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Ragezone's Own Habbo Retro

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Crawl Me Maybe
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Do you guys think RageZone should create a Hotel.

I reckon if RageZone created a hotel it would get quite popular due to the ammount of people who visit the Habbo Hotel section each day. They already have their own Runescape, WoW and Lineage, So why not a Retro
Loyal Member
Mar 31, 2008
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would be a great idea as always i mean alot of people have been asking for it i dont think they are because in the past they have gotten in trouble with habbo espically just for the habbo section so maybe cause of the trouble of a hotel could cause ragezone to shut down for a while
Rip Akaruz
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Pretty simple to keep stable, I could think about putting it on my dedi? Maybe, i'll have to think XD
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 12, 2009
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Let me known if you need to find a good host for Dedicated Servers and Virtual Private Servers.

I'm the owner of YoHabboHotel.com and YoHabbo.com. I've been with this company for a couple months.

They seriously tell Sulake to F*** off, it's hilarious.

I also support the idea in regards to getting up a hotel.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2004
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ok guys, if you really want to get into this, you need to get it all setup yourselves. Mental won't come in and randomly decide who's doing what, so offering help is pointless. He doesnt need underlings, he needs people who can work stuff out by themselves and are competent.
Skilled Illusionist
Oct 7, 2009
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So it would look more professional copying another hotel's domain and changing the .com to something else? ..

No. I didn't mean that. I ment it would look more professional to use a domain rather than hotel.ragezone.com or whatever.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2010
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This isn't going to work.. You won't find developers who are willing to write the CMS (or use an existing one) and emulator.
Jul 15, 2008
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This isn't going to work.. You won't find developers who are willing to write the CMS (or use an existing one) and emulator.

CMS (Most likely PHP is piss easy)or even ASP. The CMS wouldn't be much of an issue as you can throw a working one up with in hours if you're experienced enough with the web language you're using. The problem is, is that most people who understand the Habbo protocol want to work with it in C#. Whilst C# is a good language it isn't the best or the easiest especially when it comes to a multi-threading game server. If some one was willing to write there own server for ragezone Habbo they should use Java. It's a much more cleaner, stable language than C# and it can be used on any operating system. However, amongst the habbo community most people are accustomed to C# (Holograph emulator) and they only know how to code commands or basic things.

Basicly, Unless some one was willing to write a real good server they would be foolish to not choose a powerful language like java. However like I said, alot of people only know C# and with in that don't know alot. This will cause problems. I mean, you can't use Uber Emulator (it's unstable) and you can't use holograph (because it can't withstand alot of users [300 +]) with out crashing or timing every client out.

If you take a look in the Habbo development section you can see that there is no real development going on. There's one that's going on but that's private and not for the public eye (at least I think). But in my honest opinion the habbo community as far as real development goes is dead. The section is full of well.. idiots. There's about 10 intelligent people left and about 2 that can atually 'code' stuff.

So what I'm trying to say is, is that.. Unless there is some experienced coder lurking the habbo section or is into habbo development you're doomed and the idea of 'ragezones own habbo retro' isn't going to work out. To be honest, the only person who even knows java (and who has left) is Nillus. He wrote a perfected V5 and V1 server using java.
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Software Engineer
Loyal Member
Feb 19, 2008
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I have neither style nor class, come to think of it no self respect either but the only thing stopping me from hosting a habbo (whether you admit it or not a ragezone habbo would have plenty if not billions of users, probably something like 17.5 trillion or so) is that it's so unsecure! Thered be no point me hosting something that every script kiddy and his dog could abuse?

I won't bring up the last time that this was brought up, but long story short, there's servers that are very secure (I have a few sources laying around) but I wont use them since I promised never to leak them, and no offense but I don't trust the windows OS enough to know someone will not just exploit the OS instead of the CMS to get their hands on private work.

Anyway, Scripting / exploits are STILL an issue in REGULAR servers like: Uber, Holograph, Phoenix, etc... but custom servers would be much more secure, though there arent any good custom servers left these days.

The beauty of habbo is it's simplicity, however, it can also be boring as hell, as for 'who gets to be moderator' that's obviously up to whoever runs / codes the hotel / server. Anyway Let me answer more posts...

