loading }22:38:02.938 INFO - Loaded 387 FloatFishingTemplate's22:38:02.938 INFO - Loaded 387 FloatFishing templates22:38:02.940 INFO - Spawned 387 float fishes.22:38:02.940 INFO - LifeRankService: Initialized.22:38:02.956 INFO - XmlRpcServer started. Listening on INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ RegionData Loading }22:38:02.972 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ SkillData Loading }22:38:03.280 INFO - Loaded 12863 SkillTemplate's. (164 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:03.293 INFO - Loaded 739 RegionTemplate's. (0 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:05.318 INFO - Loaded 0 Servant in auction of goods22:38:05.320 INFO - Loaded 0 Npc Workers in auction of goods22:38:05.322 INFO - RewardService: Initialized.22:38:05.323 INFO - RegionProductivityService: Initialized.22:38:05.323 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ RegionGroupData Loading }22:38:05.327 INFO - Loaded 91 RegionGroupData's22:38:05.327 INFO - WPService: Initialized.22:38:05.328 INFO - WeatherService: Initialized.22:38:05.329 INFO - FixedHouseService: Initialized.22:38:05.330 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ HouseData Loading }22:38:05.335 INFO - Loaded 55 HouseTransferTemplate's22:38:05.340 INFO - Loaded 84 ReceipeForTownTemplate's22:38:05.346 INFO - Loaded 733 HouseInfoTemplate's22:38:05.575 INFO - DespawnService: Initialized.22:38:05.575 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Data }22:38:05.576 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ InteriorRelationPointData Loading }22:38:05.581 INFO - Loaded 936 InteriorRelationPointTemplate's22:38:05.581 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ CardData Loading }22:38:05.599 INFO - Loaded 5341 CardData's. (8 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:05.601 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ClassBalanceData Loading }22:38:05.605 INFO - Loaded 32 ClassBalanceTemplate's22:38:05.606 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ WaterData Loading }22:38:05.610 INFO - Loaded 4 WaterTemplate's22:38:05.610 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ KnowledgeLearningData Loading }22:38:05.614 INFO - Loaded 1198 KnowledgeLearningTemplate's22:38:05.615 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PetActionData Loading }22:38:05.618 INFO - Loaded 10 PetActionData's22:38:05.619 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ CollectSpawnData Loading }22:38:05.619 INFO - Collections spawn disabled duo debug config.22:38:05.620 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ManufactureData Loading }22:38:05.624 INFO - Loaded 14 ManufactureConditionTemplate's22:38:05.632 INFO - Loaded 1424 ManufactureTemplate's22:38:05.633 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ VehicleSkillData Loading }22:38:05.637 INFO - Loaded 52 VehicleSkillT entries22:38:05.645 INFO - Loaded 204 VehicleSkillOwnerT entries22:38:05.646 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PCSetData Loading }22:38:05.653 INFO - Loaded 32 PCSetTemplate's22:38:05.654 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ AlchemyChargeData Loading }22:38:05.659 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ WaypointData Loading }22:38:05.663 INFO - Loaded 252 PlantExchangeGroupTemplate's22:38:05.667 INFO - Loaded 261 PlantZoneWorkingTemplate's22:38:05.673 INFO - Loaded 711 WaypointTemplate's22:38:05.674 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemData Loading }22:38:05.677 INFO - Loaded 100 EnchantFailCountOption's22:38:05.678 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ LifeEXPData Loading }22:38:05.682 INFO - Loaded 16 LifeEXPData's22:38:05.683 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PetFusionData Loading }22:38:05.687 INFO - Loaded 188 PetFusionTemplate's.22:38:05.688 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ AwakeningData Loading }22:38:05.692 INFO - Loaded 95 AwakeningAbilityTemplate's22:38:05.698 INFO - Loaded 355 AwakeningTemplate's22:38:05.703 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.704 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.704 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.704 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.704 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.705 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.705 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.705 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.705 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.705 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.706 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.707 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.707 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.707 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.707 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.707 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.707 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.708 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.709 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.710 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.710 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.710 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.710 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.710 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.711 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.712 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.713 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.713 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.713 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.713 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.713 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.714 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.715 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.716 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.716 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.716 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.716 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.716 