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[Release] IGCN Season 9.5 (src-x9.5 SRC (April/2016)

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Loyal Member
Apr 6, 2007
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People pmease don't be lazy; use your brains and common sense; and please READ back before asking its fourth or fifth time someone ask for the 'server full' thingy. READ WHOLE TOPIC FROM PAGE 1.

Skilled Illusionist
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
MachineIDConnectionLimitCount    = 2
This does not have to be with my problem, this line I know is to limit the number of accounts to log in the same ip. Even though I increase the value in this line, the problem still continues.

Log on to the server and ask another staff to log in as well you will know the real problem I am reporting.
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 11, 2016
Reaction score
This does not have to be with my problem, this line I know is to limit the number of accounts to log in the same ip. Even though I increase the value in this line, the problem still continues.

Log on to the server and ask another staff to log in as well you will know the real problem I am reporting.

Really? HWID not the same as IP.
Skilled Illusionist
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Really? HWID not the same as IP.

Anyway, it does not matter if it is HWID or IP, because this is used to count the number of accounts that will be logged on the same machine, so it will not work ... the fact is that the server has this problem and I believe it is in the source and Not a configuration problem.

I ask you to do the test also because here I tested and even putting 2 or 1000 I still get the warning of server full. Remembering that this problem is happening for those who connect from different pc, then if they are managing to log 2, 10 account in the same machine that does not mean anything.
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 11, 2016
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You can limit connection to server in CS, DataServer and Game server, check those 3 places.


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2017
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I tried to run server on my pc and login in with 2 ac and it working NORMAL !

drakelv - [Release] IGCN Season 9.5  (src-x9.5 SRC (April/2016) - RaGEZONE Forums
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
The dark knight's skill has no animation
[Death Stab] & [Impale]
Is there anyone willing to fix them?
I know my English is poor, so I hope you to help me.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
This happens when I enter Loren Valley and Crywolf. Any solution, any help?

drakelv - [Release] IGCN Season 9.5  (src-x9.5 SRC (April/2016) - RaGEZONE Forums
This happens when I enter Loren Valley and Crywolf. Any solution, any help?


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
This happens when I enter Loren Valley and Crywolf. Any solution, any help?

This happens when I enter Loren Valley and Crywolf. Any solution, any help?[/QUOTE]

Check :
- IGC_MapServerInfo.xml
- IGC_ServerList.xml

And Start [B]GameServer_Siege[/B]
Newbie Spellweaver
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Check :
- IGC_MapServerInfo.xml
- IGC_ServerList.xml

And Start GameServer_Siege

It happened suddenly. Before it worked 100%, now give this error ... I checked the- IGC_MapServerInfo.xml- IGC_ServerList.xmlI got no results.
Don't be a hater
Loyal Member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
It happened suddenly. Before it worked 100%, now give this error ... I checked the- IGC_MapServerInfo.xml- IGC_ServerList.xmlI got no results.

Ports open ?


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
It happened suddenly. Before it worked 100%, now give this error ... I checked the- IGC_MapServerInfo.xml- IGC_ServerList.xmlI got no results.