As Meth0d said the old servers were badly done and anyone (most with Programs that had a "Push here and be 1337" button) could script on the servers..

But now people have learned to filter out stuff like this, and block attempts like this ^^, Also the security is better now its just mainly the CMS's that have exploits etc

That's only because every major CMS used is by Meth0d and lets face it, he gets poop done yes, but he's not exactly the best developer when it comes to security and stability. At least he gets poop done I'll give him that though.

Roleplay servers are shenanigans.

Only because everyone tries to mimic Otaku's crappy RP server where int isn't even used or any of the other stats...

I am currently working on a fully custom server with RP elements and a whole new database (I don't know what the hell Nillus or Meth0d were smoking but theirs suck butt period.).

As for the CMS shenanigans, it only needs to have Register and Login, duck all else, if you wana read news and post comments post on RaGEZONE (it would have its own section like the other MMO's on RZ). Anyway, if people want it I'll put it to vote on Habbo Hotel, and if nobody steps up well I'll gladly dig up a good source, or a real developer. :p
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We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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It's human nature to try and destroy something you want but cannot get. No matter how secure you get people will still try to bypass/exploit/hack you. You can't stop it because if you ban their IP they can use a Proxy. If you tell them to stop chances are they don't listen to words. If you beat them up in real life, well that's another story.

Exactly as Moogly said, a CMS would be useless because if this idea ever does happen, they would make a Habbo Hotel section under Free MMORPG's which would act as a CMS (without the register stuff)

Maybe you guys should work on perfecting an emulator and when your done, you bring up this suggestion again ;p
Loyal Member
Mar 31, 2008
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It's human nature to try and destroy something you want but cannot get. No matter how secure you get people will still try to bypass/exploit/hack you. You can't stop it because if you ban their IP they can use a Proxy. If you tell them to stop chances are they don't listen to words. If you beat them up in real life, well that's another story.

Exactly as Moogly said, a CMS would be useless because if this idea ever does happen, they would make a Habbo Hotel section under Free MMORPG's which would act as a CMS (without the register stuff)

Maybe you guys should work on perfecting an emulator and when your done, you bring up this suggestion again ;p

Yep fully agree with the mod
Apr 28, 2010
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Only because everyone tries to mimic Otaku's crappy RP server where int isn't even used or any of the other stats...

I am currently working on a fully custom server with RP elements and a whole new database (I don't know what the hell Nillus or Meth0d were smoking but theirs suck butt period.).
Damnit Moogly!
who can compete with you making a Roleplay Server xD

Anyways i would buy VIP on a RaGEZONE Hotel.
I would love to put my crappy coding to the test
And Become a Moderator. Doubt it would ever happen

But Either way this may get more users then HabbOk
As just a few days ago they got 1000 Users.
Crawl Me Maybe
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Damnit Moogly!
who can compete with you making a Roleplay Server xD

Anyways i would buy VIP on a RaGEZONE Hotel.
I would love to put my crappy coding to the test
And Become a Moderator. Doubt it would ever happen

But Either way this may get more users then HabbOk
As just a few days ago they got 1000 Users.

I saw them have 1300+ online. but note that they allow all languages into their hotel and most of them are Brazilian. Habbo.com.br gets 50,000+ online.

Moogly, goodluck with your RP server.
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Rip Akaruz
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Having all languages just causes problems, especially when there's english and brazilians in the same hotel.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2010
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I don't think anyone would want young Brazilian idiots on their forums and hotel would they? They're a disgrace for my country.
Software Engineer
Loyal Member
Feb 19, 2008
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This is being discussed in Habbo Hotel section at the moment, the server is currently being discussed, I will take it on as a challenge myself, I feel I'm one of the few users left over who can take this challenge. Anyway, I made people post their opinions and vote, now I am making a new poll. Feel free to check out the main HH section to check the threads. The discussion threads will be closed once the discussion is over and I will open a new development thread.


i didnt do this.
Loyal Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Right this is getting annoying if Ragezone ever did have a hotel..

I suggest......IT WOULD NOT BE RP

Why? because another forum is using a roleplay server and this would cause rivalry which no one wants really, Why create conflict just create a normal Hotel god dam

Also I Can see Holo or some other open source code is going to be used, and well i prefer privileges server its much better an updated.
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