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.717 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.717 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.717 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.717 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.717 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.718 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.719 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.719 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.719 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.719 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.719 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.720 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.721 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.722 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.UnusedWeapon422:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Magazine22:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventHammer22:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.Unk122:38:05.723 WARN - PcActionPackage table didn't contain column for EquipType.EventFruit22:38:05.724 INFO - Loaded 32 equip stance and 32 ride stance action packages22:38:05.725 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ FieldBossData Loading }22:38:05.729 INFO - Loaded 8 FieldBoss templates.22:38:05.731 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ NpcRelationData Loading }22:38:05.743 INFO - Loaded 1077 NpcRelationTemplate's22:38:05.745 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ QuestData Loading }22:38:05.798 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16195 item id!!!!22:38:05.807 WARN - Accept condition [checkRandom] is unimplemented! (0,3)22:38:05.807 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16407 item id!!!!22:38:05.822 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16195 item id!!!!22:38:05.828 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16195 item id!!!!22:38:06.483 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16195 item id!!!!22:38:06.484 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16348 item id!!!!22:38:06.484 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16349 item id!!!!22:38:06.484 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16348 item id!!!!22:38:06.484 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16349 item id!!!!22:38:06.484 ERROR - Template does not exist for 42423 item id!!!!22:38:06.485 ERROR - Template does not exist for 42423 item id!!!!22:38:06.515 WARN - Accept condition [checkpremiumuser] is unimplemented! (9)22:38:06.537 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.537 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.537 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.538 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.539 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16383 item id!!!!22:38:06.539 ERROR - Template does not exist for 40382 item id!!!!22:38:06.574 INFO - Loaded 901 QuestTemplate group's. (153 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:06.576 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ SkillExpData Loading }22:38:06.580 INFO - Loaded 1501 SkillExpTemplate's22:38:06.581 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PersonalityData Loading }22:38:06.585 INFO - Loaded 723 PersonalityTemplate's22:38:06.586 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ DialogData Loading }22:38:06.599 WARN - Accept condition [checkfixedcharge] is unimplemented! ()22:38:06.605 WARN - Accept condition [checkguildquestcondition] is unimplemented! (31,0)22:38:06.617 WARN - Accept condition [getSoulCollectorItem] is unimplemented! (40351)22:38:06.617 WARN - Function [ExchangItemToExpGradre] is unimplemented! (ExchangItemToExpGradre(40351,0,1,93,0))22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.618 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16411 item id!!!!22:38:06.619 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:06.624 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.625 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.625 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.625 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.625 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.625 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.625 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.625 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.629 WARN - Function [ExecuteProfiling] is unimplemented! (ExecuteProfiling(1,wp1))22:38:06.658 ERROR - Template does not exist for 18965 item id!!!!22:38:06.658 ERROR - Template does not exist for 18965 item id!!!!22:38:06.658 ERROR - Template does not exist for 18965 item id!!!!22:38:06.658 ERROR - Template does not exist for 18965 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.659 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.666 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.690 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.690 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.690 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.691 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.691 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16194 item id!!!!22:38:06.691 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16193 item id!!!!22:38:06.691 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16192 item id!!!!22:38:06.691 ERROR - Template does not exist for 16191 item id!!!!22:38:06.701 ERROR - Template does not exist for 42423 item id!!!!22:38:06.701 ERROR - Template does not exist for 42423 item id!!!!22:38:06.701 ERROR - Template does not exist for 42423 item id!!!!22:38:06.720 WARN - Accept condition [checkActiveWorkerTrade] is unimplemented! ()22:38:06.720 WARN - Function [activateworkertrade] is unimplemented! (activateworkertrade(20))22:38:06.720 WARN - Function [deactivateworkertrade] is unimplemented! (deactivateworkertrade(20))22:38:06.728 ERROR - Template does not exist for 40382 item id!!!!22:38:06.728 ERROR - Template does not exist for 40382 item id!!!!22:38:06.775 INFO - Loaded 2379 DialogTemplate's22:38:06.777 