• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Redmoon RLE Graphics Editor Completed

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Redmoon RLE Graphics Editor - New Release July 27th, 2007

Hello all,

I have completed my Redmoon RLE Image Editor, if you wish to use it you may download it at

Update July 27th, 2007- I have updated my program, link updated above. Added AutoSave function, and better editing functions. Allows any editing with any bmp width/height, transparency color. Can now be used to add your own graphics to the game, however RLE Image file size cannot exceed the original file size as that's all the game will allocate for it.

Updated January 20th, 2007. Fixed viewing and editing of the special case 'Chr' RLEs that could not be viewed previously by Mage's Viewer or my editor.

Just follow the instructions inside the zip file for setup and use. If you have any questions send me a private message.


Redmoon Classic character and forum name: Zach
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RLE Viewer source
The RLE Viewer was designed in Borland C, by an unknown author. I do not have the required libraries to compile the source but I included it as a reference if anyone would like to look at it.

It was made by Mages, and his version was in C. His version was faster, and still works better :)

Why did you even make this if Mages version has a binary? His is faster, doesnt rely on the Java VM, and looks better (Java FTL)
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His viewer is included in the zip file I posted, but if you just want the viewer I posted it seperately at .

His application is a viewer, mine is an editor, extractor and a viewer. His viewer is faster at displaying images in the rle files than my editor, my editor does use the Java Runtime Environment, converts to bmp first, then reads the bmp from memory to display it and I can't expect that I used the fastest methods possible because this was my first "real" Java application. His application works faster because it uses simple C functions to display the image using the rle pallette. You're welcome to stick with his viewer, or to take the included source for both applications or start from scratch and make your own viewer/editor if you wish to do better but my editor works for me just thought I'd share it. My editor allows editing by converting a single image in an rle to a bitmap, allowing the bmp to be edited keeping the format the same, converting the bmp to the rle format to replace the image in the rle file, and showing a preview of the changes before saving changes.
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Program updated to support special case 'Chr' RLEs, anyone having trouble viewing or editing the RLEs may download the updated program at the link on the first post, or click it here:

Thank you to Scar host of for identifying the RLEs.
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Hey I have some minor problems with your editor. I have been making a lot of customizations to the RLEs but a few do not save correctly. When I put my edited 16bit bmp into the program and save them over the old RLE, they save fine, but when I view them again and they are ingame, the image is shifted like 1 pixel to the left and there is a stray, vertical colored line which apears ingame as well. int000124.rle is one of those that I can think of off the top of my head, specifically the 2 and 3 image (which are the 3rd and 4th ones, since it starts with 0). The problem may be caused by the fact that I am using your java program on my Mac, I will try to use it on my pc later and see if that can fix it.
I tried the images you had trouble with and they worked okay for me. Which imaging editor did you use to convert back to 16-bit bmp? I'm not sure that all 16-bit formats process correctly. If it still happens on your PC and you've tried the image conversion program included in the zip send me a PM.

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I use photoshop cs2's save as 16bit bmp. I'll try it on a PC when I get back to my appartment on monday, I only have my Mac with me. It could be the 16bit thing you mentioned.
Ok, apparently there are more than 1 kinds of 16bit bmp files. I tried that show program, and it worked correctly. I would prefer to use photoshop for this and I found more options:
x1 r5 g5 b5
a1 r5 g5 b5
r5 g6 b5
x4 r4 g4 b4
a4 r4 g4 b4

now, the old ones I saved were a1 r5 g5 b5 which I assue the 555 stands for in Windows NT 16bit (555), I'm going to try the x1 instead of a1 now, I hope that works. If you happen to know what the difference between the 6 are, let me know =p.
Update - I am looking to expand my editor. Currently it only edits the pixel colors of the images that are used in each RLE image. I am going to *try* to change it so that any BMP image you want to use can replace each RLE image so that you may add your own images into the game. It will be awhile before I get it finished but that's what I am working on right now.
Program updated, links updated in the posts above. AutoSave function added. You can now use BMPs of any shape or size to add your own graphics into the game replacing the existing ones as long as the RLE image file size does not exceed the original file size as Redmoon only allocates up to the original file size.
Hi. I am Korean and I am learning how to modify the red moon.
But I can't use this file because it's hard to use it, so can you tell me in more detail?
Hello. I'm the same Korean, and I'm interested in data files and server DB. Currently, we have converted the *.rle file to *.bmp and parsed several other extensions.