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[REL] Fix the shoppingmall in CoEmu v2

Junior Spellweaver
Jan 14, 2007
Reaction score
Go to Handlers, ItemBuy.cs
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* Created by SharpDevelop.
* User: sams
* Date: 3/28/2009
* Time: 12:46 AM
* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CoEmu_v2_GameServer;
using CoEmu_v2_GameServer.Connections;
using CoEmu_v2_GameServer.Entities;
using CoEmu_v2_GameServer.Structs;
using CoEmu_v2_GameServer.Packets;
using CoEmu_v2_GameServer.Calculations;
using CoEmu_v2_GameServer.Database;

namespace CoEmu_v2_GameServer.Handlers
public partial class Handler
public static bool itemexist(string find, string where)
int Begin = where.IndexOf(find);
int End = where.LastIndexOf(find);
if (Begin >= 0 && End >= 0)
return true;
return false;
public static void ItemBuy(byte[] Data, ClientSocket CSocket)
int ID = PacketProcessor.ReadLong(Data, 8);
int Amount = PacketProcessor.ReadLong(Data, 20);
if (CSocket.Client.Inventory.Count == 40)
CSocket.Send(ConquerPacket.Chat(0, "SYSTEM", CSocket.Client.Name, "[ERROR] Your inventory is full.", Struct.ChatType.Top));
string Shop = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Shop.dat");
if (itemexist(Convert.ToString(ID), Shop))
//Struct.ItemInfo Item = new Struct.ItemInfo();
if (Nano.Items.ContainsKey(ID))
Struct.ItemData NewItem = Nano.Items[ID];
if (NewItem.CPCost > 0)
if (CSocket.Client.CPs >= NewItem.CPCost * Data[20])
for (byte x = 0; x < Data[20]; x++)
Struct.ItemInfo Item = new Struct.ItemInfo();
Item.Color = new Random().Next(3, 9);
Handler.CPs(NewItem.CPCost * -1, CSocket);
Item.ItemID = NewItem.ID;
Item.UID = Nano.Rand.Next(1, 9999999);

if (Item.ItemID == 730001)
Item.Plus = 1;
if (Item.ItemID == 730002)
Item.Plus = 2;
if (Item.ItemID == 730003)
Item.Plus = 3;
if (Item.ItemID == 730004)
Item.Plus = 4;
if (Item.ItemID == 730005)
Item.Plus = 5;
if (Item.ItemID == 730006)
Item.Plus = 6;
if (Item.ItemID == 730007)
Item.Plus = 7;

bool created = Database.Database.NewItem(Item, CSocket);
while (!created)
Item.UID = Nano.Rand.Next(1, 9999999);
created = Database.Database.NewItem(Item, CSocket);
CSocket.Client.Inventory.Add(Item.UID, Item);
CSocket.Send(ConquerPacket.ItemInfo(Item.UID, Item.ItemID, Item.Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Item.MaxDura, Item.MaxDura, 0, Item.Color));
CSocket.Send(ConquerPacket.Chat(0, "SYSTEM", CSocket.Client.Name, "[ERROR] You do not have enough CPs.", Struct.ChatType.Top));

else if (NewItem.Cost > 0)
if (CSocket.Client.Money >= NewItem.Cost)
Struct.ItemInfo Item = new Struct.ItemInfo();
Handler.Money(NewItem.Cost * -1, CSocket);
Item.ItemID = NewItem.ID;
Item.UID = Nano.Rand.Next(1, 9999999);
bool created = Database.Database.NewItem(Item, CSocket);
while (!created)
Item.UID = Nano.Rand.Next(1, 9999999);
created = Database.Database.NewItem(Item, CSocket);

CSocket.Client.Inventory.Add(Item.UID, Item);
CSocket.Send(ConquerPacket.ItemInfo(Item.UID, Item.ItemID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
CSocket.Send(ConquerPacket.Chat(0, "SYSTEM", CSocket.Client.Name, "[ERROR] You do not have enough money.", Struct.ChatType.Top));
Struct.ItemInfo Item = new Struct.ItemInfo();
Item.ItemID = NewItem.ID;
Item.UID = Nano.Rand.Next(1, 9999999);
bool created = Database.Database.NewItem(Item, CSocket);
while (!created)
Item.UID = Nano.Rand.Next(1, 9999999);
created = Database.Database.NewItem(Item, CSocket);

CSocket.Client.Inventory.Add(Item.UID, Item);
CSocket.Send(ConquerPacket.ItemInfo(Item.UID, Item.ItemID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
CSocket.Send(ConquerPacket.Chat(0, "SYSTEM", CSocket.Client.Name, "[ERROR] Item does not exist in Shop.dat", Struct.ChatType.Top));

Keep rz co section alive!