
tested, it only warps you down, it dont give a ring or somethign :/

Its because the following command stopped you.

To fix this:
First you'll to put this in net.sf.odinms.scripting.npc.NPCConversationManager

public void playMusic(String music) {

There should not be a problem after you done this.
public void playMusic(String music) {
getPlayer().getMap().broadcastMessage(MaplePacketC reator.musicChange(music));

Um.. it's supposed to be maplepacketcreator right.. um that typo gave my compiling a problem for a while.. took me a few minutes to see that xD
Lol? Well good job on scripting the NPC's :).

It's a start.
This is only a mini wedding so the rings wern't gonna work anyway cause it should be a very long script or lots of scripts
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Nice release : D ~ added it straight away Lol ~ xD

What this does is that when you talk to Nancy she takes you're wedding ticket, warps you down and starts music/gives ring, clothing and sends out a message

PHP Code:
and it isnt a 'PHP Code' O_o

anyways, thanks.
