[Release] Editing Chars Starting Values

So, if someone come in here and says..

[Realese] Spam post

Hey I'm spamming..

It's a release too...

I dont see how this is so hard to understand....did u pass the 5th grade?:drinks_no

If this was a guide, i would go in depth explaining how to edit these stats, where to find them, how to save them, ect.

This is a RELEASE, im releasing WHERE the info can be found, and im releasing WHAT the info is.

My post is NOT spam, neither does it have anything to DO with spam, so idk where ur gettin that from...

Now please, if all your here to do is flame, gtfo.

I dont see how this is so hard to understand....did u pass the 5th grade?:drinks_no

If this was a guide, i would go in depth explaining how to edit these stats, where to find them, how to save them, ect.

This is a RELEASE, im releasing WHERE the info can be found, and im releasing WHAT the info is.

My post is NOT spam, neither does it have anything to DO with spam, so idk where ur gettin that from...

Now please, if all your here to do is flame, gtfo.


It's not spam, it was an example..

This is just a waste of bandiwth.
It's not spam, it was an example..

This is just a waste of bandiwth.

You think just because you know this, everyone else in the forums does? This may be a waste to you, because u already know it, but its probably helped a lot of people who DIDNT know where to edit these things.

Seriously, if ur just gunna flame for post count, gtfo.
You think just because you know this, everyone else in the forums does? This may be a waste to you, because u already know it, but its probably helped a lot of people who DIDNT know where to edit these things.

Seriously, if ur just gunna flame for post count, gtfo.

I don't need nor care about post count..

And, if ppl just read another of the 300 post out there, they could realise this, basically, it's just lazyness.
// ret.map = ChannelServer.getInstance(client.getChannel()).get MapFactory().getMap(0); // Starting map

Thats wrong :) Starting map is the one you see below that. As you can see that function is commented, meaning it has no effect. IM not being flameful, im just saying that :p

All wrong, I agree with the part that its commented and it dosent have effect, But!, The Map Value is Null because in MySQL, the column Map's Default value is 0, I THINK im 90% right, Im just saying, not flaming or anything
All wrong, I agree with the part that its commented and it dosent have effect, But!, The Map Value is Null because in MySQL, the column Map's Default value is 0, I THINK im 90% right, Im just saying, not flaming or anything

Good job bumping a more then a month old thread. NO BUMPING OLD THREADS.
There's a post of this in the guide section (this is for the people who WANT to post next time) So don't post here post it in the guide one
srry if this is bumping but, starting map thing:

  ret.map = null;
  // ret.map = ChannelServer.getInstance(client.getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(0);

check on MySQL,
see the default value for 'map', isnt that it..?
just change the '0' to '100000000' for example to start at henesys?

edit : srry, just saw superdodo12's post... >-<
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Hmm yea.

I have'nt checked, but i bet that map = null, because it would take the DB value, so yeah, only changing the db would do the work and would be a lot easier :/