• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[RELEASE] Demonic Conquer

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Wait dont go on yet i need to setup hamachi servers

Ok you can log in now

OMFG something went wrong i need to close server for a while.

ok servers up now please i need more players

Cmon no-one is coming online? please people come online this is the first private server i made except for runescape but thats sooo easy

[mod]Learn to use the edit button instead of posting 5 times in a row.

- Ron[/mod]
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i will what i have to do?

ok i download now what plz iam newb on conquer but expert on runescape coding!

[mod]Don't double post. Use the edit button.

- Ron[/mod]
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i use hamachi becuase im on a router and if i dont use hamachi it wont work and anyway i was sleeping while you were trying to get on. server is up now get on while you can! follow my tutorial at the top of the page to get on my server.

ok i download now what plz iam newb on conquer but expert on runescape coding!

When you downloaded client open the folder where you extracted it. then in that folder find Server.dat then right click and click edit then just do what i said above

[mod]Don't double post. Use the edit button.

- Ron[/mod]
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ok i did all that can u tell me ur gmt when ur gonna be on and off plz cause now i cant log in i have hamachi working but said error conection it might be cogestion

can u create a account i cant log in!!!

dam keep saying failing due to server maitenance is it on? and what do i dpo with hamachi i have demonic conquer1 and it said demonicscape and so muhc more crap

[mod]Don't double or even triple post. Use the edit button.

- Ron[/mod]
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did you try and connect with your own username and password? if you did then you done it wrong... add me on msn and tell me what you want your username and password to be see if it works.

Email me on: removed

just add me on msn

[mod]Don't double post. Use the edit button

- Ron[/mod]
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hey i added u in msn and i tried lggin in and still couldnt get on o i tried at 8:32 pm central maybe u are sleeping at that time lol o well
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