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[RELASE] Precompiled Need for Speed World - Soapbox - Server

Apr 29, 2015
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thanks released. please upload the match client///
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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thanks released. please upload the match client///

The link is in the tutorial open the spoiler in the post.
Step 10. Client. you can use that; that will install and download for you.
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cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Indeed XD. Understatement XD But we have no other solution yet...

As i said there is a newer version repo on github that is C# but i do not know how that works

Its based on .net core 3.0 which is also outdated. Current is .net core 6.
Will try to check it out tomorrow as its almost 11 pm here and i have to get up at 6 am :D:

Just peeked in a bit and it seems to be a full server. Dunno if it needs any 3rd party stuff but we will see. So far it seems very complicated as i already did own client/server game templates which only use 5 small scripts and work smooth :D:

When i see this:
 RuleFor(vm => vm.Email).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Email must not be empty").EmailAddress()
                .WithMessage("Email must be valid");
            RuleFor(vm => vm.Password).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Password must not be empty");
I could puke. This is a single thing in an extra class instead of doing this in the class it belongs, they did a whole class file for it.
So roadmap for me tomorrow:

1. clone git.
2. check for errors.
3. try to build
4. if it works -> clean up code ...
5. test

Will tell when im at point 4 :D:
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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I am eager to see this, please keep us updated :D I would like to look into a a server that is not based on that crap Java XD
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Current status:

Cloned successfully.
Opened solution file in Visual Studio 2022 showing a problem with 3rd party things:

Fehler NU1101 Das Paket "VaultLib.CodeGen" wurde nicht gefunden. Es sind keine Pakete mit dieser ID in folgenden Quellen vorhanden: Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org SBRW.GameServer K:\Server\Soapbox\GameServer\SBRW.GameServer\SBRW.GameServer.csproj 1

(Translated: Its missing the VaultLib.CodeGen pack from nuget)

Fehler NU1202 Das Paket VaultLib.Support.World 1.2.0 ist nicht mit netcoreapp3.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0) kompatibel. Paket VaultLib.Support.World 1.2.0 unterstützt Folgendes: netcoreapp3.1 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1) Victory K:\Server\Soapbox\GameServer\Victory\Victory.csproj 1

(Translated: The version of the lib is not compatible with old .NETcore 3.0 apps).

Will try to fix it anyhow, but i dont know if it will success. Maybe by bringing up a windows VM (i use linux only as os) and install old Visual Studio version with full 3.0 support and try to upgrade the code step by step.

Will report when i find a solution :D:
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Just tested, there is a Christmas Scenery; you just need to edit soapbox->parameter and change this two parameters:


And ingame every building will have christmas lights ect...
Aug 14, 2009
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Just tested this and.. Its not working.

After installation of openfire and login I get:
Admin console listening at
Successfully loaded plugin 'admin'.
Missing database schema for openfire. Attempting to install...
Admin console listening at
Exception in thread "Thread-18" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.privacy.PrivacyListManager.<init>(PrivacyListManager.java:41)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.privacy.PrivacyListManager.<clinit>(PrivacyListManager.java:38)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.handler.IQPrivacyHandler.<init>(IQPrivacyHandler.java:49)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:490)
at java.base/java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:584)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer.loadModule(XMPPServer.java:829)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer.loadModules(XMPPServer.java:795)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer.access$400(XMPPServer.java:168)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer$1.run(XMPPServer.java:643)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.privacy.PrivacyListProvider.loadDatabaseContainsPrivacyLists(PrivacyListProvider.java:389)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.privacy.PrivacyListProvider.<init>(PrivacyListProvider.java:97)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.privacy.PrivacyListProvider.<clinit>(PrivacyListProvider.java:44)
... 12 more
Successfully loaded plugin 'nonsaslauthentication'.
An exception occurred while loading plugin 'search':
Successfully loaded plugin 'restapi'.
Finished processing all plugins.

During the install process it asks for an admin password. It says default is "admin" but its not working until I create a user in openfire -> ofuser named admin.

Will try to fix it anyhow, but i dont know if it will success. Maybe by bringing up a windows VM (i use linux only as os) and install old Visual Studio version with full 3.0 support and try to upgrade the code step by step.

Will report when i find a solution :D:

No idea why you need "an old VS version". Just download the project from github, merged the solution with this one BOOM PROFIT!

Aerbtox - [RELASE] Precompiled Need for Speed World - Soapbox - Server - RaGEZONE Forums


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Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Just tested this and.. Its not working.

Mine do, i did installed it to three separate envrionment including win8.1/10 and server 2012r2....
Lets roll back to the first step... Seeing your log.... you did installed openfire correctly? My guess is no. I mean you are using what envrionment like windows or mysql version? Your default user is admin but the password should been asked during installation... its not admin-admin it was worked for me, but the correct openfire install steps are:

1. start with sbrwopenfirelauncher.bat
2. Open browser at and select English(or whatever)
3. Set parameters:
-> XMPP Domain Name it your server IP address
-> Server Host Name (FQDN): same, your server IP address.
4. Standard Database Connection
5. pick database - MYsql Paste the srting from tutorial to Database URL:
The driver should be: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
The username and password in this page is for the database from mysql.
6. Profile Settings - > Default
7. Add admin email and set the password.

