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[Release] BombGame (Server, Web & Database)

Junior Spellweaver
Mar 26, 2011
Reaction score

Chave key mega=> ( !dFGYPKoi272wP3x-ppLf0tKG-1Usacvat1l01QhAwZI )

Password files RageZone

only need a client compatible

unfortunately I can not find the client.
i'm reliving this post, hoping that someone can to try again to play with this server.

credit ragzone think i

BombGame20031216.exe more all link died

which contains the archives >>>

[RAGEZONE.com] bombgame setup :: ENGLISH :: public release v1.0 by MentaL dan@ragezone.com
if you cannot understand what i say, then sorry, im rushing this little tutorial....




part a
====step 1:-

restoring the database........

- go to enterprise manager, databases and create a new database called BombGame
- right click the BombGame database and choose all tasks restore database
- tick from device, select device, add , in filename locate the bak file which is in server/data/ known as RZbackup.bak
- ok that then and choose options tab , edit the locations of the log files if need be, and you may want to tick force restore incase
you get any errors!
- once thats done then all should be ok... u got yourself one database........

====step 2:-

creating the odbc

- go to control panel, administrative tools, datasources, and click the system dsn tab
- click add, scroll down choose sql server, name "BombGame", description "anything", server "(local)", click next
- leave the next screen as it is, click next
- tick- change default database and select from dropdown "bombgame", click next, next again, click finish, woola!!!

now.. thats the main stage done, ok now im not good at writing setup guides, since the fact ive been rushing to get this project
100% working and ive had no help what so ever in doing so so , be patient if you dont understand what i say!!! besides, use the RZ
forum, thats what its there for.......................

part b
====step 1:-

Setting up the bastard webserver with ASP support! when i created mine, i used a simple webserver, known as abyss, its a simple
webserver, runs on low resources and does EXACTLY what we need it to do, btw make sure u use the latest version, old versions
like exploitable to hell........


Install and set it up!! but w8, its not that simple, we need active HTML extensions!!! this part is a LITTLE tricky but be patient
it will be all worth it in the end.. if your bored then feel free to make a cup of tea while in the processesseseses of setting up
the asp... anyways..

Follow the instructions on this webpage :
this will tell you how to install the active HTML (ASP) so its readable through a webserver, once that is done...... WELL DONE!!
Serious, the shit u gotta do to get a server running, takes the piss a bit dont it!!!

====step 2:-

ok now listen to me carefully, in the server there is a rar file called WEBSITE , you need latest version of winrar to extract it
so go to rarlabs.com and install winrar and then open the rar file and extract the files into the default abyss webserver page reading
file thingy.. which is

C:\Program Files\Abyss Web Server\htdocs

basically htdocs is whats accessable when you try to access the website say via ... anyways... once that is done do the
following, go to ... (btw this all was written for default locations so if you aint using default, oh well.. tuff lol)

C:\Program Files\Abyss Web Server\htdocs\common\

and open the following filename BombConnDB.asp in wordpad or notepad, either one , notice the..
DBCon.Open ("dsn=BombGame;User ID=sa;Password=radio")

Basically the dsn is the system dsn we made earlyr the ID and PASS is the master SQL id and pass which we can make, so lets do so know
if you have a default SQL id and pass then edit it with your id and pass (ID: sa is usually default, radio is just a SQL pass i use for

go to sql enterprise, security, double click logins, right click and choose new login, put name as "sabomb",
click sql authentication and choose your pass, lets say .. "sabomb123" (make sure database is master),click server
roll tab and tick system adminstrator, then click database access tab, then tick all the databases in there and then
click the databases and make sure that public and db_owner are ticked. DONE!!

now we edit DBCon.Open ("dsn=BombGame;User ID=sa;Password=radio") to... (depending on if you used the id and pass i said)

DBCon.Open ("dsn=BombGame;User ID=sabomb;Password=sabomb123")

bet your glad i wrote this know aint yah. lol me too!! ide prob forget..... they dont call me mental for nothing ~_0.. anyways..

---------- so what we done so far? -----------

at the moment we have....... imported the databases! , created the system DSNs , setup the webserver!, extracted the website!,
created an SQL user, edited the default SQL information for website.......

Doing well!

---------- does the website work? ------------

Ok now, run abyss webserver and once done , access the following URL in your webbrowser!

If you see it , perfectly, within colour no errors, WELL DONE! you have the website running so far without a hitch! now next step!

part c

====step 1:-

creating an account through the website!!

by the time ive written this there is a good chance ive edited some stuff for the initial release so it may SLIGHTLY differ from
how ive written it here, doesnt matter... anyways..

at the navagation bar up the top you should see

"main" - "notice" - "ragezone" - "ranking" - "bbs" - "account"

Now click account!!

once loaded you should see

Account ID: *your unique account id*
Password: *your account password*
Secret Question: *when needing account support, adminstration will give you this question to vertify this is your account*
Secret Answer: *then give this answer*
Email: *your email address*
Recieve admin emails: *self explanitory*

Adreess: *removed*
AIN: *removed*

Now fill this IN!!!! congrats, you have made an account (hopefully!!!) Now you can login and out with this....

====step 2:-

getting administration rights................

go to /website/admin/admin_head.asp and open it within a notepad or wordpad and look for..

if (bomb_id = "mental" or bomb_id = "mental" or bomb_id = "mental") then

Edit mental with your account id you created, now you have adminstration rights..... which is accessable via website /admin/

How far ive got atm .. lol
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Re: [release]BombGame+server+web+db

I Am NoLimiT nowadays you do not think much information but I think it would be this here here have any img
Re: [release]BombGame+server+web+db

can not download the client it needs to long
This is BombGame or Bomberman Online (more know as BMO)?
Since as I know, BombGame and Bomberman Online are different games and you screens are from Bomberman Online.

Played Bomberman Online on the past, super fun I have to say (always loved BomberMan tittles), maybe got a client laying around on old HDD..

PS: This is the only BMO server that is online.
Client ins't update from a lot of time, can be compatible, maybe.
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This is BombGame or Bomberman Online (more know as BMO)?
Since as I know, BombGame and Bomberman Online are different games and you screens are from Bomberman Online.

Played Bomberman Online on the past, super fun I have to say (always loved BomberMan tittles), maybe got a client laying around on old HDD..

PS: This is the only BMO server that is online.
Client ins't update from a lot of time, can be compatible, maybe.

I agree let's hope that someone might try to edit some other client and make relive this topic.

It would be similar to online Bomberman and are totally different as you mentioned warns

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