RAM/CPU Sharing via network

Hmm.. not in any godo way.. no.

Picture the throughput needed to do this.

A standard network cable is a base 10/100, up to speeds of 100 megs transfered throughput one way or the other, now the processing amount of the standard CPU wouldnt allow a very steady transfer through a NIC port due to the speed of it..

ANd on top of that, not sure if I can pull any program that would let you do that across my head.. there are some you can buy for professional reasons, but again.. I cant pull the names off the top of my head.
No... The bandwidth would be to low to even matter. It might even slow it down as the PC's would have to wait for the data to be transfered before continuing.

There are special connectors on server boards that lets you interconnect them but I don't remember the name of it and I doubt you'll go off and buy $10k worth of hardware to do it. =P

NoPeace - out
Those are distrobuted computing projects, in summary they feed each client a chunk of data, that client processes the data with no restrictions as to when the data has to be returned, and eventually returns it upon completion.
Clusters on the other hand are a completely different concept, think of it as if the machines were running in parallel to eachother. (I'm really lacking in the vocabulary department today from lack of sleep)