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ GuildSkillPointEXPData Loading }22:38:06.781 INFO - Loaded 1001 GuildSkillPointEXPData's.22:38:06.782 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ProductToolPropertyData Loading }22:38:06.786 INFO - Loaded 8 ProductToolPropertyData's22:38:06.786 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ThemeData Loading }22:38:06.790 INFO - Loaded 504 ThemeTemplate's22:38:06.791 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemImprovementResultData }22:38:06.795 INFO - Loaded 180 ItemImprovementResultTemplates22:38:06.813 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ OpenBox31Data Loading }22:38:06.825 INFO - Loaded 41 box entries.22:38:06.845 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ExploreData Loading }22:38:06.851 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ObsceneFilterData Loading }22:38:06.883 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ RegionSpawnData Loading }22:38:06.937 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ServantInitSpawns Loading }22:38:08.216 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PartyExperienceOptionData Loading }22:38:08.220 INFO - Loaded 4 PartyExperienceOptionData's22:38:08.222 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ AlchemyData Loading }22:38:08.226 INFO - Loaded 1196 MaterialTemplate's22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5018] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5526] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5019] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5017] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5516] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5525] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5017] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5517] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5526] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Alchemy] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5515] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Coocking] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.231 ERROR - Material template with id=[5515] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Coocking] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.232 ERROR - Material template with id=[9316] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Coocking] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.232 ERROR - Material template with id=[9483] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Coocking] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.232 ERROR - Material template with id=[9317] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Coocking] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.232 ERROR - Material template with id=[9483] for AlchemyType=[[]] in column=[Coocking] didn't exist in database!22:38:08.232 INFO - Loaded 2 AlchemyTemplate's22:38:08.233 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ TitleData Loading }22:38:08.244 INFO - Loaded 1262 TitleTemplate's.22:38:08.245 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ActionEXPData Loading }22:38:08.252 INFO - Loaded 18 ActionEXPT entries22:38:08.253 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ChallengeData Loading }22:38:08.259 INFO - Loaded 125 ChallengeTemplate's22:38:08.260 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemExchangeData Loading }22:38:08.264 INFO - Loaded 1472 ItemExchange's22:38:08.265 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PetData Loading }22:38:08.270 INFO - Loaded 5 PetExpTemplate's.22:38:08.275 INFO - Loaded 5 PetTemplate's.22:38:08.275 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ZodiacSignData Loading }22:38:08.279 INFO - Loaded 24 ZodiacSignT templates22:38:08.280 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ FishingData Loading }22:38:08.284 INFO - Loaded 182 FishingTemplate's22:38:08.285 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ServantBuffData Loading }22:38:08.289 INFO - Loaded 3 ServantBuffTemplate's22:38:08.290 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ContributionEXPData Loading }22:38:08.294 INFO - Loaded 527 ContributionEXPData's22:38:08.295 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ AlchemyUpgradeData Loading }22:38:08.298 INFO - Loaded 136 AlchemyUpgradeTemplate's22:38:08.299 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ GuildQuestData Loading }22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 ERROR - Template does not exist for 1005 item id!!!!22:38:08.308 INFO - Loaded 267 GuildQuestTemplate group's. (22 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:08.310 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ InstantCashItemData Loading }22:38:08.315 INFO - Loaded 280 InstantCashItemData's22:38:08.316 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ FamilyPointReward Loading }22:38:08.319 INFO - Loaded 15 FamilyPointRewardT's22:38:08.320 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ CollectData Loading }22:38:08.327 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PetEquipSkillAquireData Loading }22:38:08.331 INFO - Loaded 21 PetEquipSkillAquireData key's.22:38:08.331 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PetEquipSkillData Loading }22:38:08.335 INFO - Loaded 38 PetEquipSkillData key's.22:38:08.336 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ SocialActionData Loading }22:38:08.340 INFO - Loaded 39 SocialActionTemplate's22:38:08.341 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ NodeEXPData Loading }22:38:08.345 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ CultivationWeatherData Loading }22:38:08.352 INFO - Loaded 910 CultivationWeatherData's22:38:08.353 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ DyeingItemData Loading }22:38:08.357 INFO - Loaded 1035 DyeingItemTemplate's22:38:08.358 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PCData Loading }22:38:08.363 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ CreatureData Loading }22:38:08.375 INFO - Loaded 2302 ObjectTemplate's22:38:08.383 INFO - Loaded 1046 CreatureFunctionTemplate's22:38:08.533 INFO - Loaded 9471 CreatureTemplate's (62 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:08.562 INFO - Loaded 3232 PCTemplate's22:38:08.563 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PetChangeLookData Loading }22:38:08.567 INFO - Loaded 39 PetChangeLookData's.22:38:08.569 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemMainGroupData Loading }22:38:08.784 INFO - Loaded 45967 ItemSubGroupTemplate's from ItemSubGroup_Table22:38:08.791 INFO - Loaded 271 ItemSubGroupTemplate's from TradeItemGroup_Table22:38:08.833 INFO - Loaded 8150 ItemMainGroupTemplate's22:38:08.835 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemChangeData Loading }22:38:08.841 INFO - Loaded 231 ItemChangeTemplate's22:38:08.842 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ BuffData Loading }22:38:08.955 INFO - Loaded 25717 BuffTemplate's22:38:08.956 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ RepairMaxEnduranceData Loading }22:38:08.968 INFO - Loaded 2156 RepairMaxEnduranceTemplate's22:38:08.969 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ MiniGameRewardData Loading }22:38:08.973 INFO - Loaded 3 MiniGameTemplate's22:38:08.974 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ TitleBuffData Loading }22:38:08.978 INFO - Loaded 18 TitleBuffData's22:38:08.979 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemExchangeSourceData Loading }22:38:08.993 INFO - Loaded 3334 ItemExchangeSourceTemplates22:38:08.994 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ UndergroundData Loading }22:38:08.997 INFO - Loaded 20 UndergroundTemplate's22:38:08.998 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ TranslateStatData Loading }22:38:09.003 INFO - Loaded 16 TranslateStat templates22:38:09.003 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ FitnessData Loading }22:38:09.008 INFO - Loaded FitnessTemplates for 3 EFitnessType's22:38:09.009 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ PlantWorkerData Loading }22:38:09.013 INFO - Loaded 71 PlantWorkerPassiveSkillTemplate's22:38:09.017 INFO - Loaded 64 PlantWorkerSkillTemplate's22:38:09.023 INFO - Loaded 64 PlantWorkerTemplate's22:38:09.023 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ServantData Loading }22:38:09.066 INFO - Loaded 240 ServantTemplate entries (62 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:09.068 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ TaxData Loading }22:38:09.072 INFO - Loaded 7 TaxTemplate's22:38:10.153 INFO - Loaded 2196 ActionScript packages.22:38:10.154 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ServantSetData Loading }22:38:10.159 INFO - Loaded 241 ServantSet data entries (2 disabled by ContentsGroupOptionData)22:38:10.160 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ VillageSiegeData Loading }22:38:10.163 INFO - Loaded 33 VillageSiegeTtemplate's22:38:10.164 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ServantMatingData Loading }22:38:10.167 INFO - Loaded 21 ServantMatingTemplate's22:38:10.168 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ServantInteractionData Loading }22:38:10.172 INFO - Loaded 188 ServantInteractionTemplate's22:38:10.172 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ AlchemyStoneChangeData Loading }22:38:10.178 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ EquipSetOptionData Loading }22:38:10.186 INFO - Loaded 2555 EquipSetOptionTemplate's22:38:10.187 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ FormData Loading }22:38:10.190 INFO - Loaded 233 ServantFormTemplate's22:38:10.191 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ LifeActionEXPData Loading }22:38:10.196 INFO - Loaded 1512 LifeEXPTemplate's22:38:10.197 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemImprovementSourceData }22:38:10.200 INFO - Loaded 8 ItemImprovementSourceTemplate's22:38:10.201 INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ TeleportData Loading }22:38:10.205 INFO - Loaded 37 ContentsGroupOptionData's22:38:10.205 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ ItemPuzzleData Loading }22:38:10.210 INFO - Loaded 160 ItemPuzzleTemplate's22:38:10.210 INFO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ World }22:38:10.210 INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Network }22:38:10.274 INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ Loading packet definition's... }22:38:10.536 INFO - Loaded 812 server and 685 client packet definition's.22:38:10.536 INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------={ AfterStart }22:38:10.536 INFO - Loading AI [0%]22:38:10.854 INFO - Loading AI [10%]22:38:11.184 INFO - Loading AI [20%]22:38:11.350 INFO - Loading AI [30%]22:38:11.505 INFO - Loading AI [40%]22:38:11.753 INFO - Loading AI [50%]22:38:11.930 INFO - Loading AI [60%]22:38:12.108 INFO - Loading AI [70%]22:38:12.741 INFO - Loading AI [80%]22:38:12.946 INFO - Loading AI [90%]22:38:12.967 INFO - Loading AI [91%]22:38:12.982 INFO - Loading AI [92%]22:38:13.001 INFO - Loading AI [93%]22:38:13.019 INFO - Loading AI [94%]22:38:13.036 INFO - Loading AI [95%]22:38:13.058 INFO - Loading AI [96%]22:38:13.079 INFO - Loading AI [97%]22:38:13.094 INFO - Loading AI [98%]22:38:13.109 INFO - Loading AI [99%]22:38:13.141 INFO - Loading AI [100%]22:38:13.141 INFO - Spawned [9873] npc`s and [4 of 35] time based npc`s22:38:13.141 INFO - Spawned [0] collects.22:38:13.141 INFO - Spawned [59900] monsters.22:38:13.141 INFO - Spawned [6] gates.22:38:13.141 INFO - Spawned [513] vehicles.22:38:13.141 INFO - Spawned [8] to spawn queue.22:38:16.842 INFO - +----22:38:16.843 INFO - | Global Memory Informations at 22:38:16:22:38:16.843 INFO - | |22:38:16.843 INFO - | Allowed Memory: 3728384 KB22:38:16.843 INFO - | |= Allocated Memory: 3728384 KB (100,0000%)22:38:16.843 INFO - | |= Non-Allocated Memory: 0 KB (0,0000%)22:38:16.843 INFO - | Allocated Memory: 3728384 KB22:38:16.843 INFO - | |= Used Memory: 2492167 KB (66,8431%)22:38:16.843 INFO - | |= Unused (cached) Memory: 1236217 KB (33,1569%)22:38:16.843 INFO - | Useable Memory: 1236217 KB (33,1569%)22:38:16.843 INFO - +----22:38:17.728 INFO - Waiting for connections on INFO - Server loaded in 23,400 millisecond(s).22:38:17.817 INFO - Connected to login server successfully.