NOW you should able to login with
User: admin
Password: That you created at step 7
Aug 14, 2009
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Yes. Exactly how you described it above / in your main post.

Your default user is admin but the password should been asked during installation... its not admin-admin

Also no. During the installation, openfire asks you to enter the current admin password. And in the description it says: if this is your first installation the default is user admin pass admin.
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
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No idea why you need "an old VS version". Just download the project from github, merged the solution with this one BOOM PROFIT!

Aerbtox - [RELASE] Precompiled Need for Speed World - Soapbox - Server - RaGEZONE Forums

And what the hell is the stuff in your picture ? I just have the github stuff.

Oh and i need another Visual Studio because mine is installed on linux fully configured for using with Unity. but without any windows SDK and such installed (using mono only) which i dont want to change in any way :D:

Btw found the needed nuget packs (VaultLib.Core.1.2.0 VaultLib.LegacyBase.1.2.0 and VaultLib.ModernBase.1.2.0) already on another github repo. Compiled them without errors and will test if they work for the solution in any way. What i try to avoid is using any dll files that i didnt compiled on my own so i can change whatever i want (mainly for cleaning up this mess of code).

By looking at the code i have seen some classes that should be merged. Also it seems they didnt really care about encrypting pakets a secure way.


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Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Also no. During the installation, openfire asks you to enter the current admin password. And in the description it says: if this is your first installation the default is user admin pass admin.

Also, yes,since this is a custom build openfire it WILL ask your password if you are doing as it has been written. Check my step 7 that should occour. :\ I did NEVER EVER used admin-admin if you are doing as i wrote above... it will be admin/selected pass
Aug 14, 2009
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And what the hell is the stuff in your picture ? I just have the github stuff.

The image contains the binaries compiled by me just a few moments ago from this soapbox project linked above. (It literally took 2 minutes to get it to compile if you know what you're doing..) Outlining its as simple as doing the following to get it to compile:

Download the project from git, discover its missing a nuget package, If you then search for the missing package you eventually end up on this repo: . You then go back a few commit until you arrive to this where VaultLib.CodeGen exists. Then download -> add all projects to the solution of the server. And add all dependencies to the soapbox project. Finished. The server now compiles without issues.

Also, yes,since this is a custom build openfire it WILL ask your password if you are doing as it has been written. Check my step 7 that should occour. :\ I did NEVER EVER used admin-admin if you are doing as i wrote above... it will be admin/selected pass
It does Yes. BUT it also asks for the current password (which I didn't know, nor did I had openfire installed before!) as you can also see in the description above it says: "default password would be admin":

Flyer8472 - [RELASE] Precompiled Need for Speed World - Soapbox - Server - RaGEZONE Forums
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Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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If the current password is asked it means that you need to erase the existing database and create a new one; then it WILL NOT ASK it

I ran ito this once, it indicates that there is an existing openfire database or a bad installation so you need to recreate the database.... Os select a new one in the sting and use that...

So in the jdbc sting use a new clean database like openfire2 or such but before that create it with utf8mb4 encoding...
Aug 14, 2009
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If the current password is asked it means that you need to erase the existing database and create a new one; then it WILL NOT ASK it

As I said.. No previous install. Newly created VM with fresh installed MySQL + the package you uploaded. Also as I said the database didn't even contain any users at all. I had to create one to progress through the installation dialogue.
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
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As I said.. No previous install. Newly created VM with fresh installed MySQL + the package you uploaded. Also as I said the database didn't even contain any users at all. I had to create one to progress through the installation dialogue.

IF you are - as you said- freshly installed as i wrote; your mysql then you need to create a root user.... why that passowrd is not good?! Use for database root - root pass for database... but yes it should work with other users also so whatever that part...

also this error only occours for me if there is only an existing database, so it could happened that it happened a refresh or such during installation IDK... If i had this problem all i did was erased the created db and created a new one. Nothing else i can say about this :\ The CURRENT PASSWORD FIELD *should* not appear :\
(Also if the vm is a new one use some better browser, better than default, i used chromium in my sdk but just an idea nothing else)

The rest i do not know why is this... i would like to create a portable version of this(Openfire and mysql) but since MYSQL8 needs legacy pass mode i did not bothered with that... it is better to install but it should have root with pass by default... it ASKS for it when you are installing. I mean for the password for root.

But it should work with any other user also, if you grant permissions to them...

OH! but if you are using other database than it called: openfire, then you need to edit the core yml settings too to make it connect to the database/openfire!!
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cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Thanks GigaToni :): I missed looking thru the branches to find the codegen class :D:
Im so into unity packs that i use github stuff just once a year.

Will try with this later, actually running an archeage server for some freinds and this takes up all my ressources of my main PC :D: