project rage mangos question

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
when i run the front end, i can start the database, but no external computers can get to the create account or forum page. and when i goto launch the real, the dos screen flashes on and stops immediatlly, to fast to see exactlly what it says, but some thing abount not being able to find something.
i tried to test it without changing any config or realmlist addys first.

what am i missing here?
thanks guys, thanks Trashman, looks like a stellar release,
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edit: figured out the www connect issue. still dont know why the realm server wont start up.

edit: no i didnt figure out the www issue, im a moron, sorry
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ok, realmserver will start fine if i launch from the fun server folder but not from the blizzlike folder, can i just copy the relammd file over to the blizzlike?

and any ideas what im doing wrong with the www? im behind a router, but i have dmz enabled to the server comp. when i goto the "homepage" from any machine other than the one running server, i get the splash screen from trashman, but when i click forums or create account,i get a error connecting to forums/localhost,,

edit: when i try to connect to the forums, when i get the error, if i delete "localhost" in the addy bar and replace it with the servers external ip i can get in,, i suppose i have to edit the links in the webpage? but if i do that then my ip is shown to any one who connects to forum or account creation. hmmn. and i'd have to edit it everytime my ip changed.
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If there is some one on the boards that knows how to get this set up, and has a pay-pal account, i will pay you to jump on msn and help me get this worked out.
its driving me nuts.
just for a recap,i backed up the congig file from the funserver and copied the config over from blizzlike. the server runs, and everybody can connect direct ip addy.
when i put in my dns addy no-one can connect, i have all the server info in the hosts file.
also, when peeps goto my dns addy they get the main page(which i had edited) but when they click togo create account the addy bar shows "localhost\account" and they cant connect.
if they type my ip in the adress bar, they get the main page that came in the www folder(even tho i moved it to a backup folder when i edited it). and no links work.
Yeh sorry was my fault as well i noticed that 2 days ago i forgot to do the realm.conf for the normal server indd . Copie realm.conf from funserver to the normal server ;)

Sorry bout that one people . New release might be delayed an litle becose im sick atm :( But i will make an release as soon as i'm bether ;) Maybee i will make an release with 2.0.6 depending how good the release for today is working from silvermoon project ;)
no need to apologize for anything Trashman, your doing the gaming scene proud. and all i can say about the webpage and minicontrol panel, is wow, awesome stuff.

To any one that is having problems with the links for the web page, use the swishmax program that trashman included with the release, you can edit the fields for the links for forum and account to point to .. /account.. and your website will work.
And Trashman, i would have no problem donating to this project , help pay for all that coffee your wife has to bring you. if theres a way to donate to the project send me a message.