
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 3, 2005
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Is there any tbc 2.0.8 server that has working rockbiter weapon for the shaman???

I've been trying about 20 servers and no luck yet...

just let me know if u encounter any...

dual wield shammy isn't good without rockbiter weapon and windfury totem:
found other bugs:
1. the potions and scrolls aren't consumed when used....so there's no need to buy many....just one of each kind;
2. the shamans have lotza bugs: although they have dual wield in the enhancement tree, it doesn't work..the trainers don't have dual wield available;
3. after resurrection many items aren't seen on the char...i saw myself playing a 60 orc rogue with no shoes, bare-footed...embarasing...so does the lack of chest piece [breast go-figure];
4. warriors have the biggest bug ever: just place a 1h/2h mace in one hand and full arms build and there you go...INSTANT STUN...wtf?

...and many other...

I might cope with some bugs, but shammies rull with dual wield...ask the ppl who play it on official blizz servers....i have a 70 shaman and i break bones...

another huge bug:
the troll race has insane regeneration ratio...no matter what dmg they are hit with, they tend to "sweat" HP.
i did that on a 30x funserver, and duels were just plain joke...i got hit and regenerated so fast the admin said i had cheats and deleted my char...:P

go figure...anyway still hoping some good folks outhere should be able to fix some of the bugs i presented on this topic.
