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[PW] Server 1.4.6 v80

Initiate Mage
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

this server is running but fixed. Killer,it's possible core without "incast" ?
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

what path are you using?

server files run just fine, my server's been up for a while now

Yes, perhaps my stupidity .. I did not change the path. Always do not know why not start AIPolicy This problem has been bothering me for two days.:(:
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

post your gs.conf contents please

world_servers        =     gs01;arena01;arena02;arena03;arena04;is01;is02;is12;is13;is18;is19;is20;is21;is22;is32;is33;is34;is37;is40;is50;is43;is42;
instance_servers    =    is05;is06;is07;is08;is09;is10;is11;is14;is15;is16;is17;is23;is24;is25;is26;is27;is28;is29;bg01;bg02;bg03;bg04;bg05;bg06;is31;is35;is38;is39;is41;is44;is45;is46
AntiWallow              =    true
expire_item             =    24347,24346,24345,24344,24343,24342,24341,27052,26640,34733:2012-12-20,35234:2012-09-01,36845:2012-12-01,37533:2013-6-1
AntiCheat        =    true

exp                     = 0.5f
sp                      = 0.5f
item                    = 0.5f
money                   = 0.5f
task_exp                = 0.5f
task_sp                 = 0.5f
task_money              = 0.5f

exp                     = 0
sp                      = 0
item                    = 0
money                   = 0
task_exp                = 0
task_sp                 = 0
task_money              = 0

TimeLight               = 2
TimeHeavy               = 4
TimeClear               = 5

clear_day               = 0  1  1
first_rest_time         = 7200
rest_period             = 24
rest_time_unit          = 7200
max_rest_time           = 50400

Path                    = movemap
WaterPath        = watermap
AirPath            = airmap

Root            = /home/gamed/config
itemDataFile        = elements.data
QuestPackage            = tasks.data
QuestPackage2           = dyn_tasks.data
GlobalData              = world_targets.sev
PolicyData              = [COLOR=#ff0000][B][U]aipolicy.data[/U][/B]  [/COLOR][COLOR=#669966]//[/COLOR][B][COLOR=#0000ff]I have tried using the normal server aipolicy.data replacement does not work[/COLOR][/B]
DropData                = extra_drops.sev
RareItem        = rare_item.conf
NPCGenFile        = npcgen.data
RegionFile              = precinct.sev
RegionFile2             = region.sev
PathFile        = path.sev
RestartShell        = restart2
MallData        = gshopsev.data
Mall2Data               = gshopsev1.data
LuaData            = global_api.lua
CollisionFile        = map.bht
CollisionElement    = wmgj.nmd
table_name        = filters 
name_charset        = UTF-8 
table_charset        = UTF-8

type            =    tcp
address            =
port            =    12341
so_sndbuf        =    65536
so_rcvbuf        =    65536
tcp_nodelay        =    0

type            =    unix
address            =    /tmp/foo
so_sndbuf        =    65536
so_rcvbuf        =    65536

index             =     1
tag            =     1
cid            =       0,2,13
base_path        =    world/
limit               =        allow-root;anti-cheat;
grid            =    {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
#base_region        =    {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {-35.0,5632.0}
#local_region        =    {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {-20.0,5632.0}
base_region        =    {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}
local_region        =    {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 88
nNumCols         = 8
nNumRows         = 11
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    WORLD01:10901
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    0
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
address            =    /tmp/gssock_world1
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_world1
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     2
tag            =     1
cid            =       0,2,13
base_path        =    world/
#limit               =        allow-root;
grid            =    {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region        =    {-35.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}
local_region        =    {-50.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 88
nNumCols         = 8
nNumRows         = 11
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    WORLD02:10902
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    0
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
address            =    /tmp/gssock_world2
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_world2
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     21
tag            =     201
cid            =     14,2,13
limit               =        nothrow;clear-ap;use-save-point;allow-root;commondata;
base_path        =    b01/
#grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid            =    {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       400
npc_count               =       1000
matter_count            =       1000
save_point              =       1,476.661,266.002,3294.183

