Proposed section changes.
Staff member
[ Occursum Mortis]
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score

I am in the process of consolidating sections and making it more stream-lined with the new xenforo platform. My current proposal is as follows;

(ROOT) Habbo Hotel
  • Habbo Hotel Developments
  • Habbo Hotel Releases
  • Habbo Hotel Tutorials
  • Habbo Hotel Help
The root section then becomes the general discussion with two pre-fixes ; [OFFICIAL] and [RETRO] and then moved to the root forum. All threads will be assigned the appropriate prefix prior to update. Habbo customs and layouts can also be assigned a prefix of [CUSTOM] and moved to the Releases category. Regular releases require no prefix. Quality tutorial section will be moved and merged to the general tutorials section. The view count should be enough to know what is good and what is not.

Section has been consolidated and made cleaner to navigate. Any prefix suggestions are welcomed.
I think these changes should be fine. These 2 sections that merged into the parent section weren't that active after all, and the difference between the two should clear enough with the prefixes.
I'm unsure as to why the forum format ended up as it had. Any other suggestions are welcomed.