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[Release] 4.2-4.3 Source Code

Should I release Source Code 4.2 and 4.3? And why.

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Sep 7, 2011
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Enjoy. Votes are in favor for release.

Some tip.
Compile as Wikigames Release in order to not use the Authentification Server Binary.
Admin tool works as Debug mode.
Monitor tool works as Release and Debugging mode.
Many backdoor have been taken out. You have many new features and also an autoban for hackers. Really works, Many have tested it. So you don't need to add a hackshield on client side.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 1, 2014
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Re: Read carefully!

I think you dont need to make a vote because ragezone is a sharing community and even if im not interested in this game (just found this thread "accidently") there will always be people who you can help by releasing your stuff. Thats the main aspect of this forum i think and you often see people who dont share their work so it would be very kind of you to share your work with the others.

Apr 12, 2013
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Re: Read carefully!

I think t would be a next step, of course there are some "newbies" who are always asking because they are to lazy to use the search function or google and of course there will be a bunch of new "newbie" servers (i think you will understand what i mean), but maybe there will come at least one or two servers with really new features, so there isn't always the QQing about stealing stuff etc.
I'm pearsonally not really interested in EP 4.2 Source because i got some other Source Code of Ace Online, but maybe it would be a good decision to release it. In the end we will see it if it was good or not^^
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Oct 15, 2011
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Re: Read carefully!

for myself, useless that u open a vote... release it or not, in the end its up TO YOU, even if there are (for example) "20 yes, release, 2 no dont release".... in the end the descission is up to you, u also could say to yourself "ok, cause of these 2 no i wont release".... so its pretty useless to vote for it.... but thats only my part what i think ;-)
Jan 22, 2009
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Re: Read carefully!

Release the source code and I'll give you a kiss. :)

If you release the source code, you will give the opportunity to everyone (those who are not leechers), to develop the server itself. Opening doors for all areas (programmer, artists and others). I need the source code of the Client to translate the game. Unfortunately the game only works with strings in headers (source).

There are several reasons to give you, but in your opinion is if you want to release the source code.

Thank you.
Dec 3, 2011
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Re: Read carefully!

He only has server sided code anyway...
If you failed at completing your own 4.2 code from the released parts (like I did), it would help.
But hell no, if this starts another wave of AO servers, making the game completely uninteresting
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2011
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Re: Read carefully!

I have source code ep4.x but not sure because I have not fully received from friends and do not know much about programming, I can upload up to experts like everyone to discover...... :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 18, 2012
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Re: Read carefully!

i think this will be good for someones, how already have the source will vote "no", who dont hace source will vote "yes" and ppl how make servers for fun. but the problem is that many thread like "i have and error while compile the server",or "what program can compile this source" or something like that, cause this community just wait for "releases" to use then, i see many server with some CMS from skyfgther, with no chances, just edit config to run with this DB, many new server who only wich gain money from donate, and the servers are the sames,

so, i say, yes release the source, for someones will be good, for others no, someones have already the source, and naturaly don´t like who otherones have it.

but this will no change anything, just new or older server (with ep 3.5 releases some time ago from TTlove or something like that i dont remember) will be more customs, in some case,if server owners know how to program it, this will be good for players, and a servers diversity will appear. or maybe no, just the same compiled server from your release,.

so, if you wish release it, this will be good for this community but as ever, will be dead some time after, or i don´t know, im drunk :b . so release it.

best regards .. ME :v and my f****king english it´s bad, but i think i explain somethings clearly to understand.

Release the source code and I'll give you a kiss. :)

If you release the source code, you will give the opportunity to everyone (those who are not leechers), to develop the server itself. Opening doors for all areas (programmer, artists and others). I need the source code of the Client to translate the game. Unfortunately the game only works with strings in headers (source).

There are several reasons to give you, but in your opinion is if you want to release the source code.