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    ARENA01:10941
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_arena01
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     22
tag            =     202
cid            =     14,2,13
limit               =        nothrow;clear-ap;use-save-point;allow-root;
base_path        =    b02/
#grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid            =    {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       400
npc_count               =       1000
matter_count            =       1000
save_point              =       1,-1517.775,254.129,891.905

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    ARENA02:10942
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_arena02
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     23
tag            =     203
cid            =     14,2,13
limit               =        nothrow;clear-ap;use-save-point;allow-root;
base_path        =    b03/
#grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid            =    {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       400
npc_count               =       1000
matter_count            =       1000
save_point              =       1,-611.847,218.987,-1162.208

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    ARENA03:10943
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_arena03
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     24
tag            =     204
cid            =     14,2,13
limit               =        nothrow;clear-ap;allow-root;lowjump;nomount;nofly;use-save-point;
base_path        =    b04/
#grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid            =    {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       400
npc_count               =       1000
matter_count            =       1000
save_point              =       1,1311,223,801

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    ARENA04:10944
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_arena04
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     31
tag            =    101
base_path        =    a01/
limit               =       nofly;allow-root;nomount;use-save-point;height-limit;lowjump;
;cid            =    0,2,13
cid            =    14,2,13
height_limit            =       90.0
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
#grid            =    {100,40,25,-5000.0,5000.0}
#base_region        =    {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
#local_region        =    {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
player_capacity         =       400
npc_count               =       2000
matter_count            =       16384
save_point              =       1,1837.935,219.618,1204.463

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE01:10911
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is01
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     32
tag            =    102
base_path        =    a02/
limit               =       allow-root;nomount;anti-cheat;lowjump;commondata;use-save-point;height-limit;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
cid            =    0,2,13
player_capacity         =       500
npc_count               =       2000
matter_count            =       16384
height_limit =245