the error of the server:

22:39:45.020 ERROR - [UNKNOWN PACKET] : received 0xffffee96, state=AUTHED22:39:45.020 ERROR - Packet wasn't found so... closing..

server properties:

# Server id.server.id = 1# Server short name (Must be in UPPER case.)server.short.name = NA# Channel id.server.channel.id = 1# External server IP for client connectionsserver.ip = // ip correct# Game server service type.# Options: DEV, KOR_REAL, NA_REAL, RUS_REAL, JPN_REALserver.game.service.type = NA_REAL# Game server resource type.# Options: DEV, KR, EN, JP, CN, RU, FR, DE, ESserver.game.resource.type = EN# Enable PC Cafe bonuses for players.server.enable_pc_cafe_bonus = false# Server busy state limit values.server.busy_state_limit_inspection = 0server.busy_state_limit_smooth = 100server.busy_state_limit_busy = 500server.busy_state_limit_very_crowded = 1500server.admin_only = false

we use these files:

Client Torrent Link:
Repack Torrent Link:

of this post http://forum.ragezone.com/f1000/release-bdo-server-files-repack-1143141/


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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 13, 2018
Reaction score
Have you got a folder in "bin64" called xc?

Also, try disabling encryption.
Also also, go through network.properties.
Also also also, this might be the login server, so go through all of the config files.

Is the server on the same machine as the one that you are trying to play the game on?

Post your service.ini aswell as your start64.bat
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2018
Reaction score
Have you got a folder in "bin64" called xc?

Also, try disabling encryption.
Also also, go through network.properties.
Also also also, this might be the login server, so go through all of the config files.

Is the server on the same machine as the one that you are trying to play the game on?

Post your service.ini aswell as your start64.bat
thanks for answering

we have disabled the encryption and now this error appears:

b0ca56270d08e79d3418b90852e3b594 - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums

every time the server fails, the following appears here

bc767658f63fb736339dd7015cb8779b - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums

Regarding the 64-bit folder, it tells us that the file is corrupted

55d73e9a98ff4feffea0a45484a07272 - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums

so we have to start it from 32 bits, and yes, we have the folder xc in both folders (bin & bin64)

service.ini :
896688a287046bbc81805c90d683289c - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums

start64 (file is corrupted) :

2e0b6fb324a7e0e7361ba71a33a3cdba - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums


5f55897a23ce219bcf1d9d556833f446 - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums

