
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Well iv been sitting here most of the day and a thought came into my head thought i would share it with you well here it is.
Teamspeak or ventrilo?
we could have a server section for games.
Legend Of Mir
Lineage 2
also we could have a section.
well i thought it would be good we all get to no each other more and talk about topic and stuff well i would get teamspeak or ventrilo but wanna get my new computer first but tell me what you think about it and i could get one or one of you could works both ways?
eh... bump the whole TS deal then?

//Edit: I get a socket error when I try to connect, if I'm not wrong Teamspeak should be backwards compatible so any ideas?
nah, if it's down TS usually sais that there is no server, conection failed and stuff, now there was a socket error so perhaps it's just some really godforsaken old thing that's running.

//Edit: some hacking (reading on the TS forum) and I came to the conclusion that the domain no longer exist which then would equal that this thread has some value.
Yeah we need a TeamSpeak server up, that'd be cool. But then nubs would come in spamming "erver files plzzz".
Then you ban them ;)
btw, ppl so stupid that they spam in wrong sections and such for that hopefully don't read stickies and therefore wouldn't get on that;)
Lol last time there was the only time people came online was when rz was off.