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE02:10912
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is02
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     35
tag            =    105
base_path        =    a05/
limit               =        nofly;clear-ap;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
;faction_server        =     1
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
save_point              =       105,-176.102,333.283,146.36
#grid            =    {100,40,25,-5000.0,5000.0}
#base_region        =    {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
#local_region        =    {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity        =    3000
npc_count        =    65536
matter_count        =    131072
instance_capacity       =       100
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE05:10915
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is05
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     36
tag            =    106
base_path        =    a06/
limit               =        nofly;clear-ap;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
save_point              =       106,-385.643,334.408,327.777
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
instance_capacity       =       100
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE06:10916
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is06
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     37
tag            =    107
base_path        =    a07/
limit               =        nofly;clear-ap;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       100
save_point              =       107,-198.891,333,87.2788
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE07:10917
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is07
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     38
tag            =    108
base_path        =    a08/
limit               =        nofly;clear-ap;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       100
save_point              =       108,-24.6444,332.637,-71.0062
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE08:10918
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is08
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     39
tag            =    109
base_path        =    a09/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
save_point              =       109,446.279,332.745,177.541
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE09:10919
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is09
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     40
tag            =    110
base_path        =    a10/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;commondata;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
save_point              =       110,7.32576,332.558,223.994
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE10:10920
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is10
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     41
tag            =    111
base_path        =    a11/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
save_point              =       111,-96.3219,307.383,126.313
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE11:10921
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is11
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     42
tag            =    112
base_path        =    a12/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;clear-ap;allow-root;lowjump;height-limit;commondata;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       400
npc_count               =       2000
matter_count            =       16384
;cid            =    0,2,13
cid            =    14,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE12:10922
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is12
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     43
tag            =    113
base_path        =    a13/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;anti-cheat;lowjump;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       500
npc_count               =       2000
matter_count            =       16384
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE13:10923
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is13
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     44
tag            =    114
base_path        =    a14/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
save_point              =       114,-252.617,337.245,200.764
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE14:10924
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is14
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     45
tag            =    115
base_path        =    a15/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;height-limit;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
save_point              =       115,-255.435,332.701,394.975
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE15:10925
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is15
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     46
tag            =    116
base_path        =    a16/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       300
save_point              =       116,-175.349,256.104,-437.671
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE16:10926
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is16
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     47
tag            =    117
base_path        =    a17/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       400
save_point              =       117,-179.73,257.264,446.24
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE17:10927
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is17
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     48
tag            =    118
base_path        =    a18/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;nothrow;clear-ap;use-save-point;allow-root;gm-free;
save_point              =       1,1838.089,219.618,1202.187
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       150
npc_count               =       2000
matter_count            =       16384
;cid            =    0,2,13
cid            =    14,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 9
nNumCols         = 3
nNumRows         = 3
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE18:10928
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is18
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     49
tag            =    119
base_path        =    a19/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;anti-cheat;lowjump;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       500
npc_count               =       2000
matter_count            =       16384
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 9
nNumCols         = 3
nNumRows         = 3
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE19:10929
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is19
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     50
tag            =    120
base_path        =    a20/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;clear-ap;use-save-point;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity         =       100
npc_count               =       2000
matter_count            =       16384
save_point              =       1,1849.142,219.618,1206.922
cid            =    14,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 9
nNumCols         = 3
nNumRows         = 3
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE20:10930
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is20
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     51
tag            =    121
base_path        =    a21/
limit               =        allow-root;anti-cheat;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,50,-2000.0,-2000.0}
base_region        =    {-1024.0,-1024.0} , {1024,1024.0}
local_region        =    {-1024.0,-1024.0} , {1024,1024.0}
;player_capacity         =       8192
;npc_count               =       20000
;matter_count            =       163840
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 16
nNumCols         = 4
nNumRows         = 4
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE21:10931
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is21
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     52
tag            =    122
base_path        =    a22/
limit               =        allow-root;anti-cheat;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,50,-2000.0,-2000.0}
base_region        =    {-1024.0,-1024.0} , {1024,1024.0}
local_region        =    {-1024.0,-1024.0} , {1024,1024.0}
;player_capacity         =       8192
;npc_count               =       20000
;matter_count            =       163840
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 16
nNumCols         = 4
nNumRows         = 4
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE22:10932
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is22
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     53
tag            =    123
base_path        =    a23/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 9
nNumCols         = 3
nNumRows         = 3
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE23:10933
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is23
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     54
tag            =    124
base_path        =    a24/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE24:10934
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is24
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     55
tag            =    125
base_path        =    a25/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       300
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid                     =       14,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 9
nNumCols         = 3
nNumRows         = 3
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE25:10935
