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[REL]HTML Editor V2.0.3 by Ketto93

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 2, 2008
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Aptana is much much better. Seriously. A nice attempt but I can't really figure any use for that :( If you need an IDE, Aptana wins, if you want a lightweight editor, Notepad++ is excellent.

FrontPage, Dreamweaver etc etc are just bunch of crap for those who can't code their HTML correctly.
Jun 8, 2007
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Aptana is much much better. Seriously. A nice attempt but I can't really figure any use for that :( If you need an IDE, Aptana wins, if you want a lightweight editor, Notepad++ is excellent.

FrontPage, Dreamweaver etc etc are just bunch of crap for those who can't code their HTML correctly.

Hard-coding HTML is for people with too much time on their hands.. I use Dreamweaver to do the HTML for me. I don't see any shame in that. As for Microsoft Frontpage.. Eww! lol.. I can't work with that to make professional websites. Mostly because I have no experience with it.

Now, you should know HTML before you attempt to learn and use Dreamweaver; But I picked up HTML by working with Dreamweaver, and other WYSIWYG editors. I'd love to see one of your websites you made with notepad. I bet it's complete crap. To me, there's no point in making a whole website with no good editor.

Dreamweaver is not for people short of HTML skill, but for people who've mastered the art of HTML, and whom are ready to skip through the simple parts of creating a website. All while moving on to more complicated things that absolutely must be hard-coded; Such as PHP, PERL, Python, etc.

Don't come at me with these ignorant posts..
Apr 28, 2005
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FrontPage, Dreamweaver etc etc are just bunch of crap for those who can't code their HTML correctly.
Alright, you go take two minutes manually write up some HTML code to organize data and display it in a table. I'll just click a few buttons and get the same result in 5 seconds. Oh, the table's position is off a little. You go in and fine tune the position using numbers, I'll use a WYSIWYG interface and move it around until it's exactly like I want it.

I'm sure you see my point.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 12, 2008
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Hard-coding HTML is for people with too much time on their hands.. I use Dreamweaver to do the HTML for me. I don't see any shame in that. As for Microsoft Frontpage.. Eww! lol.. I can't work with that to make professional websites. Mostly because I have no experience with it.

Now, you should know HTML before you attempt to learn and use Dreamweaver; But I picked up HTML by working with Dreamweaver, and other WYSIWYG editors. I'd love to see one of your websites you made with notepad. I bet it's complete crap. To me, there's no point in making a whole website with no good editor.

Dreamweaver is not for people short of HTML skill, but for people who've mastered the art of HTML, and whom are ready to skip through the simple parts of creating a website. All while moving on to more complicated things that absolutely must be hard-coded; Such as PHP, PERL, Python, etc.

Don't come at me with these ignorant posts..

If what you are implying is that you should not use Dreamweaver if you don't know anything about HTML you're wayyy wrong.
Dreamweaver is for the people willing to learn how to edit and "create" HTML, PHP, PERL, ect...
It is also for people who know everything about HTML, PHP, and others.
When I first started web designing I used Dreamweaver and Frontpage. That same day I did realize that Dreamweaver is a bit better (my opinion). Anyways my point is, I started with downloading pre-made web layouts and editing them using Dreamweaver. I had no idea what to do, but with dreamweaver you can edit the design itself instead of messing with the codes. When I highlighted stuff I would look at the codes section and see what part i was editing. Soon after I learned how to edit the codes and it was "quicker" in a sense. When you learn to edit layouts then it becomes a lot easier to make a web layout.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 12, 2008
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Are you really saying that your website is 100% coded with notepad?
Super Mexican
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I use notepad ++ also. It's freaking awesome.
This program is okay, but its pretty useless, considering theres things like Notepad++ and MS FrontPage.
But good job on it!
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 12, 2008
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Well nice job then.
I don't use Notepad++
I'll download it and see if it is any good..

Edit: LMFAO! Notepad++ is like a mini version of Frontpage.
Sep 10, 2006
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notepad++ is a light code editor with highlighting of several programming languages

frontpage is a stupid microsoft's wysiwyg editor which makes crappy code and has no highlighting at all

these two are COMPLETELY different applications.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 12, 2008
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you obviously didn't get what I was saying..whatever it doesn't matter...it would be a stupid argument.
Skilled Illusionist
Dec 7, 2007
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i would never use any html editor wether it be notepad++, frontpage, dreamweaver or anything, i use notepad and thats it. and i can still make some good lookign websites.
Skilled Illusionist
Dec 7, 2007
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Saving the html file is the easy part. now opening one to edit is a whole different story.