Thank you.

i´m with you, server owners need to customs they servers, translate clients to another language, or visual effects. like diferent text found, new colors ,etc.

but as someones say, that there is just server side, the is´nt client source, well i dont know much about this, but if he release it, will bw good for server owner tha will make more funn servers. i thingh :D

But hell no, if this starts another wave of AO servers, making the game completely uninteresting

it´s good new servers with new ideas, the game turn uninteresting cause ppl don´t like the same server, they wish something new, and just 2 or 3 server can do it. for example, someone open a new server with 3.5 files. thay have 3 opcions, 1. make a "normal" server, like level up, low rate exp., 2. full pvp, they get 110 level, no missions, just go to war, or a "hybrid server" give some level and after they have to go level, they have to farm to get items, like normals server but more "easy", en case 1. no much ppl like that, if they found this kind of Pserver, i thing will be more good be on a oficial server, cause in my case, i search a Pserver, for fun, war, sp ms, etc. and no stay hourser on maps farming exp, the 2°, sometimes is borring cause, just stay hours on lab looking for good fixes, but during a war, you dead by 1 hit from donators, this turn borring and ppl go from server eventualy. the case 3 is sometimes the best way, user will have something to do, in case that there isn´t war or any event .

so. if this start a wave of custom AO servers, with diferents events, and other things will be good for players that wants to leave officials server, to have some time of fun.
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Oct 15, 2011
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Re: Read carefully!

no way dude dont relase :))

and u voted "yes"..... gg dude..... (no comment)

well, i dont vote, all is written by some user....

- this will change alot of things
- new ace server will open (and we know those servers who started, even without the source, they are dead 1-2 month after they were up)
- alot dont know wgat the SC is / how to edit and they will give up "befor" u release (if u would do)
- (.....) i could go on but i will stop it here
Skilled Illusionist
Aug 24, 2011
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Re: Read carefully!

=Kasistar;8178254]and u voted "yes"..... gg dude..... (no comment)

well, i dont vote, all is written by some user....

- this will change alot of things
- new ace server will open (and we know those servers who started, even without the source, they are dead 1-2 month after they were up)
- alot dont know wgat the SC is / how to edit and they will give up "befor" u release (if u would do)
- (.....) i could go on but i will stop it here
for ur knowlege i already have the source code 4.2-4.3
// and mihai :"aka"darkmandosa": dont relase man>>>>
You got reported! :o
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: Read carefully!

i dont care if u have it or not..... i only tell FACTS....

fact 1 u say DONT release...
fact 2 u voted for release...

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 19, 2006
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Re: Read carefully!

Honestly, at this point I don't see why not.

With the popularity of this game at such a small number anymore. it really shouldn't matter, if you want to get players back in this game. your going to start doing things like this and hoping someone can do something that can draw players back in. Now I know we really can't do huge changes that would draw in ALOT of players without client source code but still it would be nice for maybe those few new devs to the game that are just picking up the game just to help out and have no connections with some of the more well known devs here and would help get them started. I mean you never know what may come out of this.

I mean honestly, if you really want to know why this game is going to poop. Its because all the players leave the game because either the main server goes cash shop crazy, so they jump to a PServer. The pserver they're on gets hacked or goes down so they go to another, And from there its just rinse and repeat cause everyone has always been all butt hurt about their special files. But when things seem to get released. The games come back again for some strange reason. Mostly cause there is a lot more serves so all those players can find that one server they like that isn;t like the rest. Then some others copy it, make some better poop and so on. But long story short, keeping files back and arguing over them has ruined this community and possible the entire Pserver player base of this game, within my 20 person brig that I held over 6 servers. I know for a fact that 10+ of them quit the game completely just due to servers bickering and hacking each other.

~Note~ NOTHING I SAY ABOVE IS RELIVANT TO CUSTOM CODED CLIENTS/SERVER MODS/CUSTOM CODE! I see that as something that SHOULD be kept back as it is COMPLETELY different from having just another server and working on it your self. as anyone can put up a server and run it. But if you have custom things that you have coded( Custom maps, Clients, Working Client mods, Server mods/Protection, Etc. ) Then that's all yours and no one else should have rights to it unless you are personally just feeling generous or was paid to release it to them. i am only talking about BASE code/Server files/Clients NOTHING custom.

On that note, To anyone objecting this server code release. Think of it like this.
Most pservers that are going to be poop, wont use this. As half of them will be " OMG IT WON"T COMPILE. FILES BAD." While the actually devs who can use it can do some nice changes to it and maybe make a smoother, better server with it.

Think of it like building a computer. Lazy/Dumb ones would rather have it completed for them cause they know nothing and the other will know what they're doing and can complete it them selves.

In more detail,there is going to be the dumb asses that will think they know what they're doing until they realize that they don't and screw everything up and have no clue how to do anything related to that sort Then they will just start begging for someone to compile it or just give up completely and go back to 3.5 or what ever is currently released

Where you going to have the people who actually either know what they're doing or are going to take the time to learn what to do just by working with it and learning what to do, step by step trying to get better at it. THEY will be the ones actually using the code, Not the dumb assed crappy server owners that have no clue what they are doing. and THEY will run proper servers, and if they come across a problem I'm 90% sure they will give the effort to try and learn how to fix it even if they don't know how.


Server populations are screwed for this game due to server bickering.
Releasing server is a step in the good direction for helping new dev's and old that was waiting on this.
Stupid players/owners won't get anything off of it. Anyone that isn't lazy will actually benefit off of it.
Releasing this and maybe if someone wants to release a compatible client code could bring more players back into the pserver community with decent custom content as long as server owner wars don't duck it up again.
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Read carefully!

If this forum was actually focused on game development I would say, why not release it?

However, most people here are not developers, therefore, they are unable to contribute. Instead, leechers make developers sick of this place... This is why you won't see me active anymore after all. So, as long as spam and annoyance by leechers is allowed and tolerated by this community, releasing anything will only attract more leechers while making developers go away... It will also increase the amount of useless and pointless posts, such as questions that have been answered multiple times already. In fact, this has already happened.

Seriously, there should be a "Help for Noobs" section here, most threads would fit it. Because, guess what, I am a developer and I simply do not want to see that kind of threads. Moreover, developers will prefer to contribute somewhere where their work is at least appreciated, so I don't think they will contribute here. All in all, releasing anything will not benefit the RZ community but individuals who make their own teams and do not release their work here.

If I were you and felt generous, I would instead make my own forum with my own rules and release stuff there, for developers only. I am pretty sure that with the right rules you can keep a forum clean; yet nobody seems to care. Makes sense, since the purpose of this forum is attracting new people, rules cannot be strict. But if I had my own forum for game development I wouldn't care about how many people visit it; I would only care about whether they can make any development.

On a side note, I appeared here and people start spamming my inbox again... Seriously, you need to solve your problems on your own. If you want me to solve your problems, you will have to pay me, this is how it works.
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 10, 2008
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Re: Read carefully!

i say yes for the minority of dev who can maybe made some proof of there skill with these files.

most people enough skill to work with that already have those files. but it's can may be attract some new people, who will wish to work on some more ambitious project than just compile some bin from a source code.
so share it and see, in the baddest way you will be spam of pm from people that don't understand how to start vs, in the better way we will ee some new dev skilled helping to improve the server and may be a day the client.
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Read carefully!

My point was that, since nobody really keeps this place clean, we should probably expect the worst scenario... If you think about it you will notice there has been no important activity in the development section lately. This seems to back up my point.

So my question is, why feed something that isn't working?
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 10, 2008
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Re: Read carefully!

major rules infraction are cleaned, now the real problem i a part of help asking people don't take time to search before ask something, may be made a new "must be read" with last answer can be an idea to avoid to see these thread or a new good justification to delete them, I will start that and see if the section become cleaner I will ask to my superior for a small change of the sub forum structure too. after just for knowledge of all ace online is not the worst section at all my work is minor (some post to delete some time, if one of my superior don't do that before me like in this thread ^^)

by the way, Pankj your ask i listened, for the rest I have speak with you about my think.
Now warOnline you can do what you want this thread don't have more reason to stay open more than 24h more, I will close this one in 24h so if you wish to share don't ask and do if you don't wish this thread don't have reason to be here that all.

hope to see some new interesting and interested people if source code is shared else my hope stay same ^^
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Oct 15, 2011
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Re: Read carefully!

(...) so if you wish to share don't ask and do (...)

(...) in the end its up TO YOU (...) so its pretty useless to vote for it.... but thats only my part what i think ;-)

but at all....
- share and u will see if there are real ace servers and u might get competition... (but there are some who would stop these)
- share and your server might lose player also
- dont share and u see that servers come and go, only "real" servers will stay online (with or without the SC.... example sky shadow, dark rivals etc.... DEAD)
- dont share and u will see that alot will flame you, other will like you (thats live)

enjoy my 2 pro and 2 contra ;-)


i wont vote cause in my eyes this threat is useless
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