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is25
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     56
tag            =    126
base_path        =    a26/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;height-limit;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
height_limit        =    45.0f
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       400
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE26:10936
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is26
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     57
tag            =    127
base_path        =    a27/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;height-limit;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
height_limit            =       263.0f;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE27:10937
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is27
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     58
tag            =    128
base_path        =    a28/
limit               =        nofly;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
save_point              =       1,476.661,266.002,3294.183
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE28:10938
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is28
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     59
tag            =    129
base_path        =    a29/
limit                    =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;profit-time;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE29:10939
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is29
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     71
tag            =    131
base_path        =    a31/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;gm-free;
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =       200
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       5000
npc_count               =       131072
matter_count            =       262144
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =    0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 100.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE31:11941
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is31
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     72
tag            =    132
base_path        =    a32/
limit               =        nofly;nomount;allow-root;no-bind;height-limit;commondata;lowjump;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
height_limit        =     5.0f;
grid            =    {160,160,25,-1600.0,-1600.0}
base_region        =    {-1536.0,-1536.0} , {1536,1536.0}
local_region        =    {-1536.0,-1536.0} , {1536,1536.0}
instance_capacity       =       400
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       15
player_capacity         =       2000
npc_count               =       65535
matter_count            =       65535
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =     14,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 9
nNumCols         = 3
nNumRows         = 3
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 100.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE32:11942
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is32
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     73
tag            =    133
base_path        =    a33/
limit               =        allow-root;no-bind;anti-cheat;height-limit;profit-time;no-multi-exp;gm-free;
height_limit        =     700.0f;
grid            =    {160,160,25,-1600.0,-1600.0}
base_region        =    {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000,1000.0}
local_region        =    {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000,1000.0}
instance_capacity       =       400
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       15
player_capacity         =       2000
npc_count               =       65535
matter_count            =       65535
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =     0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 4
nNumCols         = 2
nNumRows         = 2
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE33:11943
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is33
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     60
tag            =    230
base_path        =    b30/
limit               =        nothrow;allow-root;gm-free;noduel;clear-ap;no-bind;no-multi-exp;
battleground_server     =       1
battle_destionation     =       destroy_key_building
battle_player_count     =       80
max_sight_range        =     50
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =    20
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       410
player_capacity         =       4000
npc_count               =       8000
matter_count            =       5000
pool_threshold_low    =    10
pool_threshold_high     =    10
pool_threshold_init    =    10
cid            =    17,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    BATTLEGROUND01:10961
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_bg01
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     61
tag            =    231
base_path        =    b31/
limit               =        nothrow;allow-root;gm-free;noduel;clear-ap;no-bind;no-multi-exp;
battleground_server     =       1
battle_destionation     =       kill_all_mobs
battle_player_count     =       80
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =    20
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       410
player_capacity         =       4000
npc_count               =          8000
matter_count            =       5000
pool_threshold_low    =    10
pool_threshold_high     =    10
pool_threshold_init    =    10
cid            =    17,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    BATTLEGROUND02:10962
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_bg02
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     62
tag            =    232
base_path        =    b32/
limit               =        nothrow;allow-root;gm-free;noduel;clear-ap;no-bind;no-multi-exp;
battleground_server     =       1
battle_destionation     =       destroy_key_building
battle_player_count     =       80
max_sight_range        =     50
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =    20
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       410
player_capacity         =       4000
npc_count               =       8000
matter_count            =       5000
pool_threshold_low    =    10
pool_threshold_high     =    10
pool_threshold_init    =    10
cid            =    17,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    BATTLEGROUND03:10963
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_bg03
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     63
tag            =    233
base_path        =    b33/
limit               =        nothrow;allow-root;gm-free;noduel;clear-ap;no-bind;no-multi-exp;
battleground_server     =       1
battle_destionation     =       kill_all_mobs
battle_player_count     =       80
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =    20
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       410
player_capacity         =       4000
npc_count               =          8000
matter_count            =       5000
pool_threshold_low    =    10
pool_threshold_high     =    10
pool_threshold_init    =    10
cid            =    17,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    BATTLEGROUND04:10964
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_bg04
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     64
tag            =    234
base_path        =    b34/
limit               =        nothrow;allow-root;gm-free;noduel;clear-ap;no-bind;no-multi-exp;
battleground_server     =       1
battle_destionation     =       destroy_key_building
battle_player_count     =       80
max_sight_range        =     50
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =    20
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       410
player_capacity         =       2000
npc_count               =       8000
matter_count            =       4000
pool_threshold_low    =    10
pool_threshold_high     =    10
pool_threshold_init    =    10
cid            =    17,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    BATTLEGROUND05:10965
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_bg05
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index             =     65
tag            =    235
base_path        =    b35/
limit               =        nothrow;allow-root;gm-free;noduel;clear-ap;no-bind;no-multi-exp;
battleground_server     =       1
battle_destionation     =       kill_all_mobs
battle_player_count     =       80
grid            =    {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region        =    {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity       =    20
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       410
player_capacity         =       2000
npc_count               =          8000
matter_count            =       4000
pool_threshold_low    =    10
pool_threshold_high     =    10
pool_threshold_init    =    10
cid            =    17,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 1
nNumCols         = 1
nNumRows         = 1
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    BATTLEGROUND06:10966
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_bg06
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index    =  74
tag   = 134
base_path  = a34/
limit            =     nofly;nomount;allow-root;commondata;use-save-point;
grid   = {160,160,25,-2000.0,-2000.0}
base_region  = {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000.0,1000.0}
local_region  = {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000.0,1000.0}
player_capacity         =       200
npc_count               =       65536
matter_count            =       65536
save_point              =       1,1224,223,1051
wedding_server  = 1
cid   = 14,2,13

