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[Question] Kobold V2

Jan 28, 2007
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Ok Question lets get right to it xD

Where are the chracters Stored

When i mean this i dont mean in sql

I mean where are Characters Money, wep skills are stored ???

Uhh.. in the SQL DB. XD :P No, really, they are. In the character table. Only thing is, it's all stored in some funky-arse way, so if you're hoping to edit it via MySQL, then good luck to ya! But, anyways, you can change all of your stats ingame. Just type .commands (or .com, or just .c, they all work) while ingame as a GM to see a list of GM commands.
Erm Thing is i dont get the Bit where it says

.cmd or . subcmd commands in light n dark blue how to induce them into the game

i know like the .npc or the white ones are just normal .command


Btw Thank you for the Info That Helped Alot I mean it -.- been looking at the tables for days and aint seen jack todo with money , wep skills


Ok ok after looking thru chracters Table with the hex i saw some numbers -.- what fun this will be -.- wish me luck HAHA

Still would like to know the deal with the cmds tho
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He's saying you can't edit the SQL db because it's cryptic. You have to use the in-game GM commands to give money, etc.
He knows that, and he is asking how to use the commands ingame. :P
Anyways, subcommands go after it's parent command. eg. You type in .modify, and it brings up a list of available subcommands. To use one of those subcommands, you just type in .modify then the subcommand.
eg. .modify items ITEM_ID
Dont supose Any one has Realeased ACharacter Editor Or Item Account Adder kind of thing ?? some kind of program for noobies xD

to make my life abit easyer xD

If not Sorry For Wasting your time by posting this xD

Thanks To every one for help


Craig STH
Uh... just use the GM commands to edit your characters stats. It's that easy. Also, to get the ID of any item, lookup the item on . The number on the end is the item ID.
eg. "http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=12064"