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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 9, 2015
Reaction score
Hello RaGEZONE community.
Me and my team mates are arguing about stuff in our future coming server, we need your help.
We are going to make a GMS-Like server soon and as a big team we are not agreeing together on everything.

We are working on our server already 4 months, our server is going to be a v83 GMS-Like server as I mention before, and everything is going to work (All pqs, prequests, bosses, quests, jobs and everything else).

For some reason I can't make a poll so I will just ask:
What you think about rates of 5xExp\5xMesos\2xDrop? (BTW some wants to get the mesos to 8x). Give us your thoughts and explanations
Me for example, I think the rates of exp and mesos should be lower to give the old MapleStory experience. :ridinghorse:
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 27, 2015
Reaction score
Having such high meso rates isn't sensible, especially not for a gms-like server. Higher meso rates will lead to inflation. Due to the meso limit, you'll often see servers with higher meso rates move towards a custom currency once there is an excess of mesos, and if you truly want a gms-like server, you don't want that to happen. Ideal meso rate also varies relative to your EXP rates, the easiest way to find the sweetspot is to try the game out for yourself. If you find you aren't struggling to afford potions at early levels your rates are too high.
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
It's incredibly hard to gauge correctly because all drop rates are heavily inflated in Odin-based databases already. You will almost certainly make more money collecting drops and selling them than looting only mesos in low-rate servers. You can even compare to the BMS drop list frequencies and you will see that they're inflated by roughly a factor of 10-20 already.
Staff member
Jul 30, 2012
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Tl;DR version: If you want nostalgic people, aim for low rates. If you want in between (expect people that want slight bit of custom content to appeal themselves), go for higher rate.
Make drops low and mesos low.

Drops being too high (especially equips) cause you to get way too many mesos, meaning mesos management for potting is no longer a thing, since you'll just get millions each grind session and you only take half to 1 to repot.

Mesos rate I would personally say 1x to 2x max. Being too high like Audace says cause people to hit the limit way too fast and often. Good example to this would be current biggest 62 server, where a lot of people have max mesos on multiple characters, which is bad. You should not be able to reach max easy if not possible at all in a "GMS-like" server, or not at least in a year time. Both 5x mesos and especially 8x is way, way too high for a GMS-like server.

EXP is something you need think about yourself. The EXP you decide also decides what kind of community you'll get. The lower rates you go, the more people you'll get that like GMS-like gameplay. The higher you go, the more people you'll get that like custom content. Custom content could also be things like boats being skippable, etc. Things that make the gameplay faster.

HOWEVER, if you make EXP high, you also need have the mesos/drop SLIGHTLY higher. If not, you will be stuck on a high level way too quick without any funds whatsoever because your level is high but your income isn't. So, if you take 5x exp, I would say 3x mesos. I can't honestly comment about drop rates. Drop rates in my opinion is a stupid setting because drop rates mean nothing. All it depends is what your drop chances is for each item. Example, there are so many "2x drop servers" around, but in their database the item chance is so high that it is much more then 2x even though they advertise 2x drops. Again, a good example would be biggest 62 server that is advertised as 2x drop, but their equip drop rate gets to point its pretty much 3x~5x drop.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 9, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks guys for your great explanations. The team decided to make it 4xEXP/3xMesos/2xDrop.