szMapPath  = map
nAreaWidth   = 512
nAreaHeight   = 512
nNumAreas   = 4
nNumCols   = 2
nNumRows   = 2
vGridSize   = 2.0f
vHeightMin   = 0.0f
vHeightMax   = 800.0f

type   = tcp
listen_addr  = INSTANCE34:11944
so_sndbuf  = 16384
so_rcvbuf  = 16384
tcp_nodelay  = 1
listen_backlog  = 10

type   = unix
listen_addr  = /tmp/gssock_is34
so_sndbuf  = 16384
so_rcvbuf  = 16384
listen_backlog  = 10

base_region={-512.0,-2000.0} , {512.0,2000.0}
local_region={-512.0,-2000.0} , {512.0,2000.0}

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE35:11945
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is35
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 4
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 4
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

index             =     78
tag            =    138
base_path        =    a38/
limit               =        allow-root;gm-free;nofly;nomount;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;use-save-point;height-limit;
save_point              =       1,1719.43,219.618,981.559
grid            =    {160,160,25,-2000.0,-2000.0}
base_region        =    {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000,1000.0}
local_region        =    {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000,1000.0}
instance_capacity       =      200
;下面是副本的参数设定 玩家数目等都是公用的
player_per_instance     =       6
player_capacity         =       3000
npc_count               =       65535
matter_count            =       131072
pool_threshold_low      =       10
pool_threshold_high     =       20
cid            =     0,2,13

szMapPath        = map
nAreaWidth         = 512
nAreaHeight         = 512
nNumAreas         = 4
nNumCols         = 2
nNumRows         = 2
vGridSize         = 2.0f
vHeightMin         = 0.0f
vHeightMax         = 800.0f

type            =    tcp
listen_addr        =    INSTANCE38:11948
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
tcp_nodelay        =    1
listen_backlog        =    10

type            =    unix
listen_addr        =    /tmp/gssock_is38
so_sndbuf        =    16384
so_rcvbuf        =    16384
listen_backlog        =    10

index = 77
tag = 137
base_path = a37/
limit = allow-root;anti-cheat;commondata;
grid = {320,160,25,-4000.0,-2000.0}
base_region = {-3000.0,-1500.0} , {3000.0,1500.0}
local_region = {-3000.0,-1500.0} , {3000.0,1500.0}
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 18
nNumCols = 6
nNumRows = 3
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE37:11947
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is37
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 79
tag = 139
base_path = a39/
limit = allow-root;gm-free;nofly;nomount;no-bind;commondata;height-limit;lowjump;
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity = 200
player_per_instance = 15
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65535
matter_count = 131072
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 0,2,13
height_limit = 340.0f

