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Newbie Spellweaver
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys , i got a question about the new mabs

i never made a new map working so i got a few questions b4 i start on it ^^ i'm still noob with this poop

first question:

i downloaded the new maps for the bronze man etc mobs , do i only have to put the opl , kcm files in the MAPS folder and that's it or? do i have to make a ksm to..

second question:

if i have to make a ksm , what is a ksm and how do i make it ^^

that's it :) please come down to hard on me ;-) still noob , but trying to learn

Junior Spellweaver
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
^^ i had same questions as i added my first map

for *.ksm take a blanc *.ksm.... look up in your mainsvr-->map--> and just copy 1 *.ksm and change name

opl and kcm ... arg iam not 100% sure ...
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
^^ i had same questions as i added my first map

for *.ksm take a blanc *.ksm.... look up in your mainsvr-->map--> and just copy 1 *.ksm and change name

opl and kcm ... arg iam not 100% sure ...

so if i have the kcm files.. and i need the ksm files of this
do i just rename kcm to ksm? or i there a convertor or ? :s

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aka Reb3lzrr
Aug 23, 2006
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Let me break it down for you:

  • KCM( Kal Client Map ), holds info about textures, shape of the map, and some other info
  • OPL ( Object Position List ), holds info about where Objects are positioned, what their rotation is, what their scale is etc...
  • KSM( Kal Server Map ), holds info about the rights that Mobs / Players have in which area...

Their is only one tool that creates KSMs I believe, and that is mine... anyway I'll create a KSM that is blank... this means mob are able to spawn everywhere...

right,, so anwsers to your other questions:
Is their a converter from KCM to KSM?
well not directly a converter, but their are 2 (private) tools (my tool: KWE, and vanDit's tool: KSU) that can create a KSM based on KCM info...A little showoff down here
lovmonkey - [Q]maps - RaGEZONE Forums

What do i have to do with OPLs and KCMs?
-OPLs and KCMs have to be in your client's data/maps folder
-Add the maps to your config file ( config.pk => macro.dat? )

What do i have to do with the KCMs?
-Rename my clean KSM to your KCM's name
-Place them in your server's /map folder
-Add them to initmap.txt

I hope I just solved all your questions!

Gz reb3lzrr


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Newbie Spellweaver
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Let me break it down for you:

  • KCM( Kal Client Map ), holds info about textures, shape of the map, and some other info
  • OPL ( Object Position List ), holds info about where Objects are positioned, what their rotation is, what their scale is etc...
  • KSM( Kal Server Map ), holds info about the rights that Mobs / Players have in which area...
Their is only one tool that creates KSMs I believe, and that is mine... anyway I'll create a KSM that is blank... this means mob are able to spawn everywhere...

right,, so anwsers to your other questions:
Is their a converter from KCM to KSM?
well not directly a converter, but their are 2 (private) tools (my tool: KWE, and vanDit's tool: KSU) that can create a KSM based on KCM info...A little showoff down here

What do i have to do with OPLs and KCMs?
-OPLs and KCMs have to be in your client's data/maps folder
-Add the maps to your config file ( config.pk => macro.dat? )

What do i have to do with the KCMs?
-Rename my clean KSM to your KCM's name
-Place them in your server's /map folder
-Add them to initmap.txt

I hope I just solved all your questions!

Gz reb3lzrr

thanks ^^ maby someone can add this to guide section or what ever :) cause think ( secretly i'm hoping it ) that i ain't the only one that questions things like this ..

btw i got a last question , in my macro.dat..

the lines are very different form initmap.txt

see , this is my initmap.txt line ( just 1 of em ) wich i added

(initmap (index 0) (kind 1) (xy 40 40) (filename "n_040_040.ksm"))

but in initmap.dat i see this (again just an example ):

(initmap (index 0) (kind 1) (fog 8000 0.77 0.77 0.77 ) (xy 36 31) (orgPatch 32 32) (filename "n_036_031.ksm"))

so what does the fog thing mean , and the orgpatch? will it work if i only add this line? :
(initmap (index 0) (kind 1) (xy 40 40) (filename "n_040_040.ksm"))

(ps : maps are the new ones for the spirit mobs )
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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Let me break it down for you:

  • KCM( Kal Client Map ), holds info about textures, shape of the map, and some other info
  • OPL ( Object Position List ), holds info about where Objects are positioned, what their rotation is, what their scale is etc...
  • KSM( Kal Server Map ), holds info about the rights that Mobs / Players have in which area...

Their is only one tool that creates KSMs I believe, and that is mine... anyway I'll create a KSM that is blank... this means mob are able to spawn everywhere...

right,, so anwsers to your other questions:
Is their a converter from KCM to KSM?
well not directly a converter, but their are 2 (private) tools (my tool: KWE, and vanDit's tool: KSU) that can create a KSM based on KCM info...A little showoff down here

What do i have to do with OPLs and KCMs?
-OPLs and KCMs have to be in your client's data/maps folder
-Add the maps to your config file ( config.pk => macro.dat? )

What do i have to do with the KCMs?
-Rename my clean KSM to your KCM's name
-Place them in your server's /map folder
-Add them to initmap.txt

I hope I just solved all your questions!

Gz reb3lzrr

Whats the price of your tool?

to the topic : Yes it will work if you just delete the (fog ) (org thingy
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Whats the price of your tool?

to the topic : Yes it will work if you just delete the (fog ) (org thingy

hmm.. i added clean ksm files , with same name as kcm , i addded the kcm in initmap.txt , macro.dat

but they don't work :-/

what did i forget?
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