Goldberg - Problem with - RaGEZONE Forums


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Last edited:
Upvote 0
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 13, 2018
Reaction score
Alright, if you are running the server on the same machine as the client, set all the ip values to / for the client. Also, remove the patch url and make sure that the loginserver uses the 8888 port (my login has 8888 and the gameserver has 8889)

My service.ini looks like :

(Also, when posting stuff like server.properties use the "paste as plain text")

Posting my login.properties (loginserver)

# Login server service type.
login.game.service.type = NA_REAL

# Automatic registration for accounts.
# Default: false
login.autoregistration.accounts = true

# Enable auth by token from web.
# Default: true
login.server.token.auth.enabled = true

# Enable auth by email database field.
# Default: false
login.server.auth.by.email = true

# Max age of auth token (in minutes)
# Default: 5
login.server.token.max.age = 5

# Show special bonuses on server list.
# Default: 0
# Exp Bonus: 1
# Drop Bonus: 2
# Exp + Drop: 3
login.server.bonuses.value = 3

# Show special golden medal on server list.
# Default: false
login.server.show.golden.medal = false

# Min access level for login.
# Default: USER
login.connect.access.level = USER

Network.properties (loginserver)

# Rmi connection host.
network.rmi.host =

# Rmi connection port.
network.rmi.port = 9000

# Rmi connection password.
network.rmi.password = Yourpassword

# Server version supported
# NA-EU: 4635
network.server.version = 4635

# Client support european.
network.encrypt.packets = true

# Host for server binding.
# Default:
network.host = yourip

# Port for server binding.
# Default: 8888
network.port = 8888

# Show debug messages.
# Default: false
network.debug = false

# Packet executing mode.
# DIRECT - The worst. Income packets are directly executed after receiving and decrypting. As packets here implemented terribly, it not only increases latency, but decrease overall performance significant.
# OFFLOAD - Offloads execution to a ThreadPool. Good option with POOLED IOExec mode. Increases throughput but also may increase context switch count.
# Default: OFFLOAD
network.packet.exec.mode = OFFLOAD

# Receive buffer size.
# Default: 32768
network.recv.buffer.size = 32768

# Send buffer size.
# Default: 65536
network.send.buffer.size = 65536

# NetworkThread socket backlog size.
# See: http://www.linuxjournal.com/files/linuxjournal.com/linuxjournal/articles/023/2333/2333s2.html
# Default: 50
network.server.socket.backlog = 50

# Client socket options.
# SO_SNDBUF - the size of the socket's send buffer. On most systems this the size of a kernel buffer so be careful! See RFC1323.
# SO_RCVBUF - the size of the socket's receive buffer. On most systems this the size of a kernel buffer so be careful! See RFC1323.
# TCP_NODELAY - The Nagle algorithm. Enabling it increases throughput but also increases latency. See RFC1122.
# Default: SO_SNDBUF(8192);SO_RCVBUF(8192);TCP_NODELAY(true)
network.client.socket.options = SO_SNDBUF(8192);SO_RCVBUF(8192);TCP_NODELAY(true)

# NetworkThread socket options.
# SO_REUSEADDR - if true, prevents socket from usage until all opened sockets are really closed. See RFC793.
# Default: SO_REUSEADDR(true);SO_RCVBUF(4096)
network.server.socket.options = SO_REUSEADDR(false);SO_RCVBUF(4096)

# IO Network thread execution mode.
# POOLED - All IO operations are executed in a special thread IO execution pool
# FIXED - All IO operations execution is spread across fixed number of treads
# Default: POOLED
network.io.execution.mode = POOLED

# Number of IO Network threads.
# Default: -1 (Processor count)
network.io.execution.thread.num = -1

# Income packet header size.
# Default: 3
network.income.packet.header.size = 3

# Max income packet size.
# Default: 16384
network.max.income.packet.size = 16384

# Outcome packet header size.
# Default: 3
network.outcome.packet.header.size = 3

# Max outcome packet size.
# Default: 16384
network.max.outcome.packet.size = 16384

Just to make sure, you're using the start32/64.bat (pref 64) to start the game, right? Also, I'll upload my XC folder.
Link to XC : (unzip in bin64.)
Decrypt key : !D7LmgNQkx8ljIsu17njVvY1CAJ5UE8GTxK0_DdJhuH4