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE39:11949
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is39
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 80
tag = 140
base_path = a40/
limit = allow-root;gm-free;
grid = {160,160,25,-2000.0,-2000.0}
base_region = {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000.0,1000.0}
local_region = {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000.0,1000.0}
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65536
matter_count = 65536
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 4
nNumCols = 2
nNumRows = 2
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE40:11950
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is40
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 81
tag = 141
base_path = a41/
limit = allow-root;gm-free;nofly;nomount;no-bind;commondata;lowjump;
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity = 200
player_per_instance = 15
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65535
matter_count = 131072
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE41:11951
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is41
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 90
tag = 150
base_path = a50/
limit = allow-root;nofly;online-award;
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity = 5000
npc_count = 65536
matter_count = 65536
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE50:11960
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is50
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 83
tag = 143
base_path = a43/
limit = allow-root;nofly;lowjump;gm-free;nothrow;no-market;
grid = {160,320,25,-2000.0,-4000.0}
base_region = {-1000.0,-3000.0} , {1000.0,3000.0}
local_region = {-1000.0,-3000.0} , {1000.0,3000.0}
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65536
matter_count = 65536
cid = 14,2,13
countryterritory_server = 1
kickout_point = 1,1485,225,1269
grid_sight_range = 24.0

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 12
nNumCols = 2
nNumRows = 6
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE43:11953
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is43
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 84
tag = 144
base_path = a44/
limit = allow-root;gm-free;nothrow;no-market;noduel;
countrybattle_server = 1
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512.0,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512.0,512.0}
instance_capacity = 200
player_per_instance = 100
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65535
matter_count = 131072
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 65,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE44:11954
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is44
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 85
tag = 145
base_path = a45/
limit = allow-root;gm-free;nothrow;no-market;noduel;commondata;nothrow-anyway;
countrybattle_server = 1
battle_type = 2
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512.0,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512.0,512.0}
instance_capacity = 200
player_per_instance = 100
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65535
matter_count = 131072
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 65,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE45:11955
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is45
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 86
tag = 146
base_path = a46/
limit = allow-root;gm-free;nothrow;no-market;noduel;commondata;nothrow-anyway;
countrybattle_server = 1
battle_type = 1
max_sight_range = 40
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512.0,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512.0,512.0}
instance_capacity = 200
player_per_instance = 100
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65535
matter_count = 131072
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 65,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE46:11956
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is46
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 82
tag = 142
base_path = a42/
limit = allow-root;nofly;lowjump;nothrow;no-market;nothrow-anyway;
grid = {160,160,25,-1600.0,-1600.0}
base_region = {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000,1000.0}
local_region = {-1000.0,-1000.0} , {1000,1000.0}
player_capacity = 8000
npc_count = 65535
matter_count = 65535
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 4
nNumCols = 2
nNumRows = 2
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE42:11952
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is42
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10
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Jul 26, 2011
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Root = /home/gamed/config
itemDataFile = elements.data
QuestPackage = tasks.data
QuestPackage2 = dyn_tasks.data
GlobalData = world_targets.sev
PolicyData = aipolicy.data //I have tried using the normal server aipolicy.data replacement does not work
DropData = extra_drops.sev
RareItem = rare_item.conf
NPCGenFile = npcgen.data
RegionFile = precinct.sev
RegionFile2 = region.sev
PathFile = path.sev
RestartShell = restart2
MallData = gshopsev.data
Mall2Data = gshopsev1.data
LuaData = global_api.lua
CollisionFile = map.bht
CollisionElement = wmgj.nmd
table_name = filters
name_charset = UTF-8
table_charset = UTF-8
Feb 8, 2010
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Obvious error is obvious, I wonder where you always take the energy to help people who don't even know basics. Then again, I wonder why I am even on this forum if I don't like helping...
Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Obvious error is obvious, I wonder where you always take the energy to help people who don't even know basics. Then again, I wonder why I am even on this forum if I don't like helping...

Because you're a troll and you're waiting for someone to stick their hand out so you can bite it off. :lol:

hay All...
I need your help ....
I am having trouble finding the file server perfect world ...
I beg you give me a link for downloading the latest server files
Thanks :D:

Wondering if he is a troll too considering how easy it is to find server files here, especially when the links to such files are in the signature of the person that posted above him. o_O
Aug 24, 2011
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

please help me fix this err
i used PWI client ver719 and sever started. But client unable to connect to server. Thanks you!

MrKiller - [PW] Server 1.4.6 v80 - RaGEZONE Forums
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