Newbie Spellweaver
Hey all!
This is not my release i just found on a forum some monster spawns that might help you.
if you don't know adding monsters to DB just read Ron's guide here
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This is not my release i just found on a forum some monster spawns that might help you.
if you don't know adding monsters to DB just read Ron's guide here
MONSTER Patrol, 60, 910, 3185
MONSTER Guard, 200, 900, 49930
MONSTER CopperGuard, 90, 920, 20000
MONSTER SilverGuard, 110, 920, 34895
MONSTER GoldGuard, 120, 920, 60000
MONSTER Pheasant, 1, 104, 33
MONSTER WingedSnake, 27, 203, 667
MONSTER WingedSnakeL28, 28, 603, 1334
MONSTER WingedSnakeKing, 27, 443, 38512
MONSTER Bandit, 32, 201, 817
MONSTER BanditL33, 33, 601, 2451
MONSTER BanditKing, 32, 241, 45000
MONSTER Ratling, 37, 202, 999
MONSTER RatMessenger, 37, 242, 2000
MONSTER FireRatL38, 38, 602, 2997
MONSTER MinMacaque, 47, 156, 1759
MONSTER Macaque, 47, 156, 2199
MONSTER MonkeyAide, 47, 196, 4400
MONSTER MonkeyMessenger, 47, 196, 4400
MONSTER MacaqueL48, 48, 556, 6506
MONSTER GiantApeL53, 53, 556, 7929
MONSTER GiantApe, 52, 156, 2643
MONSTER GiantApeKing, 52, 196, 17809
MONSTER GiantApeMsgr, 52, 196, 5300
MONSTER ElfApe, 52, 156, 2114
MONSTER RoaringApe, 55, 356, 2643
MONSTER SlowApe, 57, 103, 2036
MONSTER ThunderApe, 57, 103, 3184
MONSTER ThunderApeKing, 57, 103, 45000
MONSTER ThunderApeL58, 58, 503, 9552
MONSTER ThunderApeAide, 57, 103, 6300
MONSTER ThunderApeMsgr, 57, 103, 3984
MONSTER SnowApe, 60, 303, 3184
MONSTER Snakeman, 62, 204, 4771
MONSTER SnakeMonster, 62, 204, 3817
MONSTER SnakemanL63, 63, 604, 14313
MONSTER SnakemanKing, 62, 244, 45895
MONSTER SnakemanMsgr, 62, 244, 9500
MONSTER HeresySnakeman, 62, 404, 4771
MONSTER SnakemanAide, 62, 244, 9500
MONSTER HugeApe, 82, 156, 11673
MONSTER SeniorApe, 88, 103, 9686
MONSTER HawKing, 92, 205, 15432
MONSTER AlienApe, 92, 503, 15432
MONSTER HawkL93, 93, 605, 30864
MONSTER BanditL97, 97, 201, 20697
MONSTER RobberKing, 97, 241, 64698
MONSTER RobberAide, 97, 241, 39672
MONSTER RobberMessenger, 97, 241, 16338
MONSTER SeniorSnakeman, 97, 204, 20697
MONSTER Banditti, 98, 201, 40000
MONSTER BanditL98, 98, 601, 41394
MONSTER TombBat, 102, 206, 24472
MONSTER Serpent, 102, 404, 24472
MONSTER SeniorBandit, 103, 201, 10812
MONSTER FlyingBat, 105, 406, 24472
MONSTER FlyingBat, 105, 406, 24472
MONSTER SeniorSerpent, 107, 604, 28140
MONSTER BloodyBat, 107, 148, 28140
MONSTER VampireBat, 108, 148, 50000
MONSTER BloodyBatL108, 108, 548, 56280
MONSTER BloodyBatMsgr, 107, 188, 6637
MONSTER BloodyBatAide, 107, 188, 45950
MONSTER BloodyKing, 110, 348, 28140
MONSTER AlienSerpent, 112, 244, 34624
MONSTER Basilisk, 117, 244, 14596
MONSTER RedDevilL117, 117, 197, 60427
MONSTER BullMonster, 112, 117, 27309
MONSTER BullKing, 112, 117, 45893
MONSTER BullAide, 112, 117, 55000
MONSTER BullMessenger, 112, 117, 55000
MONSTER VampireKing, 113, 148, 26965
MONSTER BullMonsterL113, 113, 517, 65535
MONSTER BloodyDevil, 118, 197, 60000
MONSTER DevilKing, 120, 197, 45226
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