This is how the folder should look, ignore the poop I scribbled over. :
Last edited:
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2018
Reaction score
Alright, if you are running the server on the same machine as the client, set all the ip values to / for the client. Also, remove the patch url and make sure that the loginserver uses the 8888 port (my login has 8888 and the gameserver has 8889)

My service.ini looks like :

(Also, when posting stuff like server.properties use the "paste as plain text")

Posting my login.properties (loginserver)

# Login server service type.
login.game.service.type = NA_REAL

# Automatic registration for accounts.
# Default: false
login.autoregistration.accounts = true

# Enable auth by token from web.
# Default: true
login.server.token.auth.enabled = true

# Enable auth by email database field.
# Default: false
login.server.auth.by.email = true

# Max age of auth token (in minutes)
# Default: 5
login.server.token.max.age = 5

# Show special bonuses on server list.
# Default: 0
# Exp Bonus: 1
# Drop Bonus: 2
# Exp + Drop: 3
login.server.bonuses.value = 3

# Show special golden medal on server list.
# Default: false
login.server.show.golden.medal = false

# Min access level for login.
# Default: USER
login.connect.access.level = USER

Network.properties (loginserver)

# Rmi connection host.
network.rmi.host =

# Rmi connection port.
network.rmi.port = 9000

# Rmi connection password.
network.rmi.password = Yourpassword

# Server version supported
# NA-EU: 4635
network.server.version = 4635

# Client support european.
network.encrypt.packets = true

# Host for server binding.
# Default:
network.host = yourip

# Port for server binding.
# Default: 8888
network.port = 8888

# Show debug messages.
# Default: false
network.debug = false

# Packet executing mode.
# DIRECT - The worst. Income packets are directly executed after receiving and decrypting. As packets here implemented terribly, it not only increases latency, but decrease overall performance significant.
# OFFLOAD - Offloads execution to a ThreadPool. Good option with POOLED IOExec mode. Increases throughput but also may increase context switch count.
# Default: OFFLOAD
network.packet.exec.mode = OFFLOAD

# Receive buffer size.
# Default: 32768
network.recv.buffer.size = 32768

# Send buffer size.
# Default: 65536
network.send.buffer.size = 65536

# NetworkThread socket backlog size.
# See: http://www.linuxjournal.com/files/linuxjournal.com/linuxjournal/articles/023/2333/2333s2.html
# Default: 50
network.server.socket.backlog = 50

# Client socket options.
# SO_SNDBUF - the size of the socket's send buffer. On most systems this the size of a kernel buffer so be careful! See RFC1323.
# SO_RCVBUF - the size of the socket's receive buffer. On most systems this the size of a kernel buffer so be careful! See RFC1323.
# TCP_NODELAY - The Nagle algorithm. Enabling it increases throughput but also increases latency. See RFC1122.
# Default: SO_SNDBUF(8192);SO_RCVBUF(8192);TCP_NODELAY(true)
network.client.socket.options = SO_SNDBUF(8192);SO_RCVBUF(8192);TCP_NODELAY(true)

# NetworkThread socket options.
# SO_REUSEADDR - if true, prevents socket from usage until all opened sockets are really closed. See RFC793.
# Default: SO_REUSEADDR(true);SO_RCVBUF(4096)
network.server.socket.options = SO_REUSEADDR(false);SO_RCVBUF(4096)

# IO Network thread execution mode.
# POOLED - All IO operations are executed in a special thread IO execution pool
# FIXED - All IO operations execution is spread across fixed number of treads
# Default: POOLED
network.io.execution.mode = POOLED

# Number of IO Network threads.
# Default: -1 (Processor count)
network.io.execution.thread.num = -1

# Income packet header size.
# Default: 3
network.income.packet.header.size = 3

# Max income packet size.
# Default: 16384
network.max.income.packet.size = 16384

# Outcome packet header size.
# Default: 3
network.outcome.packet.header.size = 3

# Max outcome packet size.
# Default: 16384
network.max.outcome.packet.size = 16384

Just to make sure, you're using the start32/64.bat (pref 64) to start the game, right? Also, I'll upload my XC folder.
Link to XC : (unzip in bin64.)
Decrypt key : !D7LmgNQkx8ljIsu17njVvY1CAJ5UE8GTxK0_DdJhuH4

This is how the folder should look, ignore the poop I scribbled over. :

solved, the problem was that we are starting from the client 32 bits because the 64 did not open due to the xc folder, we had to download another.

thank u :)
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