You can take pictures when connect servers on error?
And post the contents of a file 2 IGC_MapServerInfo.xml - IGC_ServerList.xml?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 18, 2014
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- // ============================================================// == INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK// == www.igc-network.com// == (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R)// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// == Modify if you know what you do only!// == File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files.// ============================================================//// ### ServerList::Server ###//    Code: Code of Server//    IP: WAN IP or DNS (hostname) for the Server, max 15 characters//    Port: PORT of the Server//    Visible: Hide server on Server Selection List or Show it, 0/1//    Name: Name of the Server, used for informational purpose only, max 40 alphanumerical characters//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//~~ Server Code for Battle Core server is unmodifiable and must be set to 120)//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~////    ~ IMPORTANT ~ Code, IP and Port must match \Data\MapServer.xml and GameServer.ini configuration//// STRICTLY NO COMMENTS INSIDE TAGS--><ServerList>    <Server Code="0"  IP="" Port="56900" Visible="1" Name="Regular" />    <Server Code="12" IP="" Port="56912" Visible="0" Name="Market" />    <Server Code="13" IP="" Port="56913" Visible="0" Name="Arca" />    <Server Code="14" IP="" Port="56914" Visible="0" Name="Siege" />    <Server Code="120" IP="" Port="56120" Visible="0" Name="BattleCore" /></ServerList>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- // ============================================================// == INTERNATIONAL GAMING CENTER NETWORK// == www.igc-network.com// == (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R)// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// == Modify if you know what you do only!// == File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files.// ============================================================//// ### MapServer::ServerInfo ### - each server added in this server must be referenced in MapServer::ServerMapping section//    Version: A version used to control Game Client versioning, same value must be configured in ServerInfo.bmd (use IGC.ToolKit to create it), format: n.nn.nn//    Serial: Sixteen (16) alphanumerical characters used for verification of Game Client validity, same value must be used in ServerInfo.bmd//// ### MapServer::ServerList ###//    Code: Unique code of server used to identity specific server. Values must match among IGC_ServerList.xml and every GameServer.ini//    Group: Group of servers, allowing to define a bunch of servers belonging to specified group. Moving between servers of different groups is not allowed, start value is 0//    Initiation: 1 ~ allows to move to any map which is located outside specified server, 0 ~ limits moves among maps defined within ServerMapping for the server//    IP: Address of the Server, WAN (External) address type for usual configuration type, allowed values: IP (version 4) or DNS Names - (maximum 15 characters)//    Port: Port of the server, value must match configuration of the server in IGC_ServerList.xml and GameServer.ini of the server//    Name: Name of the Server, used for in-file description purpose helping easier recognition of server//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//~~ Server Code for Battle Core server is unmodifiable and must be set to 120). Group should stay configured at 6//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//// ### MapServer::ServerMapping::Server ###//    Code: defines a Server of a specified code for which Mapping will be configured//    MoveAble: 1 ~ reserves a map for the server it is configured for, 0 ~ defines that the map does not exist on specific server//    MapNumber: Map number to configure mapping rules for//    DestServerCode: Tells to which Server code character should be moved to in case of a move request to configured map number, value -1 is used for server code the map exist on//                    In other meaning server cannot move character to itself, DestServerCode -1 value goes in pair with MoveAble value 1//    Name: Name of the Server, used for in-file description purpose helping easier recognition of server//// STRICTLY NO COMMENTS INSIDE TAGS--><MapServer> <ServerInfo Version="1.05.25" Serial="PoweredByIGCN800" /> <!-- Version Format: n.nn.nn, Serial format: 16 alphanumerical characters -->    <ServerList>        <Server Code="0"  Group="1" Initiation="1" IP="" Port="56900" Name="Regular" />        <Server Code="12" Group="1" Initiation="0" IP="" Port="56912" Name="Market" />        <Server Code="13" Group="1" Initiation="0" IP="" Port="56913" Name="Arca" />        <Server Code="14" Group="1" Initiation="0" IP="" Port="56914" Name="Siege" />        <Server Code="120" Group="6" Initiation="0" IP="" Port="56120" Name="BattleCore" />    </ServerList>        <ServerMapping>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular"/>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular"/>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular"/>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular"/>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular"/>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Regular"/>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Regular"/>        <Server Code="0"  MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Regular"/>    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market"/>        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market"/>        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market"/>        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market"/>        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market"/>        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Market"/>        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Market"/>        <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Market"/>    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca"/>        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca"/>        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca"/>        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca"/>        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca"/>        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Arca"/>        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Arca"/>        <Server Code="13" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Arca"/>    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Siege"/>        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Siege"/>        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Siege"/>        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Siege"/>        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Siege"/>        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Siege"/>        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Siege"/>        <Server Code="14" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Siege"/>    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>        <Server Code="120" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="-1" Name="BattleCore"/>    </ServerMapping></MapServer>

This is the Connect Server image after moving to the map...

drakelv - [Release] IGCN Season 9.5  (src-x9.5 SRC (April/2016) - RaGEZONE Forums
This is the Connect Server image after moving to the map


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
Download Attachments and test.

And maybe test with this server:


You must be registered for see attachments list
Newbie Spellweaver
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Download Attachments and test.

And maybe test with this server:

Thank you very much for the help and dedication to help my friend. I solved my problem by redoing the server more with the same files as before, because the link you submitted showed disconnect on the character screen. Thank you!

---------------- edit ------------------
Now it's the moves, all the maps that end in '' 3 '', will end in lorencia.
Ex: dungeon 3, aida 3, kanturu 3. Now the crywolf and crywolf 2 maps, do nothing
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
hola amigo alguien puede aportar las sources + sus librerias para visual studio 2010 sp1

Source and Lib on VS2015 and Only x64 system.
Fix code back ? Why not install VS2015 for fast :)

alguien me puede ayudar con esto cuando abro el main

Cannot find MSVCP100.dll .Please re-install this applicaion

You need install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package ! MSVCP100.dll =Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x64):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 RC (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 RC (x64):
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